Valentines Day Cards


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
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Oregon, United States Of America
I noticed that Valentines Day is just a few days away!


I don't think i'm giving out Valentine Cards this year cause my parents say I'm getting a little to "OLD" for Valentines Day! Hehe oh well! :huh:


What kind are you giving out to your friends?



We send Candy grams at school. I wanna send one to Chandler, but I don't want anyone knowing. You have to sign a form a student in the class has. Im to scared. XD

No, I'm not sending any. I dont really want to send cards to my friends.

I can't remember ever giving/receiving valentine's cards.

Nobody loves me, lol.

I'll only do it if forced. xP I'm not gonna go up to somebody random (like a boy in your class or something) and be like,

"Oh here's a Valentines Day card for you! Even though I pretty much hate your guts I want you to have this special card! Look! There's even a little monkey on it saying a little speech bubble. Ain't he cutie? Well, happy Valentine's day (even though you don't have a date!)." without being literally forced to? o_o In my class, you'd be laughed at your whole life.

I think it's fun to get cards and send them out, and even recieve cards! But for social reasons, I only give them out if the teacher makes us. xD

we have these candy card and flowers things at my school i sent one to myself yesterday and when it was passed out to me i was like "wow shes really nice to have sent me these purdy flowers'n'stuff, i should thank her!" :D

i got four today,

the first one was from: ?? ( ;) )

the second one was from: my bestest friend

the third was from: conor ( :eek: ZOMG!)

the fourth was from: me ( :D )

I'm pretty sure if I gave out a Valentines Day Card at school I'd get in trouble and accused of sexual harassment (no joke). Not that I'd seriously want to give anyway there a VD card, though some of the kiddy ones are pretty fun. Maybe a hate card would be good? Ofcourse I might get called out on a hate crime.

I'm pretty sure if I gave out a Valentines Day Card at school I'd get in trouble and accused of sexual harassment (no joke). Not that I'd seriously want to give anyway there a VD card, though some of the kiddy ones are pretty fun. Maybe a hate card would be good? Ofcourse I might get called out on a hate crime.
WTF o_o Why sexual harrasment!? That's insane! They let you do it in Elementary school, but "ONO! U LIEK ANODER PURSON! U SENDED TEM A C4RD! U GETTIN A RWEFFWAL!" That's what it seems like to me. It's a jester of kindness....

Yup. I made 'em already. Skitty themed. (I was going to due Neji, but everyone in my Class is sick of him)

I use too. We sell flowers though. I didnt get one yet. x[ I don't want one from a person who I don't know. I want one from a friend. This girl named Jenna got 6 of them.

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