V5 email


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I e-mailed Bandai about the new V5 and this is what they e-mailed me back:

Thank you for interest in Tamagotchi Connection toys. We are still in many of the planning stages of a possible V5 so we don't have any firm details or release dates to give you. Check back with www.bandai.com for possible updates in the next few months.


Customer Service

Bandai America

Just thought you would like to know...

It must be hard doing all of that work!

'metchi ;)

Everyones dying to get a V5!
I know you probably mean "pretty much everyone" but since I just can't help it, I'd like to say that I really don't want one.

One password for the TamaEXPO website is 00033 71000. I found it on some other topic.

I just E-Mailed BanDai support asking about what they know about the FamiTama AKA: v.5

But I worded it differently :) Also I asked when the english version of the tamagotchi movie will come out. ;)

I think the little key thing is kind of cheesy looking. I wish they would get rid of all those little antenne things. I like the original Tamas better. They weren't all about getting married and shopping and stuff. >: (

If the new Tamas come out in January

that would be great! After all, my birthday

is in January! :(


I hope that they're still going to come out with 'em in January. I'd love to get one! If they're still in the planning stages then it might not come out Jan. Or it might come out late January. You never know.

The V5 is known as the FamiTama in Japan. It has been available in toy stores in Japan since November 23, 2007. It is not available yet as a "V5". Anyone with a V5, V6, V7, ... etc. at this point has a fake.
does that mean the v5, which is coming out next year, will be different from the famitama?

Thank you Danigale for posting that on Tamatalk! It is great info for my mom who is going to buuy me one or two!

If the new Tamas come out in Januarythat would be great! After all, my birthday

is in January! :(
Cheers! My birthday is also in January. I hope V5 will come before my birthday!! I have sent an email to Bandai US and local toy distribution company (in Singapore) about the shipping of V5 to Singapore, my homeland.

Will post here when their emails come to my inbox anytime this week.

I think will really come this january 2008, the v4.5 is now on-a-sale price in malls here in my place.. I am hesitating to buy v4.5 because there might be v5 soon.. :(

You can buy v4.5 for collection purposes but don't buy v4.5 if you are planning to spend time playing with it. Because you will have to raise 3 babies and manage a family unit. It's much more fun to watch 3 different characters at 1 time!

v4.5 is basically about having jobs while v5 is about raising a family. I also wanted to buy v4.5 last year but held back by $$$. I gonna invest my hard earned $ on new v5 instead of v4.5....

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