Wealthy kids


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x.N e o n

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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T-E-X-A-S, my lovely.
Okay, well, I go to a pretty ghetto school. And my family is [ financially ] much better off than other families. I am actually kinda embarrassed about it. When people find out from other people, they act different around me. And kids I don't even know call me spoiled preppy white trash, because of it. I almost wish we weren't as wealthy, because of all the discrimination and stereotyping. The average student at my school is Hispanic/African American, poor, and maintains a C average. I'm about the exact opposite, and because of it, they assume I'm gonna rub it in their face. The only people that don't are my best friends, because they were my friends before they knew, so they got a chance to know me before the stereotyping got to them. Now, if I talk to certain people, they will actually tell me, to my face: "Yo 'bleep' better not be talkin 'bleep' to me cause I'mma 'bleep' 'bleeep' yo white 'bleep' up." Then they glare, and walk away. It's shocking. I used to be able to handle it, but they do it so often now, it's bothering me. I DO NOT want to bring parents and teachers into this. Unless someone really threatens me, then of course I will, but as long as I don't smart mouth to them like I would normally, they won't go violent. All of this trouble, just because of my family's financial situation. I don't blame the kids, I guess I blame T.V., and today's pop culture, for preaching to everyone that "rich" girls are all snobs. I admit that some are, but you people know me, I'm not. And I don't go around bragging about it either. When my father donated money to the choir, I told my director not to acknowledge me in front of the class for it. And I don't walk around with my Coach bag and Prada sunglasses, I look like any other kid at my school, ripped jeans, T shirt, converse. So the questions are:

1. Have you noticed this type of discrimination at your school/workplace/where ever?

2. Be really honest. Have you bought into the whole stereotype? I won't be mad. Like I said, I don't blame the kids.

3. What are your views on stereotypes? This one in particular.

Edit: Typo xD

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I used to go to a school like that.. my middle school. I hated it. Miserable every day I went there... Now I go to a mainly white school (<3 them crackers <3) and I love it ;)

Just ignore them. In the future, they won't matter at all. I bet they're just jealous of you :/

You said your school was a "Ghetto" school?

That probably explains it.

Most of the kids in a ghetto school have it pretty bad off --- And I mean maybe apartment living or low income housing, they're probably envious of your money.

I mean, I'm envious of your money.

People tend to exclude people who have something they want.

I haven't noticed it at all at school --- There are zero rich kids in my neighborhood. Zero. So that's a no.

I haven't bought into the stereotype --- I only dislike it when people brag about what they have, or when they bring it up frequently, and even then it isn't so bad. It only bothers me when they look down on people who are worse off than they are.

And lastly,

All stereotypes suck.

I definetly feel your pain.

Well, people dont like cuss me out or anything, my school isnt that ghetto.

I came from a private school, so sometimes people are surprised when I tell them that. But, my private school was boring, and sucky, so I always tell them I like my new ghetto school a lot better :p (I dont say its ghetto to their faces XD)

My one friend (hes hilarious) always tells people that I'm rich when he describes me LOL Its kinda embarrassing, but its okay. I dont dress rich or anything, and I'm not extremely rich, just a bit well off I guess.

The people who arent as well off as me probably have more hollister/american eagle than I do.

Wel in my neighbour hood, there are pretty much no wealthy families. My school is just a normal school. No extremely wealthy kids, and no extremely poor people. Me and my family are really struggling financially. So my mum is one of those people who would get all angry at the wealthier people.

I hate it, I just hate it.

I go to a ghetto school as well and I get A's and we're okay financially. I get along with most people at my school and no one threatens me or any of that crap. Most of the rich kids at my school don't get harrassed about it either, so I guess you could say there's not much discrimination at my school. I think it's bad if there is discrimination and it annoys me to see a random person walking down the hall wearing designer clothes and some of the ghetto kids sayin crap. I never start any stupid stereotype crap.

oh yeah, my family is also kinda wealthier to the other people in my school (my dad is the director of a hospital and my mom is a doctor, adoptive daughter of the director of the hospital she works in), and yes people do treat me as if i was a smartypants moneybags sometimes, but i guess i like the attention though, all the people is actually really polite in my new school, we just really love to remark stereotypes around here...

in my school ALL the students are hispanic, lol i live in Mexico!

My school has pretty much everything. We have some really rich people, some really poor people and then people like me who are in the middle.

Personally, I haven't seen any rich vs poor kind of deals. I'm in the comfortable middle - we're well off but we don't go buy a bunch of designer things and if my dad has that kind of money, I don't know about it, lol. But everyone kinds of minds there own business as far as I'm concerned.

No offense, but I often think rich kids are stuck up =/ Mostly because a lot of girls in my school that are rich ARE snobs. but i do feel bad for you because you seem nice =)

Lmao. My school is ghetto too. But everyone seems to have the money for Hot Topic shopping sprees and to buy whatever they want. But yeah. Kinda the same deal for your school.

I don't think any rich kids go to my school.

I think that's bad. If you were black and rich would they make fun of you?


I think some people are just racist and your school doesn't sound fun. :[


I would tell my mom or something, but if you don't want to, maybe just ask them what did I ever do to you for you to hate me? See what they say, and just try to address it.

Im not rich but I have good,hard working mom and dad and aunt and good money.But people do call me a snob due to that.I go to JR high next year.Here we start JR high in 6th grade.

A lot of kids in my school are really wealthy. Their houses are twice the size of mine, and they basically get whatever they want.

But usually, those kids are the ones that don't do very well in school fo some reason. I don't know why. Maybe because they have their priorities wrong. They must think that makeup and cell-phones are everything in life.

As for me, I guess I'm just average. My family isn't rich, but we're not poor. But I still manage to do horrible in school, but I blame that on intelligence: I'm just not very smart.

That's really sad, how you're treated that way just because you have more money. It's just not right.

I go to a Private school, because my Dad teaches there so they don't charge me school fees. Everyone there is incredibly wealthy, so I have never personally witnessed a problem like yours, but I'm guessing this is based on jealousy and the fact that you're different to them.

You don't have to dumb and poor to be cool. I've never met you, but you sound like such a great person and you don't deserve to be treated like there's something wrong with you.

I actually think you'd probably be better off at another school. This 'ghetto' school you go to isn't going to do anything for your confidence, friendships, etc. But I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave your friends, who are sticking by you through this.

I don't judge people on how much money they have. It's who you are that counts; not how wealthy your parents are.



Money is an object, one day, they will need it, and they'll be thinking, "Where's Phoebe when I need her!?!" and then they'll realize what jerks they were.

Honestly, I'm "Popular" But I'm rather poor, financially. Somehow I get connected to Abercrombie (I own nothing from their store. Nothing.) and places like that. I have an attitude, sure, whatever.

People assume that just because I fit the traits of a TV girl, I'm exactly like them. No.

Sure, I'm tall and skinny, sure, I'm good at sports (volleyball, mainly.) sure, I wear SOME designer clothes, surree, I have blond hair.

I'm rather sure that where the similarities end.

Know that you are a great person, and when those people need help, give it to them. (Just to help, and also, it'll make them feel like an idiot because they were so mean >3)

Haha, okay, so maybe I am snobby. xD

Many of my freinds think I'm "spoiled" because I am a little bit financially better off than they are. We all have enough money because we go to a very expensive private school but that doesn't mean we're "rich" My freind, she lives with her mom and her mom has trouble paying for the private school. My freind's grandparents and dad pay for her. She has a lot of nice stuff because other relatives buy them for her and her mom uses the company car which means she doesnt pay for gas. Their house is very small, my other freind told me....but she's still well off. My freinds think that this other girl in my class who is extremely rich is "spoiled and obnoxious" but thats just because she is. She acts like being rich is no big deal and says, " Oh that singer?? So? I've met her and its not that big of a deal...When she knows EXACTLY that meeting my favorite singer IS a big deal. She brags about how rich she is too...-.- But I don't brag about the things I have but if my freinds ask me i tell them then they called me spoiled which is not true at all! Don't listen to what those people say about you! I've gone through it and honestly who cares? Don't let it get to you.

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