Warriors Cats


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
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It's an enigma!
Well, I'm back on TT (Miss me? XP) Yes, I understand that there are other WC RPs out there, but I haven't seen any so far using the original four Clans.

Anyways, here we are:

Deep in the forest are the four Warrior Clans: ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan; each has their own specialties, but their differences is really what separates the four from each other. Life is peaceful as a Clan member, but no one is quite sure how long that peace will last.

The Clan leaders are:

WindClan- Willowstar (Female)- Gray tabby with hazel eyes

ShadowClan- Falconstar (Male)- Brown tabby tom with patches of black on his paws and feet, and green eyes.

ThunderClan- Dovestar (Female)- Gray and white fluffy she-cat with blue eyes.

RiverClan- Cloudstar (Male)- Pure white fluffy tom-cat with blue eyes.


Name: (for instance, Snowkit.)

Age (in moons):





Here are mine (it is from the old thread, if you have one from the old thread you can use that too.)Limit 5 cats.

Name: Sparrowfeather

Age: 14 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: Sparrowfeather is a brown tabby tom, with some white patches on his chest and paws, and has hazel eyes.

Clan: WindClan

Personality: Sparrowfeather is extremely friendly, and is extremely kind with kits.

Name: Speckledleaf

Age: 15 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Speckledleaf is a tortoiseshell cat, mostly black, with tawny speckles and some white specks. Her feet are white, and her eyes are green.

Clan: ShadowClan

Personality: Speckledleaf isn't very social, but is very caring toward her patients (she is the medicine cat), and is not too bad a fighter too.

Name: Moonpetal

Age: 14 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Moonpetal is a silver tabby, with leaf green eyes.

Clan: RiverClan

Personality: Moonpetal is easygoing and friendly, but now, being older, is more quiet and reserved.

I am usually only online during the afternoons; I have things to do in the morning, and I won't be online.

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(Oh boy oh boy oh boy!)

Name: Citruspaw

Age (in moons): 8 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Citruspaw is an orange tabby, with some almost brown stripes going down her back. She has light green eyes.

Clan: Riverclan

Personality: Citruspaw is (strangely) alot like her namesake- While she is a sweet and kind cat on the inside, unfortunately, she has a completely rough outside, so she's quite a bit like what an otaku would call a tsundere, acting cold, rude and very irritated towards others but kind and sweet after she decides to be nice to you since she realizes you aren't another jerkface that is gonna tick her off. Sometimes she can be rather bitter too, which constantly annoys other cats.

Name: Skypaw

Age (in moons): 9 moons


Appearance: Skypaw is a silver tabby, whose pelt is a mixture of silver, white and gray. He has two black stripes running down from his neck all the way to his lower back, almost to his tail. His front left paw is white. Skypaw has clear blue eyes.

Clan: Riverclan. You know it's the best.

Personality: Skypaw is a kind, outgoing tom who is always very friendly and bright, with a open attitude toward things. While he may seem like a Gary Stu, with his personality and running skills, he unfortunately can be rather rash about things, and dislikes being criticized. He can be very ruthless when it comes to battle as well, since he doesn't seem to care who dies or not.

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(YES. FINALLY. I'm gonna make one or two more but i cant at the moment)

Name: Brightclaw

Age: 20 moons

Gender: She-cat

Appearance: Brightclaw has creamy white fut with pale ginger tips- ears, muzzle, tail and paws, and a spot on her chest. For having short fur, her tail is unusually fluffy and she has fuzzy tuffs on her ears. She has bright, sapphire blues.

Clan: ThunderClan

Personality: Brightclaw is very friendly, much like her name implies. She is extremely loyal and would die for her Clanmates in a heartbeat. Brightclaw has a very docile temperament, but if she or her Clan feel threatened, she is a fierce fighter.

Name: Dragonfang

Age: 24 moons

Gender: Tom-cat

Appearance: Dragonfang is a black and tortoiseshell tom cat with a sleek, muscular body. He has large green eyes and unusually sharp teeth which makes him an excellent hunter and fighter. He is always getting into something, and is very often splattered with mud.

Clan: ShadowClan

Personality: Dragonfang is on the apathetic side; minds to himself and doesn't like to start trouble. But if trouble Is started, Dragonfang will be the one to end it. He doesn't put up with any BS, from his own Clan or another. He channels his anger when he fights and shows no mercy; he is not afraid to take a life when necessary.

Name: Lilypaw

Age (in moons): 8 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Lilypaw is a silver cat with light grey stripes running down her back. The misty grey rings on her tail are very easy to see. Her paws are a dull grey. Her eyes are cream colored, but have a sky-colored tint.

Clan: RiverClan

Personality: Lilypaw is a very quiet cat, and she is a good secret-keeper. She is more mature than the other cats, who like to play more than sit still and listen. She likes to sleep on rocks near the pond. She loves fruit.

Name: Wisppaw (Prefers to be called Wisp because other cats have trouble saying his name)

Age (in moons): 8 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wisp is a brown tabby with dark stripes and long, black, 'socks'. his tail is black at the tip, just at the very tip, and there is a bit extra fur there. His eyes are a bluish-green.

Clan: RiverClan

Personality: Wisp is the exact opposite of Lilypaw: He is extremely hyper. However, he is sweet, but he thinks he can do everything. It takes some time for him to learn that no cat can stand on his or her nose for 20 seconds.

Sparrowfeather- (Oh noes, nobody else is in WindClan!)

Sparrowfeather woke to the soft noise of the wind blowing into his face. He rose from the ground, and stretched before walking out into the camp. Barely anyone was outside, so he quietly slipped away, ready to catch some fresh prey for the Clan.

Speckledleaf- (I need to find a Warriors book and fast- I forgot all of the herbs!)

Speckledleaf had awoken early in the morning, to sort out herbs. She carefully looked out of her den, and stepped outside when she found that everyone was still asleep. She had made it to the exit of the camp, when she heard the footsteps of another cat from behind. It was Falconstar, his grass green eyes shining.

"You're up awfully early," he remarked. Speckledleaf snarled.

"Don't question my ways," she spat, turning around. "I'm doing this for the Clan, aren't I?" Before her leader could answer, she ran out of the camp, beginning her search for more herbs.

An hour had passed; Speckledleaf had a bundle of assorted plants in her mouth, and was standing right by the border of ShadowClan and WindClan, where the giant Thunderpath was. No monsters were crossing the path, and on the other side was a slim, brown tabby.

"Don't even think of crossing the border," he called out, almost jokingly. Speckledleaf hissed angrily, and even though the path stood between them, the cat backed a step away. Now satisfied, Speckledleaf turned around, and made her way back to camp.


Moonpetal found herself awake in the warrior's den, all alone. She rushed out, to see that many of the cats had already brought out fresh-kill, while she hadn't brought anything at all!

"Hello, Moonpetal," said Cloudstar, stepping up to her. "You're late."

"I'm sorry!" she mewed, dipping her head. "I'll head out right away!"

(we should all be in the same Clan... its so difficult to interact when everyone's in a different Clan.. :/ )

(Maybe.. Well, Thunderclan would be the standard if you really wanted it to be totally classic Warrior Cats, although Riverclan would be cool since they aren't the hero clan and they should be since they are way more legit than thunderclan)

OOC: Okay, can we make it RiverClan then?

Lilypaw sat quietly, not doing anything. She closed her eyes and let the sun warm her fur, until she was nudged away into the shade.


Wisp sat in Lilypaw's spot.

"Can I sit with you?" Lilypaw asked politely.

"Okay!" replied Wisp, scooting a bit.

"Thank you." Lilypaw lowered her head onto her paws and closed her eyes. She started to snooze. Wisp snoozed next to her.

Brightclaw stretched, yawned, and padded out of the warrior's den into the warm greenleaf sun. She saw Wisppaw and Lilypaw laying together across the camp. The RiverClan camp was very calm this morning; just the way it should be. She purred to herself. Thank StarClan for this wonderful greenleaf. Brightclaw's stomach made a rumbling sound, and she grabbed herself a squirrel from the fresh kill pile. It was a large squirrel, and she would share with another Clanmate.

Dragonfang perched himself on the top of a rock overlooking the river. He paid no attention to the cats wondering around camp. He had already gone out with the hunting patrol, and now he was just trying to relax by watching the water and the fish swim by. This was nice.

Name: Snakefur//Lightpaw

Age: Senior warrior//Late apprentice stage

Gender: Male//Female

Appearance: Grey with a green tinge//Light brown with a yellow tinge

Clan: Hmm...

Personality: Grumpy but loyal, and when you get to know him he's okay//Playful and skippy

(alright, RiverClan then. I'm not used to the new TT format, even though it's not all that new, so I have absolutely no idea how to edit my post now. I can't find the edit button...)

(starting over~)

Sparrowfeather scanned the river intently; the fish that eluded his grasp had done so for too long, and wouldn't escape this time! He crouched down by the water, and with a quick swipe, the fish wriggled in his paws.

"Look what I caught, Speckledleaf!" he called out to the medicine cat. Her eyes narrowed, and she nodded slowly.

"Nice catch," she said, not even looking at Sparrowfeather. "I'm leaving now." She stood up from the rocks, and made her way back to the camp slowly. Sparrowfeather rolled his eyes, and turned back to fishing.

There has been a last minute arrangement, so I will be gone this weekend. See you Monday!

Skypaw waited near the entrance of camp for training to start. He stretched out, and let out a huge yawn. He quickly reverted to a sitting position.

Citruspaw had snuck out by herself and was fishing by the river. "I want to catch a big fish, so I can impress everyone!" She said to nobody in particular. Seeing a fish, she quickly waited for it to flop out, and so she could catch it.

Lilypaw ran to the river. There were other cats around, but she payed no attention. Wisp followed along.

"Hey, Wisp, let's catch a big fish together!" Lilypaw declared, jumping into the water.

Wisp pounced at a fish, and Lilypaw helped drag it to the grass.

"Oh my, it's almost as big as me!" Lilypaw exclaimed, tearing it in half.

Wisp sat up proudly and said to a cat by the river, "You wanna share this giant fish victory with us?"

He nudged the half of the fish to the cat. Lilypaw sniffed at the fish.

Lilypaw took a small bite, enjoying the fresh flavor. She sat still, enjoying the wonderful fish, as Wisp pounced at a grasshopper and brought it to Lilypaw.

"Want it?" he asked, nudging it forward.

"No thank you. I'd rather have a tangerine." Lilypaw climbed up a tree, looking for fresh fruit. She spotted an apple, and quickly grabbed it and jumped down. She started to eat the apple, it was hard, but she eventually was able to pry some fruit off and enjoy it.

Name: Raintail

Age: 13 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Grey, with a slight blue tinge. Her ears, belly fur, muzzle, and the tip of her tail are white. Her eyes are bright blue, and give the appearance of having the depth of an ocean.

Clan: RiverClan (Duh)

Personality: Raintail is a quiet, calm, and collected she-cat. She is usually willing to do anything for a friend, even at

the cost of her own life. She will always stand up for the right thing, even if it's not the easiest option. She is very loyal to her clan, and will always defend it. She always hides her fear, and will likely be the one who is calming others.

Name: Lemonpaw

Age: 8 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lemonpaw is a golden-yellow, long-haired tom. His eyes are yellow, and his tail is white.

Clan: RiverClan

Personality: Lemonpaw keeps away from the other cats most of the time. Other cats interpret this as shyness and/or cowardliness, but in truth he is sensitive. He is also easily insulted, and very quick to anger. He doesn't make friends very easily and is wary of other cats. (If it's OK, can Lemonpaw be the medicine cat's apprentice?)

Name: Lightningclaw

Age: 16 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lightningclaw is named for his claws, which are long and sharp, with little resistance to the air. He can move them extremely fast. Lightningclaw is jet black, with bright yellowish orange eyes.

Clan: Gee, I wonder. xD

Personality: Lightningclaw is kind to his clanmates, but has an aura of cold fury when he's facing an enemy. He is a warrior to be counted on. He is always willing to go into battle, and is pretty much an expert at not killing but maiming his enemies. He's better at battle than he is at hunting, but if the can needs him to hunt, he'll be there.

Blegh, I was gone longer than anticipated, sorry.

Sparrowfeather looked on at the apprentices, eagerly fishing through the river, causing him to reminisce about his own apprenticeship. A time of learning, meeting friends, and getting into trouble; what fun... He trailed off for a moment, until he felt a prod on the back. He turned around, to see that it was Moonpetal, her shiny eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

"Hello," she said kindly, taking a seat next to Sparrowfeather. "May I fish here?"

"Sure," he replied, standing up. "I was just leaving anyways." He picked up the slimy fish that he'd caught, turned around, and made his way back to the camp, looking back one last time at his Clanmates, a smile on his face.

Name:Amberkit (named after my kitten <3)

Age: 5 moons

Gender: female

(ignore the kittypet furniture, and yeah, this is a picture of my kitteh <3)


Personality: Amberkit is a hyperactive little kit, She loves fresh fish, but she sometimes Doesn't want to get in the water, she's a bit careless at times and not very observant, she loves sleeping and pouncing on everything that moves. She hates the twolegs and will sink her claws into one if she has the chance.

Raintail sat and relaxed on a sun-warmed rock. She watched all of the cats fishing and running around, doing what they do. She padded over to Lightningclaw(who I have decided will be her brother) and sat next to him. He was watching a group of apprentices catching a big fish. Raintail purred with amusement. She found it funny, though she didn't know why. Her gaze fell on Lemonpaw, gathering herbs around the camp. She sighed. He was so shy. He would only talk to his littermates and parents, and occasionaly Speckledleaf. Never any other cat, not even the other apprentices. Lightningclaw nudged her. "I see why your face looks sad. You were looking at Lemonpaw, weren't you. His life would be 5 times easier if he had a handful of friends." "Indeed. I feel the need to help him out, but I don't know how he'll respond." Maybe, she thought, just maybe, one of the other apprentices will see him alone. She went back to the warriors' den and curled up in a ball. Just before she fell asleep, she mumbled "StarClan, please help him. I can't stand seeing him alone ..."

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