V5 problem


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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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when my generation 1 got married, they 'give birth' to two eggs only (why is it not three?)

and when my friend's tamagotchi generation 2 got married they only give birth to 1 egg!!! why is this so? the only tama seems so lonely by itself (just like previous versions and as the parents are not shown on the main screen). why does this happen?

Is these a glitch??!! anyone have the same situation? I mean, two tamas are quite ok, but if the parents only give birth to one egg, it's like being left with only one tama, it's quite funny and it doesn't seem like a family anymore....

It's completly normal :( :nazotchi: . first gen you always get 3 eggs. 2 gen + blended you get 1' 2 or 3 special familys you get two and space family you get 1. It's still a family because the pearants still apear for food' medicene' the games golf put and shoe pairs and special acitons .hope I helped. :D :D

You only get less that three eggs when your Tamas are some kind of special family, or in my theory, have had low bondings.

And it is normal. On my generations 2 and 3, I've only had 1 Tama, with generation 2 being Space Family, and a later generation only having two Tamas, because they were the Meme Family.

totally happened 2 mee too


for the first time ever, i got 1 tama on my 2 gen.

i was about to ask for help like you did

untill i found this! ;) :huh: ;) :D

The V5 is much different from the others. In the others, you always expect 2 babies to be made, split half-and-half. This one has support for 3 characters, so you expect to get 3 characters back, like how the one-character tamas give you one character back. Yeah, 1 egg is as common as 2 eggs which is as common as 3 eggs, just like in real life with things that lay eggs; they don't always lay some constant n eggs.

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