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June 2008 Contest Winner
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
Washington, USA
so I went to my friends birthday party. One of her presents was a tamagotchi. The case says V5, and i have a V5. But what else was on the case was that it was about celebritys papparazi, royal, stuff like that. That is different from the V5. It also had new features. Instead of medicine they had doctor. And they had different games also. More games actually. So I'm wondering if Bandai has come out with the V5.5, and not announced it yet.


Since February 2008, Bandai has been telling us there will be a V5 refresh coming by Fall 2008. (See this topic for more info about that: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=143748 ) (Actually a later press release mentioned the V5 refresh would begin shipping in July.) In late July 2008, the V5 refresh (commonly called the V5 Celebrity) was spotted in some stores in USA (and a little while after that in Canada.)

According to Bandai's distributor in Australia, the V5.5 will be released in asia / oceania (Australia) in October 2008. From what we can tell, the V5.5 will the same as the V5 refresh. So, based on this, we don't expect to see a product called the V5.5 in USA or Canada.

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ah ha!! that answers my question ^_^ i just bought a new one with a friend of mine cause i collect these things (mines the red and white one with the stars yay) they grow much faster, and the point system is different too.

I was at Target a few days ago, and saw the Tamagotchi V5's. They looked really confusing! It was labeled as V5 and I saw on the box something about Royalty and Celebrity stuff...

Does anyone know which one comes to Europe? v5.5 or Celebrity Familitchi or neither?!

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This is my Tamagotchi V5.5

I got it from Toys R'Us here in Singapore.

The shell design is Paparazzi. I think it's similar to the Celebrity edition? I dunno...haha

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