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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
Today in class, my friend asked for my wristband, so I threw it to them. But accidentally i threw it on a person who was trying to sleep. (I have terrible throwing skillz) But apparently they got offended and said "[insert name here], [insert name here] "trying throw sh**, [insert name here]", then I go "sorry, my bad, it was by a accident". Then at the end of the class the person grabbed the back of neck collar and says something me throwing the wristband and walks away..

Well.. anyone can enlighten me on why they are so mad at me for that?

Okay, someone was trying to sleep in class? :)

Well, is s/he still mad at you? If not, then it's over. If yes, ask him/her why she was so mad. Tell him/her that it was a mistake, and that you're sorry for it. I just don't get why someone would be trying to sleep in class...

Hah. People sleep in school all the time.

I slept a bit in science and algebra last year, but I don't really do that now. :3


If it's someone who's concerned about sleeping in class and is mad enough at you to not accept your apology and that it was an accident, they probably aren't even worth your apology.

If it turns into a bullying issue, as you noted that he grabbed the back of you collar, see the guidance counselor at school.

Maybe they secretly like you and want to try get your attention... D: (If it's a he, of course)


Or maybe they thought you were trying to take the mickey, or something like that?

Perhaps they were in a real bad mood, they had a bad day or something...

Well, as long as they don't try strangling you again or any thing like that, just leave it. If they don't want to accept your apology, just get on with things and let them realise they could have been on speaking terms with you :)

Best Wishes


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