veeery intresting......


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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So you may know that Tamagotchi logo above the screen on your V3 tamagotchi right? Well, they substatute the "o" in Tamagotchi with a tamagotchi toy. know what i mean? And I looked on that and the character in the "tamagotchi" (the O) and it was a :huh: mimitchi. And I looked on my other tama's logo and the character was a :huh: mametchi. :huh:

I found that very intresting and I wonderd if there are any other characters on the logo :huh:

Here are mine:

Tama v3 blue bubble- Mametchi

Tama v3 graffiti- Mametchi

Tama v4 Sunflower- Mametchi

Tama v4 orange circle- Mametchi

Tama v1 pink w/ stars and flowers- Mimitchi


That is only on US connections.

I'm in the U.K. and the connexions here just say 'tamagotchi' on them. :angry:

ohhh. Thanks for replying and on my V4 (i just got it (3 hours from my first post)) it has a mametchi. SO maybe they are all just random... or not....... or maybe..... i'm not sure :huh:

V1, V2, First realease V3s: Mimitchi

After: Mametchi

They changed it when good old Mametchi became the mascot, I guess.

most of myn r connexions not connections and dey dun have nething in dem... but i do have 1 v3 dat has a mametchi inside da "O" o_O

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