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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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okay so bandai shows us the expected V5 designs... Isnt it annoying, how the american ones are almost all girlyfied, and the more masculine ones are dorky looking? And the hoop Keyring!!! Annoying!!!! not the key! :mellow:

I dont know if i'm the only one who thinks this would work, but do you other tamatalkers think that it would be best for bandai to just make base colors and to inclue stickers, like they did with certian V1's? Of course, it'd be freaking awsome if they released just the japanese kinds. :D

Well, I'm just really hoping that they will get in stores. I live in the U.S. Some kids at my school say that they are already in stores but so far I haven't seen them. I've seen a picture of one when I first get on Tamatalk. But yeah, they should make more guyish designs. I'm may be a girl but I did like the snakeskin design on a V3.

I personally wants too fond of that particular pattern, but my sister has it. But i agree.... at least make one with tamatown style firetrucks of something xD

yeah im getting annoyed 2.online toysrus said they had it and my friend wanted to get one but she doesnt have a car and the closest toysrus is sorta on the highway so my dad drove me and her but when we got 2 toysrus they said they didnt have it yet!!!!but my other friend went to a different toyrus and they said they were sold out!!!!!!!!i also think they should make more boyish designs.the rocketship one is sorta babyish and the only other one is blue absract which alot of girls like 2 (my friend that came w/ me wanted that one).a few boys might like the cookie dough one or the the one with houses all over it.the rocket ship one probably wont be popular.im sure they will make more boy designs,they are always making new designs (like the v4.5 new designs came a few months after the original v4.5 designs)

I'm in Australia and we get fairly good designs here, but whenever I look at the American designs I feel sorry for all Americans. Some are fine while others are a bit stupid. I wish they didn't give each design a name either, instead of the odd names like "Sing a song."

My v1, for example, is white with flames. It's a pretty nice design too, too bad most of it is rubbed off. I've seen quite a few girls with it as well as boys. Here's a link to a picture of my Tamagotchi- the design has been rubbed off quite a bit but it should give you an idea.


My v4 is the blue with diamonds one. Here is the link:


If only Bandai made more designs more unisex like those two...

Hmm, *looks at her Tamagotchis* None of mine look girly.

Especially my V4.5 which is all black with flames, it looks awesome. Totally not girlified. =D

I'm pretty sure Canada and the USA get the same designs, too. I am in Canada

Yeah I love the design Australia gets. They are all very unisex and have very bright, vibrant patterns. I hate the US desing, althought the 4.5s weren't that bad. The Familitchis are absolutely horrendous. They are all girly, glitzy and coated in flowers happy faces and junk. The ones in the UK are alright, but some are a bit boring. Still, much better comapred to the ugly American ones. And what's up with that keyring?!?!?!?! We want beads or charms Bandai!!!!

*Storms off* :angry:


today i got a V5 , i found the house one (wich i do like alot) but just in case i kept looking and they were all either really girly or just stupid. I wish we had beads or the key on ours (im in Canada) i was so dissappointed when it was just the plain keyring

Bandai's target audience is more or less tween aged girls. They are the age group that generally buy them the most so they are going to market them more or less towards them. Of course, there are always exceptions and guys, girls, adults, and little kids alike love tamas but most of the buyers are tween aged girls. It's just buisness.

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the US ones are NOT THAT GIRLY. they have cookie dough...and that is not just for girls.

guys can have cookie dough...or circles...or rocket ships. you people shouldnt be that mad.

I showed my cousin the American designs and she said her favourite is the red spots one. She didn't like the cotton candy one because she couldn't tell what it was, or the cookie dough one or the blue abstract one. I think there were a few other designs she also disliked.

I think the whole world should get the same designs. By the looks of things the whole world has the "Love My Family" and "Tamagotchi House" ones, though I think only Japan and Australia get the yellow pet design which is one of my favourites.

My question is, what is the difference about the v5s, v4.5s, and v4s?
okay start at the v4's they can get jobs new characters tamatown and other things in v 4.5 it is almost the same it has different characters new games more gotchi points. and the v you can raise a whole family and just different stuff sorry I can't explain myself I are in a hurry bye

My question is, what is the difference about the v5s, v4.5s, and v4s?
On the v5 you can raise 3 eggs at once, You even can get a pet for your family. The v5 has a bigger LCD screen. The v4 and v4.5 are very similar. The v4.5 just has different games, characters, and jobs. On the v4 & v4.5 you can only raise one character ((Excluding when your Tamagotchi has a baby)).



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