VideoGames that need to come back


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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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In my Sock Drawer
There are always games on a list to make a comeback... What ones do you want back?

I would simply love to have the N64 Pokemon games back. Preferably on the 3ds. Those would be so sweet in real 3d. (Snap, Stadium, Colosseum, Battle, Etc)

I wish they would redo the Sonic Adventure games on a newer system. I know they did on the XBox, but it was a directors cut.

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Monster Rancher. That series suddenly died when it got better. I prefer having a new release but a re-release on any platform would be great as well. The Monster Rancher doesn't count 'cause it's asfghjkl;'

Oh yes. Monster Rancher. I watched that every morning. I loved that. Never really got a chance to play the game. Only a short rom game before my computer had to revert back.

Mother 3

Come ooooOOOOON

Nintendo release it on the eShop or something already

It's one of the beeeeeeeeeest

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc. I tried finding the game at M&M Games, but they didn't have it in their inventory. I even tried downloading an emulated version, but it keeps failing. I NEED THAT GAME! DX

"Parappa The Rapper"
Gotta agree.


Commander Keen. I think they were the first games I ever played.

Plus I had a crush on the protagonist at one point.


I still have my original J&D. Never played R&C though. Nephew has it I think though...

I would be so happy if they brought Crash back. I guess I would need to settle for the Spyro/CrashBandicoot world exchange... I haven't played that.

I would be so happy if they brought Crash back. I guess I would need to settle for the Spyro/CrashBandicoot world exchange... I haven't played that.
Never, I've watched some footage of the Crash Bandicoot from Sierra, that's not Crash Bandicoot, that's someone else who happens to have the same name. Twinsanity is the only non-Naughty Dog one that could be saved, I think...

There is a GBA game where Spyro and Crash swap worlds. I have heard it pretty cool, but by the time I could get it myself, it was gone. Every once in a while Gamestop will have GBA games but I am usually after something else. Its available as a combo game. Orange and purple colored on the sticker.

The game:

Its erie to play that isn't it? As a walking earthworm? Lol.

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Megaman X.
Seriously Capcom, quit it with the remixed stage music Cd's and silly tablet games and give me more X, Zero and Axl. >>
Or continue the Maverick hunter X remakes, that'd do as well.

Also, Legacy of Kain.

Nosgoth doesn't count in my book.
MMO shooters do not tend to have complex, fantastically written and acted storytelling, which is what makes the other Legacy games what they are.
Nor does the added on tomb raider DLC starring Kain and Raziel. Where someone hastily pasted together snipped bits of dialog from existing games which barely make sense together.
Just, just a proper continuation? Please?

Klonoa, anyone remember Klonoa? I need this to happen, badly.

Also seconding the desire for N64/Gamecube Pokemon ports on the 3DS. That would be awesome -w-

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