V6 Music Star help


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Sep 2, 2012
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I just recently received a v6 music star for my birthday (18! :lol: ) and I was hoping i could find some general knowledge on it but not too many people seemed to have posted about it. Some of the stuff i'm wondering about is like when my tama :ph34r: goes to music school and the band goes to practice, what exactly am i suppose to do? they always look so sad after and i feel like i'm doing something wrong but I don't know what! :angry:

Happy late birthday! ^_^ To answer your question, when your tama goes to band practice, here's what you have to do. (I hope I can explain this well enough!) Your tama will start playing music with one of its band members. You see those little dots on the screen? When one meets the point with the little arrow, you have to push the right button. If the dot is at the top of the screen, press the A button. Middle of screen, B button. And Bottom of screen, C button. Sometimes you will come to a point where you have to push a combination of buttons.

I hope that made sense! Any other questions? :)

B)i figured that out. i meant the stage before that where they stand in a circle and the little music notes pops up over their head. when do i hit the button? thanks anyway! can you help me with that any? i really appreciate the help! :D And Thank you for the birthday wishes!! ^_^

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B)i figured that out. i meant the stage before that where they stand in a circle and the little music notes pops up over their head. when do i hit the button? thanks anyway! can you help me with that any? i really appreciate the help! :D And Thank you for the birthday wishes!! ^_^
The one when they're teens? Well when a music note appears next to a characte, press the corresponding button. A for the one on the left, B for the middle, and C for the right. The note will disappear and your character will touch their instrument when you press the buttons. :)

thank you! i have no idea what i'm doing wrong then cause they always look disappointed. any idea when the "matchmaker" comes in this version? i go to school all mon-fri and then work on saturdays so i don't really have time to watch them 24/7 like i did over summer.

After your character is an adult, the door icon will light up (like when you receive mail) and your Tama will have a ! above its head. Just go to the door like normal, and your manager will show up. He'll bring a prospective wife/husband with him, and you have the option to "Marry? Yes/No." It's a little different than other versions where you go to a dating place or meet a matchmaker.

The music note game when your character is a teen can be difficult. You have to be quick and really peck that button hard--just once--when the music note appears. I mean don't mash it, but give it a good, firm, quick press.

oH cool!! thank you so much for the help guys!! it means a lot to me! my bf just called me a nerd for being part of a tamagotchi forum! lol i don't care though embrace your childhood is what i say! :wacko:

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