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spongeboby how did you get theat avatar on from avatarmagic.com i can't get it on
This is very off-topic, but... :D

This is the url for the image. (I made the image at avatarmagic.com myself)


In your control panel in avatar settings, paste the url into the the url box and its done. :D

If you have trouble doing it...PM me.

Aw, that stinks.

Being in middle school, the teachers and people didn't even know what they were. ;D

If I ever got caught because it made noise I'd just push the B button and say it was my clock.

well tamas aren't banded at our school anyway during testing it was through well my school is the type of school that lets u bring ur tama and other electronics but the thing is some kids are inresponsible so they stoped playing with it. Me and my friend has what we call tama daycare because i have 5 tamas and also babysits my and her friends. I have like about 2 chain 1 pouch and a keychain so my v4s(2) goes on the chains and pouch and my v3(1) and v1s(2) goes on the keychains. Alot of people bring tamas but if u are in the way of my vice principal she'll take it so no one plays around her. we do play in class through but if ur school bans it hid it and play with it seldomly or just play with it after school. :furawatchi: oh yea on one of my v4 i have a furawatchi :)

I have 5 tamagothcis and i`m lucky.,..in the agenda it says that all video games/electronics are banned...but for some creepy reason my teachers don`t mind me playing with them in class when the sounds off *probly cause i only play with them after i finished my work* and i don`t think that tamagotchis specifically will be banned becaus eonly a few students own tamas...

*counts off the ones i know* Antistia *latin name* Brittney W. *she plays with mine on some days* Brittney T. *i`m still working on teaching her how to use them through* Jasmine *she has about 8 @.@* and my boyfreind....

so yeah including me we have 6 peopel who play with tamagotchis... @___@ we should form some sort of club...*drags them over to my personal tamagotchi chat fourum*

ive solved my problem im gonna put it in a pouch and clip the pouch on my back pack momwill never know ..........i hope

You could always teach your parents how to look after your tama if you can't bring it to school [and if your parents have time].. I tought my dad how to look after one when I was 10 and he still remembers :blink:

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i have to many to count and they will be taking care o them none stop

Oh, ok.. I have one tama. :blink:

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If you REALLY want to take a tama to school(my friend who sits next to me in class sneaks it to school alot) Here are some tips:

If you want to play or whatever with your tamagotchi in class...

1. try to befriend the peopl who sit next to you

2. get a book out, and put the tama on it and pretend to "read".

3. hide the tama in your desk and play with it while no ones looking



1. find a safe, unpopular spot where no one will see you and your tama


3. dun drop your tama in a puddle


1. Try to make an emergency plan with friends who would NEVER tell on you. (I recommend this idea: giving your tama to the friend who would never tell on you and let that person put it in his/her backpack, and she/he can say "I was getting" such and such. When the teacher approaches you, give her a eraser, or any attracting school supply.)

2. chill


1. (I learned this trick from this one topic) Grab your tama, set it to clock screen, when the teacher asks what it is put your hand over TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION and over the buttons and say "it's my watch."

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Put your tama in your purse.. That's what I'd do. :lol:

At my school they will take them away until the end of the year and your parents have to come and pick them up. I already saw one on my teacher's desk! But in another 4/5 class as long as they are done with their work, they can play with them. so I see them carrying them in library and everywhere!!!!

I don't think they're banned at my school. Everytime and everyday I bring them and take it out, people tell me I'm not allowed to have them and I just say I don't care. I never got in trouble. A couple of my friends bring theirs anyway. Who does really care if nothing happens? Somebody told me once I could get suspended for having it. lol. That would never happen.


Matchy :)

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