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Active member
Dec 26, 2006
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A couple of days a go i saw an advert about crazez. So I am gonna list them...but...they are not for you to try so PLEEZE don't try and get me in trouble. I'm only warning you about the risks. I'm only helping.

1. Dying to be thin? Crash-dieting: When you eat very little for a long period of time and then eat normal again until you think you are over-weight again.70% of teen girls think they are over weight but only 19% are

66% of 13-year-old girls have been on crash diets

75% of girls think being thin makes you more attractive

20% suffer from an eating disorder

60% would feel happier if they were thinner

Crash dieting can cause:

•Missed periods

•Bad breath


•Hair loss

•Heart problems

•Kideny failure



•Growth Problems

2. Dusting: Inhaling compressed air that is usually used for cleaning computer key boards.

4 people have been found dead after inhaling

Can cause:

•Failiure of any inportant organs(e.g. heart, lungs, brain e.t.c)


3. Prescription Drugs: Taking drugs that teens think are safe because the have been prescribed by doctors.

30% of drug-realated deaths are caused by prescription drugs

Can cause:

•Breathing problems





•Irregular heart-beat

•Organ failiures


•High blood-pressure


4: The choking game:When teens hang themselves to get high.

• Each time you play the choking game thousands on brain cells that can never be replaced die

• It can take just two minutes to die playing the choking game

Can cause:

•Breathing problems



•Perminate brain damage


5: Ghost riding: Jumping from a car while it is still moving then jumping back in

•In the last 4 months there have been 171 arrests in the USA

•Thisis one on the millions of reasons why You Tube was sued. Someone made a video of ghostriding and posted it in.

Can cause:

•Crashing into sharp objects



6: Tomb stoning: Jumping from higher places than a school roof.

60ft cliff can still kill as someone found out in 2004...

Can cause:

•Perminant disability

•Being swept on to rocks

•Possible boat concllusion



A couple of days a go i saw an advert about crazez. So I am gonna list them...but...they are not for you to try so PLEEZE don't try and get me in trouble. I'm only warning you about the risks. I'm only helping.
1. Dying to be thin? Crash-dieting: When you eat very little for a long period of time and then eat normal again until you think you are over-weight again.70% of teen girls think they are over weight but only 19% are

66% of 13-year-old girls have been on crash diets

75% of girls think being thin makes you more attractive

20% suffer from an eating disorder

60% would feel happier if they were thinner

Crash dieting can cause:

•Missed periods

•Bad breath


•Hair loss

•Heart problems

•Kideny failure



•Growth Problems

2. Dusting: Inhaling compressed air that is usually used for cleaning computer key boards.

4 people have been found dead after inhaling

Can cause:

•Failiure of any inportant organs(e.g. heart, lungs, brain e.t.c)


3. Prescription Drugs: Taking drugs that teens think are safe because the have been prescribed by doctors.

30% of drug-realated deaths are caused by prescription drugs

Can cause:

•Breathing problems





•Irregular heart-beat

•Organ failiures


•High blood-pressure


4: The choking game:When teens hang themselves to get high.

• Each time you play the choking game thousands on brain cells that can never be replaced die

• It can take just two minutes to die playing the choking game

Can cause:

•Breathing problems



•Perminate brain damage


5: Ghost riding: Jumping from a car while it is still moving then jumping back in

•In the last 4 months there have been 171 arrests in the USA

•Thisis one on the millions of reasons why You Tube was sued. Someone made a video of ghostriding and posted it in.

Can cause:

•Crashing into sharp objects



6: Tomb stoning: Jumping from higher places than a school roof.

60ft cliff can still kill as someone found out in 2004...

Can cause:

•Perminant disability

•Being swept on to rocks

•Possible boat concllusion


thats so sad

Hey cool Motorola! The choking game?! People would actually HANG themselves to 'get high'?! What does 'get high' actually mean? Does it mean get drunk?


P.S. Motorola, you've really changed from the naughtiest girl on tamatalk to one of the most helpful and sensible!!! Thanks, I always knew you had it in you! :ph34r:

Ohh my really Motorola? That is... Just sad! I hope people do understand the risks in life!

Hey cool Motorola! The choking game?! People would actually HANG themselves to 'get high'?! What does 'get high' actually mean? Does it mean get drunk?

P.S. Motorola, you've really changed from the naughtiest girl on tamatalk to one of the most helpful and sensible!!! Thanks, I always knew you had it in you! :ph34r:
High is sometimes like when you can't stop laughing and you feel really good

High is sometimes like when you can't stop laughing and you feel really good
It can also mean drunk.

Alot of those things that you listed are things that our princaple warned us about one time.

High is the state where yo uare still conscious, but in a bit of a daze; You tend to loose grip on reality fairly quick.

There's a different way of doing the choking game. Or in this case it's called the pass out game. Pretty much the same feeling though.

It takes three people. One person lifts another to a wall. The person being lifted takes a breath in and lets it out, then the person holding pushes in on the lifted's lungs until the lifted hits them to stop. The person holding then lets the lifted off the wall and the lifted passes out. The third person catches the lifted.

A few of my friends used to do that. I tried it once but it didn't work on me, lol. They couldn't get to my lungs because of my chest. Aw well though. It was probably for the best anyway.

we are learning about this stuff in school

i have another warning for you all

There is this so called "game" that you have a balloon filled with helium and you breath from the balloon for as long as you can without dieing it is illegal in most areas but in some it is aloud. WARNING this is no game. people use this to get high. THIS IS INOPROPRIATE AND WRONG!!

Side affects can be:


Loss of ability



This is really wrong and noone here should ever do this!!

we are learning about this stuff in school
i have another warning for you all

There is this so called "game" that you have a balloon filled with helium and you breath from the balloon for as long as you can without dieing it is illegal in most areas but in some it is aloud. WARNING this is no game. people use this to get high. THIS IS INOPROPRIATE AND WRONG!!

Side affects can be:


Loss of ability



This is really wrong and noone here should ever do this!!
Al taking in helium from a balloon does is make you talk in a high pitched voice for like ten seconds..

actually if you get to much of it, it can do some really big damage. trust me my teacher didn't teach us this. the school had a POLICE OFFICER come in to tell us he even had a VIDEO of a person going uncontious from it. he also told about 13 stories of death from this!! sad how daring some people are.....

actually if you get to much of it, it can do some really big damage. trust me my teacher didn't teach us this. the school had a POLICE OFFICER come in to tell us he even had a VIDEO of a person going uncontious from it. he also told about 13 stories of death from this!! sad how daring some people are.....
Ah I see..

My mom, at my birthday party year before last, sucked in helium for like, ten seconds, and when she talked she sounded like a chipmunk!

Made all my friends laugh.

Thanks for teaching me something new though!

im hungry..0.o..back to topic,i've heard on the news thats people hung themselves in school or anywhere the could hang a rope,i once saw this camercial where it showed kids who take leaches to school,but i couldnt hear the whole comercial,but i guess it was for getting high or something,and it also show the principle with jars full of leeches that he took away.It also showed this kid who hid a leech behing his lip inside of his mouth

well that's okay but i am talking about when it is done on purpose, only helium is being brought in the body, and when it is done for a really long time

im hungry..0.o..back to topic,i've heard on the news thats people hung themselves in school or anywhere the could hang a rope,i once saw this camercial where it showed kids who take leaches to school,but i couldnt hear the whole comercial,but i guess it was for getting high or something,and it also show the principle with jars full of leeches that he took away.It also showed this kid who hid a leech behing his lip inside of his mouth
i also learned about that. but i forgot most of it. teenagers do that sometimes to be "cool" even though it's just plain dumb, letting a leech suck your blood all day stinks!! unless that type doesn't such blood.

well all these things are kinda obvious... all people need to avoid it is COMMON SENSE

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