>>> We Are Young <<<


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"Oh" Stephanie said, "My name is Stephanie" She smiled back at the girl who had just turned into a kitten. "What are your names?" she asked.

"My name is Peter Krampen," Peter said and once again offered his right hand to shake. "This is..." He turned around to look for Olivia, but she was nowhere to be found. He chuckled nervously and finished, "err, nevermind. I'll introduce you when she comes back."

Knowing that Stephanie wasn't going to harm anyone, he let the rock wall sink back into the ground slowly.

Olivia sulked from hole and glared bitterly at the two girls standing before Peter. She wormed her way into Peter's mind in order to communicate without letting him know where she was.

Peter, we would be fine without them. Let's just get going before the creatures get any closer. We don't need anybody else, she hissed icily and watched for his reaction.

Peter whipped around and shouted, "Olivia, we would be better off with them. You know very well that I'm handicapped now and I won't be of much use to you. Give them a chance for once! Come out here or I will leave you," he threatened.

Olivia gasped and stood up. She stormed over to Peter's side and watched the two girls carefully.

I'm not talking to them.

"I'm Para." Para introdused herself to Stephanie. "So..." Para shuffled nervously. "Yeah...d'ya want an apple?" She asked, still a kitten. Backing off, she returned to her usual human form.

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Stephanie knew how to answer this. "Yes," she said, "I would like an apple"

Showing off, Para used her powers over gravity to grab an apple. She left it hovering in frount of Stephanie's hands. She grinned.

Stephanie was shocked at what Para just did with the apple. She was left speechless and so she just nodded as a way of saying thank you.

Olivia sat down on the ground and snatched an apple off of the ground and bit into it. She was silent as she listened for any noise made by a creature. She held her sword in her lap and tapped it against her hand absenmindedly.

Peter watched as Para gave Stephanie an apple. He was glad to see them getting along, even if Olivia refused to get attached to anyone but himself. It seemed like after her parents were murdered, Olivia had only wanted to talk to him and him only, and he couldn't exactly blame her.

Smiling Para got herself an apple. As she bit in it she thought about Olivia. It's only natrual for her not to trust anyone (except Peter), because anyone could be a 'creature'. But I would know one on sight, anyway.

"Dice? Dice!" Called a high pitched voice.

Oh, *$*/*@*\&amp;*. Thought Para. It's Storm. And he's using his 'I'm annoying Dice voice." Why me?

"There you are, Dicey-poo!" Storm said, just in Para's range.

Para grinned as she made Storm float.

Storm didn't lose his cool. He returned to his usual voice. "Looks like Dice has some new friends," He purred. "and a possible boyfriend." He added smugly.

Para let gravity return to Storm's body. He landed flat on his butt. "Why are you here?!?" Para whined.

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Peter turned around sharply when he heard the voice. Olivia stood up beside him and clenched her sword tightly. Even though she held an even gaze, Peter could tell that she was secretly terrified, as she couldn't tell if Storm was a creature or a human, though she guessed a creature. Her hands shook ever so slightly as she stared Storm down. Peter contemplated taking his own sword out, but he remembered that he hadn't had the time to find a comfortable grip on the sword. Things were much more difficult without the use of his left hand, and he was sure that his sword wasn't even going to be useful to him in the near future.

"They're looking for you. They sent me to look for you. Don't worry, I'm going to take you back unless-"

"Unless what?" Para interupted.

"-I can hang with you guys." Storm finished. He stood up.

Para hesitated. What Storm had just said sounded sinsere. "Alright. You've got my vote. But you'll need more than that." She walked over to the others. "This is King Storm,"

Storm grinned.

"of stupid town."

Storm glared at Para.

"Blah, blah, blah. He is basicly, half human, half creature. I've known him for ages. He wants to hang around with us. But we should find somewhere for the night before we decide."

"Peace!" Storm shouted.

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"To be quite honest, I don't mind if he stays," Peter said and shrugged, which earned him an elbow to the side from his companion. "Also, I think I could make some sort of cave that we could all sleep in. Trees aren't very comfortable," he said. "Can I give it a shot?"

Olivia watched Peter in disbelief. When the initial attack occurred, they vowed to not trust anyone else easily ever again, especially since their fault caused the death of two innocent people. It was a promise that Peter had broken three times within the last hour without even giving her feelings a second thought. Olivia bit back tears and turned away from the group so they did not see her temporary show of weakness.

"You. Cave. Now." Para hissed at Storm.

"Aww!" Storm complained in a baby voice.

"Do it."

"Fine. I passed one when I came here." Storm admitted.

Peter shrugged to himself, less work he would have to do to exhaust himself. He sat down on the ground and pulled Olivia down with him. Olivia sighed and crossed her legs in front of her, only to be surprised when Peter laid down on her thigh and fell asleep clutching his hand to his chest, which seemed to be hurting him very much at moment.

Olivia herself leaned up against the tree she was closest to and watched everyone lazily while her best friend slept.

"Or...no cave." She turned to Olivia. "Tree, or no tree?" She asked, seeing only two possible opitions.

"Tree might work." Storm said causally.

Para's mouth dropped.

Grinning at Para, Storm continued. "We could have someone as a lookout." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll wake him up," Olivia said and shook Peter's shoulder. He jolted awake, but calmed down when he realized nothing was going on. "Peter, you said you would make some sort of cave for us and you fell asleep. We need one unless you want to sleep in a tree again," she explained quickly. Peter sighed slightly and stood up.

"I apologize, I'll look for a nice place nearby to make a cave. Trees are probably bad for your back anyway." He chuckled to himself and walked away.

He was only walking for a moment before he came across a wall of a cliff up above. He took in a deep breath and began the process of pushing the earth around until a small cave began to form. After a few moments of intense concentration, a cave big enough for five people to sleep comfortably was now standing before him. He sat down and leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

"I'll get some leaves." Para walked off.

"I'll go get some gems." Storm said walking into the cave.

"Look out!" She called. Levatating many leaves that were in a tree, she tossed them into the cave.

"HEY! What'd you that for?" Storm yelled at Para.

Para grabbed Stephanie who seemed to be looking lost, and ran to the cave.

Storm was still ticked off at Para.

Grinning at Storm, Para purred. "Don't even bother trying to taser me."

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Peter opened his eyes and looked at Para and Storm. "Is this cave to your likings?" he asked with a light laugh. Olivia followed them into the cave and sat beside Peter.

"Yup! It's cool what you did with the earth...y'know?" Para replied, arranging some leaves as a bed. "Night."

Storm was attempting to free himself from leaves.

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