Ways to hide and care for your Tama in School!


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Feb 2, 2008
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Like other users may say, put it in a bag or backpack--That wouldn't work well. You don't want to carry a purse EVERY where, right? And its RIDICULOUS to carry a backpack around every where when you need to care for it!!!!!! Necklaces, if you're hiding them in your shirt on a necklace, prepare to get caught! How can someone NOT notice the huge tama-shaped outline! One topic says to make a hole in a book and put it in there. Thats wasting paper that you need for school. We show how you can care for it and hide it! We also show where not to take it! Remember to keep your sound OFF!

Hiding your tama:

-Wear a thin jacket around school all day and put in in an inside pocket (outside pockets are ok but inside pockets work better).

- Clip it to a belt loop and put the whole tama in your pocket

- Carry a small organizer with you that is small and lightweight so that it's perfect for a tama! When your teacher asks you why you have such small organizer, say, "It's my luch stuff. I only need to carry around a few things. Hand sanatizer and lunch money.

What time to care for your tama:

- In the morning, while you walk/ ride a bus/ your parent drives you to school,feed it. If you ride a bus, you should sit by the window. If you are drove to school by a parent, when he/she isn't looking, put your tama in a hiding place I said.

-Before classes, feed it more (if it needs fed) and play a small game. This works well in the morning when everyone is having fun before first class.

-At recess/class dismissal. Then you can feed it more, excersize, and let it use the bathroom a few times.

-On the way home. Buser's, still sit by the window, and pickups, open up the glove compartment and pretend to grab something, and say to your driver, "I left my tamagotchi in here."

Where not to use your Tama:

-In the middle of class. Teachers are lurking around the room at peoples desks, making sure your working and on tasks. Besides, this can cause bad grades, because you aren't focused on work.

-In gym and library. Teachers expect good work in these classes!

-On the outside of a bus seat. Someone will see.

hope my advise helps!

Just so you know, you COULD just make your Tama got to sleep and not worry about it.

great tips lucky dat my teacher trusts mii cause i lost it and some gals came up 2 my teach and said we found dis i called out dat it was mine and miss didn't say anyfing!!! :D

Like other users may say, put it in a bag or backpack--That wouldn't work well. You don't want to carry a purse EVERY where, right? And its RIDICULOUS to carry a backpack around every where when you need to care for it!!!!!! Necklaces, if you're hiding them in your shirt on a necklace, prepare to get caught! How can someone NOT notice the huge tama-shaped outline! One topic says to make a hole in a book and put it in there. Thats wasting paper that you need for school. We show how you can care for it and hide it! We also show where not to take it! Remember to keep your sound OFF!
Hiding your tama:

-Wear a thin jacket around school all day and put in in an inside pocket (outside pockets are ok but inside pockets work better).

- Clip it to a belt loop and put the whole tama in your pocket

- Carry a small organizer with you that is small and lightweight so that it's perfect for a tama! When your teacher asks you why you have such small organizer, say, "It's my luch stuff. I only need to carry around a few things. Hand sanatizer and lunch money.

What time to care for your tama:

- In the morning, while you walk/ ride a bus/ your parent drives you to school,feed it. If you ride a bus, you should sit by the window. If you are drove to school by a parent, when he/she isn't looking, put your tama in a hiding place I said.

-Before classes, feed it more (if it needs fed) and play a small game. This works well in the morning when everyone is having fun before first class.

-At recess/class dismissal. Then you can feed it more, excersize, and let it use the bathroom a few times.

-On the way home. Buser's, still sit by the window, and pickups, open up the glove compartment and pretend to grab something, and say to your driver, "I left my tamagotchi in here."

Where not to use your Tama:

-In the middle of class. Teachers are lurking around the room at peoples desks, making sure your working and on tasks. Besides, this can cause bad grades, because you aren't focused on work.

-In gym and library. Teachers expect good work in these classes!

-On the outside of a bus seat. Someone will see.

hope my advise helps!
This is very well put together

But I think i'll just wear my lanyard and tuck it in my shirt :(

:( I think to just NOT BRING THEM TO WORK y what happens if the boss sopts u with a tamagotchi u might might get a pay cut or even WORST FIRED take my advice DONT BRING IT TO WORK AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: ;)
Nice! But no cares that my tama is around my nect all the time, i play with it in SS and no one cares, my teacher knows what a tama is and she always asks moi how my tama is doing :D

Yea. I agree with JDM to do these simple tricks. also, if you dont want to take a chance with your tamagotchi you could pause it {if you have a v4 or v4.5} and leave it at home. but if you have a hoodie than you could pit it in the pocket it has and at luch or recess you could un-pause {if paused} and play and if a chaperonne or teache starts to come ove you could slip it in ur pocket and if they ask what u were doind u could say "i was couting my money" or "i was writing my freinds number down" or "oh nothing i was just puting in my scedule in my pda so i would be 2 class on time" hope this helps! and remember i know bundles abut tamagotchis so if u need help tell me. XD

this is my second post!!!! yah! oh back to the topic. The kakeibos come with the binder thing so put the kakeibo in the binder and it won't matter

I just put it in my jeans pocket. I have two teachers so when they are both at their desk, I check them. A P2 game is 5 rounds so it's quick. But the girls always yell at me so I have to be careful. But now I have a cleaner desk for it. I always pull my chair all the ways up to my desk so no one can see inside. I'm on the outside desk [in the aisle] so my friend can carefully watch hers while I'm keeping them secret. :ichigotchi:

no offence ... But why not just after school you can take of it instead of doing that it looks like your trying to murder ur teacher.. :p ^_^

Dont be so harmed by your tamagotchi
