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I would go vegetarian, but I don't eat much else XP I'm kinda fussy. Plus, they're going to get killed either way, so I don't really see a point. Being vegetarian isn't really a protest against eating meat, I know, but I still don't see the point.

Plus, it's a fact of life. Before people hunted, animals still hunted each other. If we all stopped hunting, the world would be grossly over populated.

I definitely do not agree with veganism. Did you know that a cow goes through a big amount of pain if it doesn't get milked? I may even die! So, does the vegan want the animal to die? No. Plus, you're not killing the animal, just using it.


There's a few points here that I just wanted to reply to because I think there are other ideas/opinions about vegetarianism that maybe you haven't considered:

I would go vegetarian, but I don't eat much else XP I'm kinda fussy. Plus, they're going to get killed either way, so I don't really see a point. Being vegetarian isn't really a protest against eating meat, I know, but I still don't see the point.
Vegetarianism IS a protest against meat eating for a lot of people - not everyone - for some it's a religious belief (for example).

You say they're going to get killed either way, but the point is that if everyone who disagreed with animals being bred and slaughtered to feed us stopped eating meat the demand for meat around the world would drop drastically. It's a little simplistic as an example, I know, but the way I understand it is that if the demand dropped significantly there would be no point in farmers raising more stock for slaughter - they'd reduce the size of their herds because they couldn't sell the animals or because they would get a much lower price for them and it wouldn't make economic sense to have so many animals raised for slaughter.

You know that saying "Every journeys starts with a single step"? - That's why people stop eating meat - because they believe that little by little they will make a difference. That's why there's a point to not eating meat - because you believe in something strongly enough - and every little helps ;)

Plus, it's a fact of life. Before people hunted, animals still hunted each other. If we all stopped hunting, the world would be grossly over populated.
I don't get this. The number of people who hunt to feed themselves all the time is tiny - the vast majority of meat is farmed - raised by farmers especially for humans to eat.

If we stopped hunting specifically for food the impact on animal populations would not be significant (although the number of humans killed in hunting accidents might reduce).

I don't understand how the world would become grossly overpopulated if we all stopped hunting -

overpopulated by humans? Unlikely - but perhaps I just can't see the link between hunting and human populations -

overpopulated by animals? The animals we hunt for food are not the ones that normally end up on the supermarket shelves for us to buy and most of us don't hunt beef or pork or chicken, etc.

I definitely do not agree with veganism. Did you know that a cow goes through a big amount of pain if it doesn't get milked? I may even die! So, does the vegan want the animal to die? No. Plus, you're not killing the animal, just using it.
A cow produces milk because it has just had a calf. But as a calf grows, it needs less milk from the mother as it begins to graze more. The mother gradually produces less milk as the calf is drinking less until eventually, the cow produces no more milk because the calf is fully weaned.

We (the humans) keep milking a cow artificially to make it go on producing milk - if we gradually reduced the amount of milk we took from the cow, it would produce less until it would be in no pain as it was not producing any more milk.

Vegans also disagree with exploiting / using animals - it's not just about killing animals.

I'm honestly not having a go at you or trying to start an argument here. It's just to point out a few alternative facts that maybe you could consider. They might give you some more insight into the pros and cons of vegetarianism :)

Thats me. :]

I'm not really in it for the animals, although I love animals, and I guess that's part of it.

I refuse to eat meat because,

1. The taste is disgusting.

and 2. When i'm at a restaurant, it makes it a million times harder to order anything, and I used to have a big problem with eating way to much back when I ate meat, but now due to having half the food in my fridge available and a very small amount at restaurants, I can actually control myself. I also can not eat most candy which has helped improve my diet. :p

I've been a vegetarian 10 years because meat makes me ill. It gives me bad stomach acid problems.

But I've gone as far as not eating things like Marshmellows and Jello either. So I guess I went full on vegetarian. I'm not vegan though. If I don't get calcium I can get ill.

There are plenty of ways for vegetarians to get protein. Some eat chicken eggs, like I do. I don't think it's a chick because it hasn't been incubated. Next off there is tofu and beans, lentils, and many types of meat replacement foods. Veggie burgers are the most popular, but there is also vegetarian style chicken, turkey, sausage... and I've even seen bacon! These are made from soy.

Edamame have all the amino acids inside of them vegetarians need! All in one small package!!

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