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I love Warriors! I read those books in 2 days! I hate it when I finish. My favorite character depends on which series.

First- TigerClaw (Or TigerStar- same cat)

Second- SquirrelFlight

Third- JayPaw

And, since were sharing names, I'm SwiftNose of WindClan. It's funny. My Dad and lil' bro are ThunderClanners, and my mom is a ShadowClanner. Haha, mixed clan.

I hope that one day there will be books from other cats's views. Like TigerStar's view of things. I mean he's in every single book- Just about anyway. Also on the website I think it would be a good idea for their to be a story section. Well, maybe 2. One for cat stories, and one for others.

I like the doggie in your siggy, Swiftnose!

But as all Warriors know, dogs are stupid, noisy little barky creatures.

I love the Warriors series!! :)

I think I'm addicted...I can't stop reading the books, and RPing about it.

I've only read three books in the series so far, though. :angry:

Call my Goldenheart.

I love Warriors! I read those books in 2 days! I hate it when I finish. My favorite character depends on which series. First- TigerClaw (Or TigerStar- same cat)

Second- SquirrelFlight

Third- JayPaw

And, since were sharing names, I'm SwiftNose of WindClan. It's funny. My Dad and lil' bro are ThunderClanners, and my mom is a ShadowClanner. Haha, mixed clan.

I hope that one day there will be books from other cats's views. Like TigerStar's view of things. I mean he's in every single book- Just about anyway. Also on the website I think it would be a good idea for their to be a story section. Well, maybe 2. One for cat stories, and one for others.
Neat! My favourite characters depend on the series too.

1st: Cloudtail\Lionheart. (*wails* LIONHEART!!! :angry: :) )

2nd: Brook Where Small Fish Swim

3rd: Lionpaw <3

I'd like one day to be some books from the views of a cat thats not in Thunderclan, and in their own camp. I want to get a scoop of Riverclan! D=

And the real reason why people hate Silverstream and Millie is because the fanbase wants Graystripe. xD

Neat! My favourite characters depend on the series too.
1st: Cloudtail\Lionheart. (*wails* LIONHEART!!! :angry: :) )

2nd: Brook Where Small Fish Swim

3rd: Lionpaw <3

I'd like one day to be some books from the views of a cat thats not in Thunderclan, and in their own camp. I want to get a scoop of Riverclan! D=

And the real reason why people hate Silverstream and Millie is because the fanbase wants Graystripe. xD
Aw, Lionheart made me cry. Cloudie is awesome. :)

PS: Love your avvvvieeee! ^^

Yeah, I agree.

I want the book to be written in another cats point of view...a warrior NOT from ThunderClan.

I want to know what the other clans are thinking and what they're going through.

Aw, Lionheart made me cry. Cloudie is awesome. :)
PS: Love your avvvvieeee! ^^
Thanks. I just found it funny. xD

Windclan is pretty interesting, but I'd like to see Riverclan... with Leopardstar and all.

(Sorry, I kind of lost this topic for a while!!!)

Is anybody here excited for Outcast to come out???

I own Dark River, so, I'm going to need to read it.... again.... after I buy Outcast.


Did anybody here make Warrior Wonders??? Just wondering, you know.... I know I found it SOMEWHERE.... I just can't remember who's signature I found it in!!!

One more thing: Who suspects that Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw are actually Leafpool's and Crowfeather's kits???!

(Warning: this has a SPOILER)

Then why would Tigerstar and Hawkfrost be visiting Lionpaw in his dreams if they weren't truly related? But then again what if Tigerstar doesn't KNOW that they're not related? That would certainly explain why Leafpool likes all of them so much.


I found this on https://www.freewebs.com/warriorcatpics/fantheory.htm, and there was a link to it on Warrior Wonders: https://z15.invisionfree.com/Warrior_Wonder...view=getnewpost

Please note: I did NOT write this. I found it. :(

Theory by: Tangleface of WindClan

Why I Believe the Jay/Leaf/Crow Theory

* Leafpool was getting noticeably fat- was it that she was only eating a lot, or bearing kits?

* Squirrelflights milk never came- what if they aren’t even her kits?

* Squirrelflight sure was early getting out of the nursery- usually queens need time to recover until their kits become apprentices. If she had kits, she would more than likely need time to recover before going back to her warrior duties.

* Jaypaw recalls in a dream about having to make a journey when he was a tiny kit. Leafpool confirmed the dream to be true. BOTH Leafpool and Squirrelflight were with him and his littermates. What if Leafpool and Squirrelflight went out of the hollow so that no cat would see Leafpool give birth to the kits, not Squirrelflight?

* While Jaykit, Hollykit and Lionkit were in the nursery, Leafpool would sometimes give them treats like honey. Jaykit thinks that she is trying to suck-up to them, maybe she is just giving treats to her kits because she must live a life as their Medicine Cat, not their mother.

* Think of Yellowfang and Brokenstar for a minute. Yellowfang was a medicine cat, therefore not allowed to have kits. Her son, Brokenstar was usually angry (I would imagine) and of course, ambitious. To me, that sounds a bit like Jaypaw, he always seems angry at something, and when he found out about the prophecy he sure did sound ambitious! What if that, his blindness, and other things not mentioned in the books that are out yet are punishment to Leafpool for having the kits?

* Now, think of their pelt colors. Jaypaw is a gray tom with burning blue eyes, Lionpaw is a golden colored tom with amber eyes, and Hollypaw is a black tabby she-cat. Now, where do you see gray or black pelts in Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight’s families? I sure don’t! What about Crowfeather’s family? He is descended from the great leaders Windstar and Gorsestar. Their pelt colors are: brown she-cat and gray tabby. Maybe Crowfeather’s fathers have a brown pelt? But it sure is more likely that Jaypaw got his gray pelt and blue eyes from Crowfeather!

* When Jaypaw wandered away from the Thunderclan camp, he walked into Windclan territory. He said that the wind felt oddly familiar and wonderful. Windclan cats love the wind and open moors- what if he is Crowfeather’s son, then the wind should feel like home to him like any Windclan cat!

* In the play (Warriors: Sunset: We Need to Talk), right when Crowfeather says that he and Nightcloud had Breezepaw as their kit, Leafpool immediately changes her mind about telling him SOMETHING. It’s likely that she was going to tell him that she was due for having kits, but since Crowfeather seems to have taken on another mate and ALREADY had kits, she’d not tell him.

* Leafpool has an unusually strong connection with Starclan- what if Jaypaw inherited his strong connection from Leafpool?

*Bluestar, Yellowfang and Lionheart came to Leafpool, showing her the 3 stars. Why would they show it to her, unless it has something to do with her? Plus, Firestar told no cat about his dream or meeting with Skywatcher, but Leafpool still acts wary of Jaypaw. Could she have interpreted her dream with the 3 stars to be her own children because she wasn’t really supposed to have them?

* Crow- a glossy black bird that has a harsh cry Jay- a noisy bird related to the crow but with brighter colors

Similar? Yup, also, Crowfeather (crowpaw at the time) was one described as “a dark smoky gray, almost black tom with blue eyes.” Jaypaw is just a gray tom with blue eyes, I guess he’s of lighter coloring than Crowfeather! * Some ask, "Why do Tigerclaw and Hawkfrost seem so interested in Jaypaw, Lionpaw and Hollypaw if their not kin?" Well, I'm confused at that too, But I would suspect that, as a Starclan cat is able to sense great power, cats from the dark forest can, too. Even though their not kin, Tigerstar WAS watching as Skywatcher gave his mysterious prophecy about Firestar's kin... he probably wants to use their power. Also, they would be looking for a chance to use Firestar's kin against him......

* In Firestar's Quest, EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER has the Leafpool picture on it! What if she's trying to tell the reader something... give them clues... you know, this is the book with the prophecy for the POWER OF THREE, what if Erin Hunter's trying to show a connection between Leafpool and the Prophecy? It the prophecy IS talking about Jaypaw, Lionpaw and Hollypaw, maybe it's trying to show that Leafpool has a "Special Connection" with them? * In Dark River, it says when Hollypaw goes missing that Leafpool seemed more worried than Squirrelflight- it maybe coincidence, but what if it's motherly worry? Squirrelflight's SUPPOSED to be Hollypaw's mother, why wasn’t she more worried? Leafpool's supposed to be calm about things (med. cat duty), why was she really worked up?

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