*Violet's Little Garden*


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Thank you Tamatalker22 for giving me fan mail. <33

Thank you OldSchoolTama for telling me the many meanings of Mai. ;)

Unfortunately I didn't have too much time for my Tamas today so the only picture I was able to take of Giselle was her sleeping :-/


I haven't let her have any care misses yet so hopefully tomorrow she'll evolve into Lovelitchi.

And speaking of Lovelitchis, look what Mai evolved into!


Yay! She's really cuteee~


So I don't think anything happens after this... I know there's no matchmaker or anything. I don't know if they eventually die from old age or if they just die when the batteries die... I guess I'll wait and see.

I discovered today that the C button can be used as a stat check! If she comes up close to the screen then she's fine, but it might also have a circle or squiggle above her head. The circle means 'play a game with me!' and the squiggle means 'I'm dizzy! I don't want to be anorexic! Feed me!' :-]

Ok. Sorry for the not-fun narration today, I'm tired from my day...

Violet, Giselle, and Mai

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So today was Violetchi's birthday!

The house was an absolute disaster... we absolutely HAD to clean it.


Our house was finally fine. :) All the guests started pouring in just in time to finish baking the Flan! [That's not actually what this is but the real name escapes me]


Violetchi enjoyed the party very much, but eventually everyone had to go. Once they had all cleared out, Giselle evolved into the always welcome Lovelitchi!


[sorry for the awkward angle- it was hard to get this shot on a moment's notice ;) ]

I was reading Evie's log earlier (Love it! :) ) and -Ra- mentioned something about an Octopus hot dog. I remember that there's a download for that, for the iD L, so now I know what it really is.


Cute. If I ate hot dogs I'd do this. ;)

So remember yesterday I was talking about how the "C" button on the Nano can be used as sort of a stat-check? This is what it looks like when she wants you to play a game. [Again, sorry for the bad picture, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to take pictures- that screen is really recessed! ;) ]


If you look in the top-right corner you can see the little bubble and then it turns into a circle.

One of my two best friends at school wants to run a Tama! I have so many [Ahem, six] laying around that I figured I could let her borrow my 4.5.


Hopefully she won't kill all the ones she has!

Having two Lovelitchi's is kind of entertaining. :tarakotchi:

SO tomorrow I'm having a sleepover. *Yay, exciting news!* [Potter Puppet Pals, anyone?] It's going to be kind of a Tama sleepover now that all three of us are going to be running at least one, so I might be able to update my log. Hopefully I will although there won't be pictures. If I don't get to update, you'll at least know why.

So see you all tomorrow or Saturday. : ))

Violet, Mai, and Giselle

Although having two Lovelitchis was fun, it was time for Mai to go. :'(


I pressed the reset button. Poof... Mai disappeared...

Ahem... She was replaced with a spotted egg.


Another baby girl popped out. Give me a day to come up with a name. ;)


I'm taking pretty bad care of her. I'm not sure who the worst care female is, but we'll soon find out.

While playing dress up earlier, I saw Giselle's eye drift towards the polka dot dress. She asked me if she could try it on; She was halfway there before I said 'yes'.


The chain on my Nano gave out today. :-/ I guess I had 'used' it too much (even though I had barely used it) because it kept coming undone. I quickly chained (crochet term) some thread and slid it through. I hope it'll do the job.


Alright. I hear some lemon cake taunting me from the fridge. Thank you all so much for reading and I'm sorry about not updating yesterday, but I just didn't have the chance. :-(

Violet, Choribotchi, and Giselle

You know, I never really liked Sundays. I can't help but thinking of school the next day...

Giselle, however, felt differently. She woke up this morning with hearts in her eyes.

Before we went to visit Mrs. Busybody, however, we went to Hirotchi's birthday party. Thankfully I didn't have to throw it this time; It was at Missvioletchi's house. ;) He had a great time- not to mention a great shock when we all yelled surprise.

I took Giselle to the matchmaker, and none other than Hirotchi showed up! She was obviously head over heals for him, and he her. He had possibly the best birthday of his life when they were wed. ;)


They gave birth to a Nittobitchi, and let me choose the name. At the time I was thinking of Hey Arnold, and named him Harold. :) Anyone remember him? ;D


After an hour he evolved into Kaubotchi. Sadly he's asleep so no picture. ;)

Ok, so remember that I was taking bad care of my Choribotchi? (I've decided to name her Mae. I'm having trouble coming up with a name and am too lazy to look up a chart. Plus I like this spelling better. ;D) Anyways, here's the time sheet of her life. [if you're not interested, just skip ahead; Nothing too special here]

Time set: 12:54

Hatched: 12:55

12:55- Fed two meals, lost one game, won one game.

2:00- Beeped, came close to screen

3:01- Not sure when she beeped, but was dizzy. Fed one meal.

3:28- Beeped, was angry. Fed one snack.

3:57- Saw poop, cleared

4:02- Beeped, dizzy.

4:19- Beeped, angry. Played two games; One lost, one won.

4:22- Fed once

4:58- Fed one snack

5:23- Beeped, dizzy. Fed one meal.

5:52- Set time one hour ahead to adjust for future time change (missed 6 o’clock ‘attention-call’)

6:23 (Real time)- Beeped, dizzy.

6:42- Fed one meal.

6:43- Played one game, lost

6:56- Saw poop, cleared

7:00 PM- Went to bed, left light on

7:00 AM- Woke up

7:42- Beeped, dizzy

8:43- Beeped, not sure for what. :/

8:44- Fed one meal; No longer dizzy (So the 8:43 beep was probably a food beep)

9:12- Beeped, angry

9:20- Played three games, lost all

12:30- Looked; She was dizzy and unhappy. Fed and played one game; Won

1:46- Beeped, dizzy

1:58- Evolved to Moriritchi

So yes, I now have a Moriritchi on my hands! She's really cute; Not as popular as Lovelitchi, so I like that better, too. ;)


I hope to let her stay around for a while...

If you're wondering why there's a big time-gap between 9:20 and 12:30, it's because I was working the carnival at my synogague. :p

Ok, that's it for us. Thank you for reading!

Violet, Mae, and Harold

(Ps- thank you to Kutchipatchi.is.blue.55 for the fan mail!)

Good afternoon/morning/night, depending on where you are. ;)

Sadly I'm at school right now, on the computer, because I won't be home tonight until after 9! (So yes. No home for me from 7:15 AM -9:15 Pm ;o_o) And this, unfortunately, means no pictures for the log today. :p

Yesterday I said that Harold evolved into Kaubotchi. I gave him two care misses yesterday and he went uncared for for a few hours today, so I'm pretty sure I'll have a Bokuhoshitchi on my hands in a little while. ;) From there I'll aim for Kuinshinbotchi. I haven't had him in a while!

Mae the Moriritchi is still here just hanging around.

I can understand how some people might see the Nano as boring-after all there are only eight characters- but I really like it. It has a certain charm to it. I have always been a lover of all things tiny and mini, so I'm especially glad to have this one in my collection!

Yesterday I ordered a book on Amazon. I was reading through -Ra-'s log a while ago and he said he got it, and then I was watching Tamagotchi_Freak_06's collection videos and she said she got this book, too, so I went ahead and bought it off Amazon. After all, someone was selling it for ONE CENT. It's called Tamagotchi Egg: The Unofficial Guide. Intentially (sp?) Useless Advice for the Shell Shocked Parent and I'm excited for it. :)

Alright, that's it for this Monday. Thank you all for reading!

Violet, Mae, and Harold

Phew. I haven't paid my Tamas much attention today, as I've been playing lawyer for school. :p

But anyways, Harold evolved into Kuinshinbotchi! Yay!


The house was really dirty so we cleaned it.


After we finished cleaning, we headed over to the cafe and he had a really big hamburger, which gave him a happy symbol.


Mae is still here...


So that's it for us. I have to go finish some more hw. :p

I really apologize for my lack of fun-narration these past couple days. :( I'm kind of braindead and tired right now, so I hope to pick it up again soon... Stick around! :)

'Grats to Tamatalker22 for her big package (with a Tama-go and a Music Star) arriving! :)

My book shipped today. Can't wait for it to arrive...

Violet, Mae, and Harold

Before Harold woke up, I looked over at him and the shiny part of the shell looked so gorgeous!


Look at that magenta... <3

Harold hasn't done much of interest today... He's still a Kuinshinbotchi.


And because I know at some point each and every one of you has wondered this (note the sarcasm), here's what it looks like when a Kuinshinbotchi takes a bath.


Hmm... yeah... Uh, don't tell him I put this picture up. Although, he couldn't even put his lollipop down for 10 seconds to shower, so I guess he deserves it. <_<

Mae is still here... hanging around...


I wish that something more would happen. A goal of a matchmaker in a few days, maybe even a week or something. I wish they even died of old age, so I could raise one from baby to death! But I think I have to wait until the battery runs out, which will be a while, hopefully...

I think I'll, ah, let Mae... 'live' until this weekend and then reset her. I really don't like resetting but I do want to discover all the other adults... Unless anyone has any idea of how often I should reset? :p

Just some size comparisons between the Nano and iD L. I'll get one of the Nano and a Connection tomorrow.


I made it really big so you can get a good idea. :3 They're about the same thickness.

Ok. That's it for tonight! I'm doing my 'court trial' in school tomorrow, so back to less homework. *phew*

Thank you so much for reading!

Violet, Mae, and Harold

I know I said that I can have time for updates now that my 'court trial' is over, but I think I'm getting sick. Because I have a sore throat and it's 7:00 and I'm tired.

Today Harold got married to a Moriritchi. They had a baby Momoirotchi who evolved into Rolutchi. I can't decide if I want to go for Uwasatchi again or Nachuratchi, who is the last adult I can get. (She'll be my 30/32 TaMaToMo adult) Anyone want to pm me with votes? I named the little girl, with some help from Tamatalker22, Izzy. :)

Mae is still around, just hanging...

I found these earlier. You can put an iD L in it! I love the neck pouches. I hope one day I can have one of these. :)

Sorry for the lame update, I hope for a better one tomorrow. : (

Violet, Mae, and Izzy

I have SOOOOO many pictures to upload! I went all photographer on my Nano because I never did that... And frankly I'm kind of bored. I'm too dizzy to crochet, too lightheaded to go get another bottle of gatorade, and too motivation-deprived to write in my journal. I'm gonna turn on some music and get crackin' on Dailybooth. See you in a few. :)

Violet, Mae, and Izzy

Harold got married yesterday...



We ate yummy apples because... um... they're healthy. :]


I was on TZ and saw this GINORMOUS iD L in the window at Tama-Depa. Another reason why I need to visit some day...


And after starving Izzy, poor doll, she certainly was hungry. She ate two huge hamburgers for dinner!


I never took a lot of photos of my Nano packaging and such, so those are coming up next. Brb...

Violet, Mae, and Izzy

*Read two previous posts*

Just so you all can get an idea how SMALL the Nano is, some size comparisons.


From left to right, V4, Nano, iD L, Music Star


V4, Nano, iD L


I can't even tell you why, but I LOVE the packaging so much. It's absolutely gorgeous. <3


Next to my standard-size cell phone


With the beloved Nano


The eight raisable characters: Lovelitchi, Mametchi, Watawatchi, Moriritchi, Maisutatchi, Meloditchi, Spacytchi, and Kutchipatchi.


Back of packaging


The design. Love the bubbles.

So that was my photography session. I love the Nano, it's so adorable! :)

Violet, Mae, and Izzy

*Read three previous posts*

Izzy and I decided it was time for a change today. This download was just released, and I absolutely love it!



Love it!

I reset Mae today. :'(




And out hatched...


A baby boy! My very first one. I'm only feeding him one meal at a time. Hopefully this means Kutchipatchi but I'm fine with whoever I get. :]

Thanks for reading. :)

Violet, Nittobitchi, and Izzy

Thank you sooo much to whoever gave me a 27th and 28th five-star-vote! <333

I had a major brain fart yesterday; Izzy evolved into Hineonetchi!


Then later she said she had a stomacache. That could only mean one thing...


NACHURATCHI!! Happy symbols come tomorrow; She is my last obtainable adult. *Sniff* My 30/32 unique adult.

Um... so my Nano... I made SURE that his food bowls never exceeded two; Usually they were at one. And I only fed him around 3 snacks, never played a game. Look who I found...


HUH?? Anyways, I discovered his animations... here he is all happy


Cute! And closeup animation.


But he frustrated me because I purposely took bad care. So I reset poor Mametchi. :(


Yay! Boy again. I really want a Kutchipatchi. I assumed he was medium care, but obviously my care last time was too good.

Plan for this time:

No food. Snack every once in a while [To ensure no dying on my watch] clean the poop, leave the lights on.

So hopefully this means Kutchipatchi... Or Maisutatchi... Or Spacytchi. Anyone except Mametchi. It's not that I have anything against him, of course not, just that I want someone a little 'less common', if you know what I mean. ;)


Everyone get Ellen's Know or Go in the app store! I recently found a love for Ellen, and this game is epic. I have the free version right now. :)

I hope I'm not sick anymore by tomorrow. It's my grandma's 80th birthday luncheon. Love you, grandma!! <3


So we'll see who Nittobitchi evolves into tomorrow. Must look up Japanese names. Maybe I could take some from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I love that show soo much. I can't wait for the Legend of Korra to come out!

Ahem, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't sweat it. :) Anyways, what was my point? Oh yeah. I'll name this little guy Zuko. :D

Thank you all so much for reading!

Violet, Zuko, and Izzy

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:eek: Oh my golly miss Molly...

Somehow you lovely people gave Violet's Little Garden a 29th five-star-rate and some brilliant person is the 17th follower of my log? I love you all so much!!! <3

Today was the day to play around with Izzy. First we looked through our clothing chest to see what we had. We found the Lovelin dress and the heart dress. Neither of them "did her fancy".


And then her eye drifted towards the flower hat. She loved it!


And then we went to the cafe for a treat for breakfast. She looked at the menu for approximately 4 seconds before ordering the Kurumi Pan (I think...)


Tomorrow we'll eat the Dojima Roll at the bakery, which of course gives ALL adults a happy symbol.

So behold what extreme neglect gives you on a Nano: Maisutatchi!


He's so cute!!

I had two more pictures of him but Dailybooth is glitching out. :p

Anyways, that's it for today. I feel like writing in my journal so I'm signing off for now. :)

Violet, Zuko, and Izzy

Uber sad news!

So when I woke up my Nano was fine. Then in art, around 10ish, I looked at it and there was a blank screen!!


I took off the back and re-inserted the batteries, but it didn't work. :( I REALLY hope that it's just dead batteries- even though there wasn't a dead battery screen- but I don't have any extras. :p I kept telling my mom we needed to go to Target... Hopefully we can go this weekend. What really bums me is that I just got Maisutatchi! I'm annoyed because I was enjoying him and now I have to ignore another poor Nittobitchi.

I've liked having two Tamas running, so I started up my V3, the second lowest maitnence Tama I have.


I downloaded it and there was Carly, the 2nd generation Hikotchi (I think). I assume she's bad care; I'm giving her ok care now, so hopefully good-ish care from Hikotchi means Decotchi. :D (He's the Frankenstein-looking guy) I really want him!

I guess I forgot to shower Izzy yesterday; She was really dirty!


Got to clean that room... I took that second picture especially because I love it when she's happy- her little camera clicks!

We got her third happy symbol later by eating the Dojima Roll at the cafe.


She's supposed to earn her 4th happy symbol later. I can't take her to the matchmaker because I have NO time today, but I think I will tomorrow.

Be right back with exciting news... :D

Violet, Izzy, and Carly

*Read post above*

I went out and got the mail today, and there was this little tiny package addressed to my mom. It was some kind of book, and I'm pretty much the only one in my family who reads, so I was wondering if I should open it. I felt bad because it was my mom's mail, but after about two minutes of STARING at the thing, my willpower (Holly ;) ) broke! Luckily I wasn't invading her mail-- it was my new Tamagotchi book!! It's super cute!



So it looks rather... ahem... 'punny'. I'm excited to read it; Haven't started yet!

It's way smaller than I thought- smaller than any normal-sized book. It's a little larger than Anne Frank's Diary, if any of you happen to have one on hand. Size comparisons:


Conclusions of today:

  1. I am sad because my Nano is broken, and it's the saddest thing to just see it sitting there!!
  3. SOMETIMES it's ok to desecrate other peoples' mail if you have a sneaking suspicion, haha. ;)
  4. The V3 is still fun. :)

Ok, thank you all for reading! I've got to run and get reading. :)

Violet, Izzy, and Carly

Good evening everyone. Birthday countdown: 10 days :D

Literally seconds after updating yesterday, Izzy earned her last happy symbol.


I waited until this afternoon to take her to the matchmaker; She was wed to Spacytchi and had a baby girl.



She evolved into Paletchi later; Think she'll be turning into Perotchi. :)

Yesterday my mom and I went to CVS and picked up two LR44 batteries. Yay for convenience stores; They're so convenient! ;)


Apparently it WAS just the dead batteries that we wrong with my Nano (Phew!) because it worked perfectly when I put them in. I got a bouncy egg and then it hatched!


Yay! A baby girl! I'm trying to see who the equivalent of Maisutatchi is; I'm not feeding her, ocassionally giving snacks, cleaning up the poops, and leaving the lights on at night. She got sick earlier. :(


It was hard to get a picture of because the screen is SO recessed. She made a cute face when I cured her, though. :)


I don't know if they evolve in their sleep or not; If they do we'll see at 6-ish tomorrow, but if not she'll evolve at 7 tomorrow morning. I'm so curious! :)

My Daddy just got me the special issue Hunger Games People magazine. Between that and the book from yesterday (which, by the way, is REALLY funny- I definately recommend it), I better get reading!

Thank you all so much!!

Violet, Jane (iD L), and Katara (Nano)

The first pages of this log have really gotten to me. They're SO terrible I can't stand to read them, and I hope you guys haven't because I HATE them with a passion.

As such, I have decided to start a NEW log. It will simply be called Violet's Second Garden; Once I start it I'll leave a link here.

Thank you to each and every one of you supportive followers; You all mean the world to me and I hope you'll read my new log soon. :]



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Hey! I have a question from one of your youtube videos! When you download from a cell phone (i have the samsung verizon intensity 2) if it says it has an infrared camera, would it still work? Sorry its sort of irrelevant :)
