>>> We Are Young <<<


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Peter smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I'm glad this works out." Peter copied Para and curled up on his bed of leaves. In an instant, he was asleep, leaving Storm, Stephanie, and Olivia awake. Olivia stood up and watched Storm struggle. "Need help?"

"As much as I'd like to say no, yes, I need help." Storm replied.

"You could've just said yes." Para murmured, half awake, at Storm, before falling fully asleep.

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Olivia smirked and walked over and helped him out of the leaves. She laughed to herself at Para's comment Once she finished helping him, she crossed her arms in her hoodie pocket and stepped back.


"Thanks." Storm made a make-shift pillow out of leaves and lay down. He began to study the roof of the cave.

Para was sleeping peacefully.

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Yes please!

Olivia nestled down into her own pile of leaves set between Peter and Storm. She set up a bed of leaves for Stephanie, but she didn't seem too tired.

I'm going to nickname Desiree 'Ree', just to make things easier.

Ree sat in the branches of a tall tree. There was nothing to do except watch. A stone wall had appeared out of nowhere. Four people were just below her, it seemed two were confused, one was angry, and the other one neutral. The voices were drowned out by the occasional rustling of leaves, and in Ree's restlessness to see what was going on, she hopped off of the tree branches and sat right at the trunk, watching. She didn't want to be seen.

Time Skip!

Storm had woken up early. He'd rembered that today he could be sent back to the creatures. It was stupid to go back empty-handed. "Nice." He shoved some berries into his bag, which was already full to burst, containing fruit, edible roots, vegeables and nuts. He walked back to the cave and put down his findings. A rustle from a tree caught his attention.

Olivia rolled over in her sleep and sat up. Her back ached and she couldn't sleep any more. She looked around and found Storm's pile of leaves empty. She shrugged to herself and stood up to go find food for the others when they woke up. She was oblivious to the figure in the trees above her.

"Show yourself!" Storm hissed at the tree. He sent some electrisity up into the tree.

Fehl was walking around, looking for miscreants who were up to no good, even if they were responding normally, or not lying, she wouldn't believe it, she knew they were up to no good.

After just walking around for about 30 mins. she stumbled upon some children, kids who looked horrible, not in uniform. Fehl thought "They must not be part of the organization...that can and will be changed."

She strayed her distance, kept away from the filthy children she knew would be dangerous because they are wild. She quickly raised her arms and under her breath said "Psych!" after a moment a barrier appeared

around the "animals". She ran close and then teleported into the nearest bush, still about 20 ft. from them. She could feel the auras in the barrier, she started to... read.

[Olivia Watson, a sixteen year old wild, power unidentified by trace.]

[storm LAST NAME UN-TRACED, a eighteen year old whose power is unpredictable and dangerous.]

[PETER CAN'T BE TRACED AT THIS TIME] Crap, she thought... oh well keep on reading.

[Paradice LAST NAME UN-TRACED, a fourteen year old girl, wild, powers are shapeshifting, others un-traced.]

Fehl smiled and got into Storm's head. "Storm... do you want to be the first to die? How about joining the organization, we can help you, Sadly you and you only. Join us or I will use force!"she was trying to hurt him from the inside, but she had a feeling it wasn't working.

"No, thank you." Storm thought. "You think of us as animals - I can kill you, you know?" Storm purred, remembering touching Fehl's plush bear on one of his searches for clothing. "How's Mr Ted?"

Para yawned louldly and rolled over. She wasn't ready to face the world yet.

Fehl scowled, "Shut up you rat!" she hopped out from behind the shrub (LOL) and spoke aloud "You aren't the only one with powers here, I could kill you in a flash... and he is none of your concern!"

She teleported atop the barrier and looked down on Storm "You, Why won't you listen to me, we have to work together, no matter how much it pai-" she stopped, she heard a noise.

"RAAAAAAOH!" A loud, ear piercing scream came from the north. Fehl cursed under her breath, she hopped off and started to float north, she was killing this thing, no exceptions, child or adult, they. WILL. PAY!

"Stay put you little animals!" she said to Storm and the others.

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Olivia dropped all of the apples she had gathered besides one. She whipped it in the direction the girl had gone, but as she suspected, it smashed on the barrier. She sighed in frustration and looked at Storm. "What does she want with you?" she asked and tossed another apple in the cave to wake Peter up. He sat up groggily, still drained from creating the cave, but he reached for the apple and bit into it. "G'morning," he yawned and stretched before laying back down. This time, Olivia threw a rock at him, causing him to finally get up and join them.

"She said something about joining an organisation, or die. But I freaked her out with knowlodge that I obtained from her teddy bear. I think we should track her." Storm explained. "She's able to enter minds so if someone else is able to do so, we will be able to track her, with good results - she's tricky though. And hates half of me!" He joked.

Yawning Para joined the others. "Morning!" She sniffed and dove into Storm's bag. "Yes! Ginger root!" She exclaimed after a few secounds. She broke it in half. "Anyone want?" She offered.

"No thank you," Olivia dismissed quickly and turned back to Storm. "I can do that. I can get into her mind and distract her if needed. This barrier can be a problem though.." she said softly and glanced around. She saw Peter crouched down at the barrier, but she couldn't see what he was doing. She watched as he slipped under the barrier through a hole he had just created. She chuckled to herself and pointed at him. "Nevermind, that's been taken care of."

"Cool." Storm replied. "She's afaid of me...... and seems to hate creatures. Ask her what the orgainistion is." Storm said.

Para bit into one half of the ginger root and grabbed Storm's bag. "Storm and I can fly to her." She said quietly.

Fehl was floating around north, she couldn't see anything un-familiar, that tree was still that tree and that semi- destroyed house was the same semi- destroyed house.


Fehl had paused for a moment, as if someone... or something was trying to get in her mind. "Stop, you insignificant little brat, I know what your trying to do, Well it won't work."

Fehl created a psychotically loud noise in her mind to block the trace, now whoever was trying to do what they were doing it would be at a halt.

"Where is that blasted monster!" She cried aloud.

Stephanie woke up, yawning and stretching. "Morning" she said. She noticed there were others around, that weren't there before, and was suddenly quiet again.

"Oh, hey Stephanie. Morning!!" Para called from outside the cave. "We need to tell you something!!"

Olivia couldn't help but feel a sharp, stabbing pain in her head as she was forcefully blocked from Fehl's mind. She clutched at her head and squeezed her eyes shut, although neither eased the pain. "She caught me in her mind and blocked me out with some sort of noise," she managed to get out through her clenched teeth. Peter watched his friend's temporary suffering and frowned. He wished he could help, but he didn't have any way of easing the pain.

"Ah, nice of you to join us Stelhanie! Good morning!" Peter turned around and greeted the quiet girl warmly.

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