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I love rain, stormy, grey days. :]

Actualy it's flooding in parts near where I live.

Storms! they are eventful! I also like Snowy,cold weather but here where I live it is

really hot and sunny right now.

"A very high Humidex with Clouds in the Morning, clearing up in the Afternoon to reveal blue skies with a High of 28 Degrees, here in Eastern Ontario."


That's what the Weatherman said. :ichigotchi:

in the morning/afternoon it wuz a bit grey

and now its this whole week it wuz

either grey skys or raining :ichigotchi: (mostly raining)

also i live like 15 mins from wiscousin,

i live illionis and its like 1 hr from chicago. :angry:

I'd say it's around 72 degrees out, and it's very sunny. All the fog is gone from this morning.

Where I am at the moment, it's cloudy. :<

I like thunderstorms... but my favourite weather is nice, warm, sunny days.

Right, its nightime so there really isn't no weather. Everything is perfectly still, and the air is crisp and fresh. ^_^

I love days that are in the mid to high twenties and a warm breeze. Sunny with a little bit of cloud. Thats my ideal day. no no. My ideal day would be cloudy and raining softly. xD I know, I'm weird.


"A very high Humidex with Clouds in the Morning, clearing up in the Afternoon to reveal blue skies with a High of 28 Degrees, here in Eastern Ontario." 

That's what the Weatherman said. ^_^
I hope he mean C degrees not farenheight!, lol

It's been nice the last few days. Sunny and hot with a bit of rain at night, but I guess our sun is disappearing x.x

We're supposed to get rain for the next week or so.

I hope he mean C degrees not farenheight!, lol
I hope not! XD Don't worry, that's pretty warm. :(

Oh, that's right. Different Countries tend to use Farenheight. My bad- I have no Idea what Farenheight is. :(

Didn't notice. I think it's about 80 degress right now. I'm guessing but it would be strange if I was right. o_O

And now I would say it's around 64 degrees out. It should get into the low seventies by this afternoon though.

Nevermind, I checked the weather and it's only 62 degrees out. It should get warmer (into the high sixties) by this afternoon.

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