Valentines day </3


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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How was your valentines day?

Mine sucked.

Went to a dance, saw the guy that I've been flirting with for months.

He said he was gunna kiss me, then he met my friend.

He fell for her, and completely forgot about me.

And now, he's ignoring my messages and texts.

So I feel like going to sleep and never waking up.

These past two days have been hell for me.

Aww...Desy :[

I know you feel heart-broken and you probably will for a while, but you'll get over it. Boys are boys, and they can be very un-predictable and sometimes not care for people. They're not everything, so for now just spend some time with caring family and TRUE friends who will understand you and lend you a shoulder to cry on.

One day you'll definately meet Mr Right.

Best Wishes,

Ksenia &lt;33

Awwww -huggles

D; My mom once told me to never cry over a guy, just grin and say NEXTTT! Desy, you're young and mannnnnnnyyyyy guys will be on your way! :lol: So put a smile on and move on to the next :9

Mine was amazing. At first boring. I went to the dentist, came back and ate, took a shower, got ready to see ma love, texted, etc etc yada yada yada. THEN, my boyfriend and I talked on the phone and I went over to his place. We just had a romantic night together&lt;3 Until my dad picked me up, of course xD

Aww... Sorry to hear Valentine's Day didn't go the way you wanted, TGD.

My V-day was pretty plain. It was like any other day to me.

I've been there... Multiple times.

Only, I hated the girl he loved.

And please, I've had one guy tell me he was going to kiss me. (Last year. On my Birthday.)

Never happened, he ignored me for a good four weeks.

If you really think he's the one, just dazzle him.

Show him what he is missing.

Show him YOU.

Awe, Desy. -hugs-

Trust me, I can sympathise. Recently I have been cheated on and dumped, so I know how it feels when guys rip your heart out and stomp on it. But you still love them with all the little pieces. Well, you really have to do what I did and try your best to get over him. He's just a boy, and many of them are not worth it. There is a guy out there for you - but it's not this one. Someday, you'll find him, Desy. You are beautiful and have a stunning personality. I love yew. We all do. Remember your girls, your family, your love of life, and stay happy single. &lt;33

Aww desy &lt;33 My twin.

I'ma go beat him up now plzthxbai.

Hes obviously a peice of s-...garbage.


Your soo awesome, your beautiful, and you light up a room with your personality and dazzle. You KNOW your loved here on Tamatalk, and all your friends irl are there for you, too. SO go out and show him what he's missing. Wear your favorite outfit, go to a spa, do something for yourself because you deserve it.



My valentines day was like a normal day, but I was at a skting competition out of town, it was fun.. I went down this massive waterslide like a million times with my friend, and I got a webkinz love monkey.. eh.. (named it Bronwyn) =D

sorry to hear about your bad day... maybe focus on things other than guys? There's other stuff in life, you know, don't let one stupid thing ruin it.

Just move on.!.!.! :ph34r:

Thank you everyone! &lt;3 I love you all so much.

Today has been hard. I feel really awful.

I'm finding it difficult to breathe, and there are stabbing pains in my chest.

My whole body is aching, and my eyes are constantly tearing up.

I feel so hot and uncomfortable.

All day I've been laying on the couch, watching T.V, up until now.

I don't know if this is the after effect of crying yourself to sleep, or if I'm just sick.

Aw. :ph34r: I felt your pain. I found out the guy I like liked another girl, and lost it for a month.

Now, I think I've finally broke the attraction. (He was a bleep anyway. He's like, hot then cold, yes then no, yeah. The song.)

And I have a crush on a new guy.

Who's awesomer, and likes to set stuff on fire. XD

Good luck feeling better! (Psst...Katy Perry is really calming in this kind of this situation!)

Aw. :ph34r: I felt your pain. I found out the guy I like liked another girl, and lost it for a month.
Now, I think I've finally broke the attraction. (He was a bleep anyway. He's like, hot then cold, yes then no, yeah. The song.)

And I have a crush on a new guy.

Who's awesomer, and likes to set stuff on fire. XD

Good luck feeling better! (Psst...Katy Perry is really calming in this kind of this situation!)
That's so weird.

I have those exact lyrics on my MSN name because that's what describing him right now.

I have a fever now, and my chest is hurting so much; it's like I'm having a heartattack.


That's so weird.I have those exact lyrics on my MSN name because that's what describing him right now.

I have a fever now, and my chest is hurting so much; it's like I'm having a heartattack.

I even "sung" him the song on AIM (typed the lyrics) so he blocked me, then unblocked me 10 min. later.

Then one day he said I was annoying the f outta him, so I blocked him, and he goes to school like we're still best buddies, but really, we aren't.

Once he even changed his attitude towards me 3 times in 1 day. O_O School day too...

Mine was fun.

I hung out with my boyfriend for a while and we spent most of our time together putting on temporary tattoos in a public bathroom.

Hahaha we're cool.

After he left I went to the mall with some friends and got my cartilage pierced.. I wanted to get my conch pierced but the kiosk I went to only pieced lobes and cartilage.

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Aww, that stinks Desy. Don't worry about it. You're young, he's just one guy. You'll forget about him and move on soon. There's gonna be a lot more guys in your life, and guys that actually care about you. I know it sounds cliche, but trust me. You'll get over him. I've been there, I've done that.


One of the worse days I've ever had.

I guess I'll just suck it up and not whine about it.

Not gonna post, not looking for a pity party.

That's horrible. D:

I had a pretty awesome Valentine's Day. I had a hockey tournament in Toronto for the weekend, so I didn't have to stress over any school drama on the Friday.

Because I'm one of those people who sit out dances against the wall and hopelessly wait for him to come along and ask her to dance.

Aw Desy, that sucks. ._.

My one and only true love dumped me on Valentines day. I swear they should make Valentines day a day everyone can celebrate without getting hurt.

owo Look on the brightside though, I'm sure good will happen.

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