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Franny Samba

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2013
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Hey, I've finally joined so here is my story.

I got my V2 many years ago of a friend, I loved it and became addicted. We used to connect them together and stuff. Eventually the V3 came out and I got it immediately. I LOVED it, the online was amazing. I could truly see what tamagotchi town was like and I loved the artwork. In fact, in my spare time I sometimes drew pictures of possible new characters, places and buildings. I expanded the world of tamas in my mind. Ever since, I've collected them getting the V4, V5 and V6 as well as the corner shop DS games and party on for the wii.

Now, I've known about tamatalk for years. I wanted to join but if I remember correctly the requirements were to send in a fax to prove your age or parents consent. My mother didn't mind, but I don't think I ever got round to doing it :(

I stopped playing on my devices shortly after getting my V6. It was good, but I disliked the fact it was heavily based on music at first. The online music city (Now tamatown) was also in its first stages, so it was pretty basic. Slowly I began to stop using them altogether.

Now, just a few days ago on about March 26th, I decided to get them out again. The reason? My cousins who live hours away are coming up soon to visit, so I thought I'd introduce them to the world of tamagotchi. They are about 9 and 10 years old and have ipads and ipods, so I thought I'd show them what I used to play with when I was younger. I'm planning to temporarily loan them my V2 and V3 (I want to give them simple ones first so they can upgrade if they like them). In the meantime, I fired up my V4 to get used to the controls again so I can teach them what to do. I'm now hoping to go back to tamas again, they bring back so many memories. Hopefully I can finally get all of the souvenirs and stuff this time, especially before they close the website down! (if they do) :(

Sadly I cant go on music city (tamatown). But i'm dead excited about joining tamatalk to see about future releases and stuff. I don't want to lose a big part of my childhood....

Hey! Welcome to TamaTalk!

I'm glad that you're passing down the "tamagotchi tradition" to your cousins :D

If you haven't heard about it, There's colored versions of tamagotchis now too :) )

You might wanna see them :D

I'm sure that you'll enjoy every second that you spend here on TamaTalk :D


Since your cousins have iPods, you should introduce them to the Tamagotchi L.I.F.E app! I'm getting it for my little sister (who is nine) in a bit today :D It's a pretty simple app, but it's a nice intro to tamagotchi. It has the fewest features, though, and the basic idea is to raise the pet to adulthood.

Thanks for the update SupahCow!! I'll check them out. But forgive me, I'm not entirely sure which are newer. Is it the id L or P or something. I've no idea about any of them :p

Btw jazzijk, I would have shown them the app but it's not out in the UK iOS store yet :( Does your sister enjoy it? One of my cousins is a nine year old girl, the other is a 10 year old boy.

Hey there, welcome to tamatalk !

I pass the "tamagotchi tradition "too to my nephew. He loves them so far ^^

and :

They are about 9 and 10 years old and have ipads and ipods,
omg. When I was 10 i was hunting snails in the garden ! (yeah I had a pretty special childhood , rofl xD)

Anyway, you see my point.

Yeah I agree, the younger generation are hooked on gadgets. I'm a tech lover, but even I know my limits.

That's one of the main reasons I'm giving them one. Their father (My uncle) always encourages them to get out but is losing the battle now. I think a tamagotchi will get them off the ipads and at the same time teach them some responsibilty.

welcome to tamatalk! i also joined yesterday, so we are both new :)

Awesome, we'll become tama buds ;)

U took a look at ur profile. In exactly 1 year and a day older than you (born in 1997 sep 9)!!

It's always nice to see people my age who are interested in tamas!

its great fun seeing how many people actually remember the tamagotchis. I was under the impression they were a forgotten toy of the past!

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