ver.413 on ebay!


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That's sad. Really sad. XD In USD. it's $0.99 plus $8.99 for shipping. That would be about $10.00 all together. $10 for a fake tama?! NO WAY!

It says 'V4' then its battery number. It's ok though its quite hard to spot the little dot! :wub: It sometimes annoy's me that they try to convince you that it is a Tamagotchi when it is just a cheap copy! :nazotchi:

They don't even make tamas touch screenb tamas (god idea though)

Doesn't have the bandai logo on the package

Doesn't have the tama logo on top of tama

And much more reasons, i could go on forever!

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!

Aww, man! It didn't show on my computer! :) Darn it. Oh well. I can already tell that it's fake because of what everyone's commenting!

Oh my gosh im freaking sick with all these fakes!!!Im sorry for being sorta out on this but if you already know its fake please dont post it its just a waste of space unless you are telling someone it is not already claiming it is.
Yeah, me too! Just because Bandai came out with a great idea doesn't mean that you have to go and rip people off just for a few bucks!

I think you mean V4.5. But I'm sure you know that too. B)
I bet someone has said this, but...

No, they mean V5. It is in mid-release right now. In England, Australia, Canada, and Japan it is out and many people are finding them hidden at various Targets.

  It says 'V4' then its battery number. It's ok though its quite hard to spot the little dot! biggrin.gif It sometimes annoy's me that they try to convince you that it is a Tamagotchi when it is just a cheap copy! mad.gif

They don't even make tamas touch screenb tamas (god idea though)

Doesn't have the bandai logo on the package

Doesn't have the tama logo on top of tama

And much more reasons, i could go on forever!
Correct, but not correct. Bandai HAS made touch screens, but not in about 6-8 years. I know Tama Ocean and Angel had touch screens, but only Tama Ocean did anything significant. The others all did extremely minor things. In Ocean you could actually save your tama from Polar Bears!

I bet someone has said this, but...No, they mean V5. It is in mid-release right now. In England, Australia, Canada, and Japan it is out and many people are finding them hidden at various Target
When Courtnee said that, the 4.5 had just been released.

Always pay attention to dates.

Literally, When we are parents, (some of us already are... :p ) Do you think our kids will be playing with V.43

or somthing?

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