Valentine's day, Again...


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Active member
Aug 9, 2007
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St. Louis, MO, USA
I personally don't like Valentine's Day. When I was in kindergarten I came home from school, went straight to the cats room- to see my favorite cat in the world of course- and when I got in there she was dead! She took her last breath a moment after I sat down by her. She is now in my back yard. Her name was Spankie. She was my older brother's cat until he left to go to the air force.

I now have my own cat, she is part Norwegian forest cat and Ragdoll to be exact, but it's not the same. When she was a kitten she fell off the dryer, and landed on her head. Then she became, umm, mentally challenged. She is also lactose intolerant. Yup, she just can't have any dairy products. She was found on a street. In a garbage can. But, she loves me more than my dog. He thinks he is my mom's dog, and just sees me as a puppy. Yeah, he thinks he is babysitter dog. He is a bagel, or beagel and basset hound mix. He looks just like UnderDog! Except for the long body, and basset front legs, but no one notices that.

I also have a bunch of fish, and a horse. I used to have 2 horses though. I also had 2 rabbits. They were males, and still played together! One was neutered,and the other wasn't. I guess that is why they got along. My dad made me get rid of them because my little brother wanted a cat! he doesn't take care of the thing, but his cat likes me more.

Any way, last year on Valentine's day my tama and I went to Hawaii!

So sorry to hear that Ichigotchi_and_Maidtchi! :mimitchi:

This Valentine's Day will be the 6th year anniversary of the death of my baby guinea pig. His name was Blacky, and of course had black fur. We only had him for a few months, so I barely knew him well. It was also a long time ago, so I don't remember much about him. I do remember that it was raining and my brother was late for his birthday party because we had to bury Blacky.

It's also a few years since my friend's guinea pigs died too.

Aaaw, That's a sad story =[. Im sorry your kitty died. My cat lived to be eighteen, and I grew up with it until last year when she died. my parents got it four years before I was born.

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Oh, Spankie was 20 when she died. Its funny because she lived her first 10 years mainly outside. A very sad thing is, my dad's cat is going downhill, lately she hasn't been using one of her legs, and acting like Spankie did right before she died. Her name is BuddyGray. I don't know how I will live without her. Her and Tonka (my lil' bro's cat) act like mother and son- its so cute- but what will he do? Take Buddy's loss out on Kally I bet! That poor cat fights more with Tonka than I do with my brother! I tell Buddy everything, this may sound weird, but I talk to the cats, and they answer me. Anyway, I guess I'll try to make the rest of her life as good as I can... :angry:

P.S. I also read them the Warriors books. Buddy tells me, Kally and Tonka stories as I clean the cats room. She makes up stories about her and the other families cats of the past living in the clans! Haha, I'm just crazy and bet the voice in my head is really making up the stories- not BudBud!

That's sad. Sorry to hear about your cat. ;.;


Valentines day is OK I guess. People at my school are acting all 'lovey dovey' now. It's quite annoying actually. At my school we're having a Valentines day dance and there selling flowers too.

I might go. It depends if my best friend is aloud, because she might not be aloud to because she's grounded...

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