>>> We Are Young <<<


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"Well then it will be a new experience for the four of us!" Olivia flashed a shy smile at the group and once again looked up at the hotel. She leaned against Storm slightly as she got lost in her thoughts.

Peter stepped beside Para and looked at her cloak curiously. "You have a pretty sweet cloak there, Para. You are really good with these shadows, Avy," he said.

Peter chuckled and placed his hand on Para's shoulder, enjoying the feel of the silky fabric on his palm. "Oh right, of course you did," he said and a smirked.

Pouting, Para attempted to remove everyone's clocks.

"Nice try!" Storm grinned as Para got shocked by his cloak.

Asvoria smiled. "We can all get rooms on the same floor."

((sorry guys, I'm back. Exams were rough =/ ))

Olivia sobered up as soon as she saw what Dex saw. "They aren't good news, are they?" Olivia asked Dex, as she had missed the whole ordeal with the two.

((78 on both history and science. I got. 67 on my overall Chem grade. =(. ))

Asvoria glared at Rune, shadow sparked out of her hands. "Definitely not good news." she looked at Rune. "I thought you killed him?"

Runs spotted Avy's group and saddened, they would surely kill him this time and finish what they started. "This isn't good..." he mumbled to Sierra.

Asvoria didnt know what to do. "Are we going to attack? Make a truce? I'm so confused..."

"Although I would love a truce..." Dex frowned. "I don't think we could trust them..."

Sierra just looked down, thinking.

"They don't seem to be attacking just yet," Olivia noted. She stepped behind Storm and nervously watched Rune and Sierra. "A temporary truce might not be a bad idea."

"Truse?" Storm spat. "Let's end this now."

"Aren't those the people you two were fighting?" Shelly mumbled nervously. She slowly turned her arms and legs to metal.

Para grinned, seeing Shelly's arms gleam.

Olivia shut her mouth and stepped back slightly. Even though they greatly outnumbered them, she wasn't too eager about fighting anyone, especially since her power wasn't very useful in combat unless she was hidden, which made her feel much more vulnerable.

Peter, however, stepped up beside Storm and watched Sierra and Rune warily. He shed his cloak and used that material to form a sort of spear for Olivia, He handed it to her and she grabbed it. She misjudged its weight and almost dropped it, but Peter shot is hand out to catch it with his injured hand. Although he couldn't use his left hand, he could still feel it and the sharp pain shot up his arm. He winced visibly and Olivia frowned. "Sorry," she muttered and pulled the spear back to her chest.

"Are you OK?" Para asked Peter, concerned.

"Heavy?" Storm asked Olivia.

"D'aww. All you guys are all like, made for each other." Shelly drawled, her accent showing.

(Aw, bye FelazingAround!)

Olivia blushed and nodded slightly. "Only a little bit,"

Peter hesitated, but eventually shrugged. "I'm okay. It hurts though.." he muttered, gingerly holding his injured hand with his right hand.

"Sooo...." Storm grinned at the 'bad guys'. "Sup, I'm Storm." he grinned.

Para and Shelly stared at Storm with their mouths open.

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