.:Ways to pass the Judges:.


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Here are different ways to help your tamagotchi pass the auditions.

NOTE:this is not 100% guaranteed to work :p


You can...

Give your Tama four meals to fill hunger hearts and PLAY GAMES TO FILL HAPPY HEARTS.


Give your tama four meals to fill hunger hearts and give TWO milk bottles to fill happy hearts(Milk bought from the shop)

you can also...

Give your tama four meals to fill hunger hearts and give four bottlles of baby milk to fill happy hearts.


Play more games until he/she transforms


Practice with his/her instrament (Make sure your tama like it)


Set time to 12:29pm and wait for one minute if you can't be bothered waiting to go to pre-school.

-Go to pre-school many times a day.

-Practice with the instrument a lot

~ instead of giving out snacks to fill happy hearts...PLAY A GAME!

~Keep weight and stress levels low and skill, hungy and happy points high!

Getting rid of stress

-Play games to get rid of stress (Doing it the hard way); -10 stress

-Give your tama its favourite toy to play with -6 stress

-Praise, Praise, Praise -4 stress


set time to 12:29pm and wait for one minute to meet friends and to form a band.

-Try keeping the instruments that the other band members already have instead of changing them... :huh:

-Practice with the band as much as you can (one way to do it without doing it over and over again is by practice, game, read a chapter of your favourite book, practice, game, etc.)

-If you want to max out all of your skill points do it preferably BEFORE your tama transforms into an adult :eek: .

- Remember to practise with instruments too!


make sure you have 00 stress, 4 hearts filled for hungries and happies, and your weight down before you go meet up with your band and audition. Good luck! :D

If you didn't pass keep practising! or don't practise much, which worked for me! :eek: B)

You can try not working that hard because some people passed their first auditions without overworking themselves. Try your luck at the auditions.

If you passed then well done!

If you passed, your main goal now is to collect as many awards as you can. You can only get an award if you come 1st in the music style your tama likes. If your tama has come 1st for a music genre you have not won an award yet, set the times for the auditions (I don't remember them, sorry! :p )

Don't Give Up! :nazotchi:

These tips are amazing!!!

The best yet!!

I got mimitchi and mametchi on both of my MS's

And i got two awards!!!

Thanks so much

I would highly reccomend these tips!!

;) :lol:

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