V5 Caring and Characters.


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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
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Ok, for the new V5, does it even matter if you take good care of your Tamagotchi? I mean, like if you do certain training it decides the outcome of your character, so does caring even matter anymore? Like, could I take perfect care of them, but don't do bonding... Would they turn out as bad characters?

Adults can become Ninja, Petite, and Large families, and neglect/other usually results in low-bondage characters.

I know that I am coming out of nowhere, but thos Tamgotci V5's have the same features as the others... Like your tamagotchis get jobs and go to school, ect... :eek:

No no, ok what I meant is like remember in V1, when how you took care of your character decided what it became?

Ok well on the V5, you know how theres bonding? Does that decide who you r character becomes, or does how you take care of it when its a teen and child also have anything to do with how it becomes an adult. SO... If I didnt use bonding when it was a teen or a child, but I took perfect care of it, would it still be a bad character when they evolved?

I think if you don't take care of your character, it might turn into a bad character. That's what happened to mine, they changed into ninjas. But then again, I did have 0% bonding.

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No no, ok what I meant is like remember in V1, when how you took care of your character decided what it became?
Ok well on the V5, you know how theres bonding? Does that decide who you r character becomes, or does how you take care of it when its a teen and child also have anything to do with how it becomes an adult. SO... If I didnt use bonding when it was a teen or a child, but I took perfect care of it, would it still be a bad character when they evolved?
Taking care and bonding in V5 kind of go hand in hand. Connecting a lot tends to raise bond without you noticing. Just taking good care, playing Shoe Pair and Golf Putt, and using the three items on a regular basis, as well as Family Training, you get good characters.

Also, teens are only affected by what training you use mostly. If you use mostly the first training item, you'll get Mamekatchi and Chamametchi, as well as the a random other teen.

chrism44, they do not have the same features as V4 and V4.5. They don't have jobs, school, skill points. Now they have bond, families, and activities instead.

I think that if you have a higher bondage, it will be the outcome of the characters. But if you take bad care of your family, then the will all turn into ninjas.

Someone? Do Tamgotchi v5 have the same features as the other like going to school and working? Cell hone and all... and what happens with the family when you connect to another tamgotchi?

Okay, you cant go to school, and you cant get a job. And when you connect to other tamagotchis, you play 2 games, randomly. You can play the piano, or bowling.

But can like your tamgotchi visit the other tamgotchis house or whatever... I heard that you can buy houses to is it true?

Yes. the training affects the adult outcome of your character. If you use the first icon most, you will probably get cahracters in the Smart Family except for the Youngest. Smar with the others

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