Valentine's Day


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Well, could you describe him a bit more?

And do you want to give him something romantic that symbolizes your relationship, or a regular gift that your boyfriend would like? Think of ideas from deciding what kind you would like it to be.

Psh. Guys are the ones who give you the gifts. A card is enough to give to him(;
I understand to some people it's considered the man's responsibility to woo the lady, but really now...these days it can go either way! And that's no opinion either, it's fact lol.

Anyway besides a nice poem in italian, I'd lean towards something that revolves around his interests. Nothing overly expensive but nothing cheap cheap either, and something original.

For instance, if he enjoys hockey and likes a specific team or player, if you like to draw maybe draw his favourite player or the team's logo and make it artsy! That's just an example to go with.

Chocolate? Roses? (Kinda like, for a girl.)

Romantic Dinner? ^_^

Video games. All boys like video games : )

Well, atleast all the ones I know... xD

Get him something that will mean more to you two personally as a couple.

Generic things are nice, like chocoate, or roses.

Get him something that will mean more to him than anyone else. :)

I honestly think you should get him food, to go along with your card.

He's a guy, so obviously he loves to eat, and the card you're writing is orginal right? I think you should go with chocolates or candy or something, just include something original that represents you too :D

edit- emoticons..

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I would have voted food of some discription haha. Or maybe a chain? Guys like man-jewelry, as long as it doesn't look too cheap or girly.

I was going to get my boyfriend a padlock on a chain for Christmas because he had a thing for padlock's, but we broke up.

Why do you all suggest guys like eating? I mean that wouldnt just be a guys favorite thing. I would get my lover a box of chocolates and the thing they like alot. ( I dont really have anyone at the moment though... :( )

A poem would be nice but...




Spend time with him, take him somewhere that you would have fun. I think that would be the best gift, in my opinion :]

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