Valentine Day.


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I need to find something cute, and a card to send to my girlfriend. Last year I got her a stuffed puppy, a card, and a little heart with M&Ms inside.. so I'd like to do something different this year.

I can't think of anything cute that can fit in a box and wont melt or die in the mail though x.x I'd like to send her flowers, but they'd get crushed and I don't know of any flower shops by her house that I could contact and get to deliver.

Long Distance Valentine's Day = Hard o.o'

I'm strange... -_- I have NEVER had a crush..Shall I try and find one or send a card to my pet chicken? :angry: Really, I'm going to! As a stuipid joke, and a hint of my sense of humour... :)

I'm strange... -_- I have NEVER had a crush..Shall I try and find one or send a card to my pet chicken? :angry: Really, I'm going to! As a stuipid joke, and a hint of my sense of humour... :)
You could send an anonymous one if you don't want him to know it's you xP I used to do that when I was younger.

Wish I did, there is one boy who I think likes me (I yelled HUG ME! On the way to EPCOT in October, He said OK! And recently when we the 6 grade went to Eragon he stood near me) XP I dont even know his Locker number

Thats ok! :p I send Valentine Cards to everybody in my class even if I don't like them! B) I do it because I enjoy the joy and love of the holiday. That reminds me...I better buy some Valentine Cards! xD


I don't have a crush, so I can't send one... :( :( What about everyone else though? :)
I don't have a significant other to celebrate this year, as the same the other 1-2 years. Last coupel of years have been depressing for Feb.14th so I am choosing this year not to celebrate it. Treat it like a normal day. At least I got no classes that day and my virtual pets to keep me company.

nope.valentines day is so overrated.
I agree. In my opinion, too girley XD...Must get away from too much pink stuff and hearts and all that overratedness lol


Nope, I have no crush, or atleast not one that I will admit. *blushes* Okay, so yes I have a crush, but no I am not even telling my best friends ever!

Plus, it's just one of those childish crushes anyways.

I'l probably get my money together, and buy a card and a little thing of candy for all of my friends.

I don't really like valentines day. on a valentines day about 3 or 4 years ago, my baby guinea pig, Blacky, died. He choked on straw that was in the cage. It was the first death of someone or something I had experienced and it also was my brother's birthday, and guess who owned Blacky? My brother. And my brother also had a birthday party on that day too, so he was late because we had to bury Blacky. It was raining too, that added to the sadness. That's probably the worst day of my life.

wha? Who ever said you needed a crush for Valentines day!? I just give all my friends some Valentines day candy and a card :)

Thats ok! :ichigotchi: I send Valentine Cards to everybody in my class even if I don't like them! :kuribotchi: I do it because I enjoy the joy and love of the holiday. That reminds me...I better buy some Valentine Cards! xD
At my elementary school we were required to give a card to everyone in the class. If we didn't we got in trouble x.x They all also had to be identical so there was no 'secret crush' things going on.

At my elementary school we were required to give a card to everyone in the class. If we didn't we got in trouble x.x They all also had to be identical so there was no 'secret crush' things going on.
oh, i really dislike when people try to 'include everybody' like that =.=

well, theres no guy i would give chocolate to. X3 and im pretty sure theres no guy that likes me anyway.

I would but i am too embarresed....i breally like him thought....*cunfuzzeled if should or not*.... B) B) :eek: :eek: :( :eek: :huh: :huh:

I would but i am too embarresed....i breally like him thought....*cunfuzzeled if should or not*.... B) B) :eek: :eek: :( :eek: :huh: :huh:
so do u hav a b/f?

PM me please cuz i got to tell u sumthin

if if anyone eles wants to no u can but i dont want to post it

its not bad

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