Very Upset


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
My friends don't want me in the group anymore. They kicked me out for basically being me. Now I'm stuck. I have one other friend, but there's no chance of me hanging out with him because his friends make fun of me. Any suggestions would be helpful.

I'm so sorry. -_-

That is really shallow of your "friends" to do that.

It's hard to let go of your friends, but it's time to find some new ones.

Ones that will like you for YOU.

Remember to stay strong- Some people in the world are just plain mean.

Cliques are just nasty. They think they're cool, but they're the exact opposite.

Don't let those kind of backstabbers get you down- it's not worth it.

Friends should like you for YOU, but some people don't have any heart, it seems.


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I'm so sorry. :( That is really shallow of your "friends" to do that.

It's hard to let go of your friends, but it's time to find some new ones.

Ones that will like you for YOU.

Remember to stay strong- Some people in the world are just plain mean.

Cliques are just nasty. They think they're cool, but they're the exact opposite.

Don't let those kind of backstabbers get you down- it's not worth it.

Friends should like you for YOU, but some people don't have any heart, it seems.

I wish you all the best.

I agree with you on that, I thought friends were people who stuck with you through THICK and THIN, I guess some 'friends' don't do that. -_- I hope the situation gets much better. :(

True reason I don't have friends is because if they don't accept me what's the point.


I say try to meet some other people that re like you. Make a good descion on who you choose and remeber this happenes to everyone so don't feel alone.


BTW you rock for not changing yourself just to fit in with your friends! -_-

I agree with Lily12. I rather be alone than be with people who are fake friends. That's what your previous friends were, fake with a capital F! I suggest you chillax on your own and talk with that other friend of yours that might seem decent. If they are a true friend they will tell THEIR friends to give you some slack.

I agree with Lily12 and TigerLily013.

I can't really add amy more than that.

Ya I agree with everyone. Its a very hard and tough situation. Just lately I have been having problems with my friends also. And its really hard. I couldnt work, eat, sleep, play, talk. Its like they owned me. Now I just say hey friends are friends whats important is to be you and to be strong. And u r better than that. Maybe try to get some friends in the school. If nothing works even the ones that arent as popular other none as geeks could be ur friend. Hey a friend is a friend no matter what they are none as for other people but you.

Real friends like you for who you really are.

Take that small piece of info, and evaluate it.

They didn't seem like a bunch of friends anyways, don't worry about those "Loserz" -_- .

Maybe you should think about your other friend, and hang out with that person more. I don't really call them being your friends if their kicking you out.

Nothing to worry about.

try and meet new friends! be your self all the time and you'll find somone like u! as for the kids who make fun of u stand up to them! say to them:

SHUT UP! YOUR RELLY MEAN AND WHATS THE POINT OF MAKING FUN OF ME? DO U GET SOME KIND OF REWARD FOR IT? I SAY ITS PRETTY STUPID TO MAKE FUN OF SOM ONE BCAUSE ITS JUST WASTING UR TIME SO BACK OFF! *and walk away standing up straight flipping ur hair (if your a girl) and having your nose in the air.* -_- :( :(

if they get on your nerves again ask other people:

do you hear a buzzing noise? :D :p :)

hope i helped! (i'v been trought this before, dont take your mom's advice on this!)

try and meet new friends! be your self all the time and you'll find somone like u! as for the kids who make fun of u stand up to them! say to them:
SHUT UP! YOUR RELLY MEAN AND WHATS THE POINT OF MAKING FUN OF ME? DO U GET SOME KIND OF REWARD FOR IT? I SAY ITS PRETTY STUPID TO MAKE FUN OF SOM ONE BCAUSE ITS JUST WASTING UR TIME SO BACK OFF! *and walk away standing up straight flipping ur hair (if your a girl) and having your nose in the air.* -_- :( :(

if they get on your nerves again ask other people:

do you hear a buzzing noise? :D :p :)

hope i helped! (i'v been trought this before, dont take your mom's advice on this!)
That's actually pretty good to say, but I think she or he could make it in a more calmer way, well I would take out the SHUT UP part. But that is very good, she or he should tell them that.

Hm.. This is indeed double sided.

I've wanted to kick friends out of my "group" before. Why? Because they aren't good friends. I simply don't get anything back from them. They don't care about me, and basically aren't my friends at all. So why should I have them around me if they always have a negative output? Friends are not nessasarily for your benefit, but it's a two way street. If you always let your friend borrow things but they won't lift a finger to help you, you can feel used.

I know that I do not know you simply from one post on the internet, so I don't know your situation. But maybe you should rethink about why exactly they don't like you any more?

(If it's for any reason like "Oh, your clothes aren't from Hot Topic" or anything like that I am terribly sorry. Thats just stupid.

Perhaps you could elaborate on "just being me.")

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