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Jul 15, 2007
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never ever buy a tamagotchi from JD. they're fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I like Bandai because they make really cool Tamagotchies, and they made them connect to!!!! On the old ones they couldn't connect as good or couldn't even connect at all!!!!

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!

They can't be a fake when they don't claim to be a tamagotchi.

If they claimed to be a tamagotchi THEN it would be considered a fake.

They are perfectly allowed to make virtual pets like Bandai does.

tamaw/pants has a good point. If they claim to be tamagotchis, but aren't from Bandai, they are most definatly fake. If they don't claim to be tamagotchis but are a different new kind of virtual pet, that does not make them "fake tamagotchis". True, they aren't tamagotchis. But they aren't meant to be. They are meant to be similar to tamagotchis, but they as long as they say that they aren't accual tamagotchis, then they aren't fake tamagotchis.

Hope I helped and wasn't too confusing.

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