Webster04's logs


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This will probably be a short log tonight but normally i'll say that and it'll seem longer than i thought it would.

My tama's have the weirdest wake and sleep times right now... in order it goes Ryusei 9am - 10pm, Kitsune 10am - 11pm and Haku 11am - 11pm, and with ryusei's wake and sleep times i'm betting most of you have figured that he changed into his adult form.... and that he did. This afternoon around 2 or 3pm (was no where near a clock and forgot to look at his time) ryusei changed into my sweet long eared mimitchi again^-^ This makes the 5th mimitchi i've raised on this p2 tama and i'm so glad i got him back, for some reason his smiling face just seems to brighten up my day when i'm feeling a bit down.

Haku is doing well as a maskutchi, yesterday he got 2 disciplines where as today he has yet to get a single one. I have laxed a bit on his care though so i have no idea if i'll get the secret character on him or not (and to my readers, if any of you have any tips on getting the japanese p1 and p2 seret character please feel free to pm me with any tips) but i'm enjoying having a maskutchi again and i figure i'll get each character on him before i go back to getting ginjirotchi on him.

Kitsune is also doing well, he barely needs any care at all but since he's only 6 right now i figure that will change in a few days or so. The one thing is i kinda like sabotenshi but they could of made some different animation for him... he just does the same thing for EVERYTHING!!!!!! lol, ryusei just took a poo and burst out the biggest grin ever^-^

Well, i'll post here in a few days again with an update on all of them but before i go i'd like to say that this comming weekend (labor day weekend to be exact) we will be going camping again since my folks bought a new camper to use instead of renting one like last time.

Time for another log people!

The last few days have been pretty un-eventful but since i have 3 adults thats a given. The last 2 days they spent the time with me out in south bend visiting a good friend of mine, we all got to see 2 great movies while there (grandma's boy and pineapple express) played a few games of magic listened to good music and tv and game watching (god of war : chains of olympus and ghost of sparta). Ryusei is doing well at the age of 9yrs old today, has yet to get sick and has been with me through everything that happened.

Kitsune has also been a joy to care for this whole time, he's 9 today as well and surprisingly is not needy at all! I'm so use to a needy angel at this age and even with leaving him to his own accord for 3 hours he only dropped 10 tp and dropped 2 hearts from hunger and effort so i see him having a nice long life ahead of him. Haku on the other hand got sick yesterday but unfortunately i never got his last 2 disciplines so no secret character this time around. I will try for him again sometime soon but after he dies i'm going for another character on him but which one will i got for? no clue as of yet... i haven't had a mametchi in a while or kutchipatchi for that matter so i might go with one of those two characters next time.

So i guess i don't really have much to say today, my right foot is in extreme pain right now and it hurts to do anything (walking, standing...... heck even sitting hurts it) and i have no clue why it hurts so bad but i'm hoping it stops by tomorrow.

Well, after a short weekend of camping i am back with another log and i have a ton of stuff to type for this log (ok, maybe not alot but it should be pretty long).

The whole trip started off at 8:30am on friday with me getting woke up early to go with my dad to get our new camper that they bought a few days before hand, so we headed off to benton harbor to camp land rv to pick it up.... which took a good 3 hours to do so i was glad i grabbed my tama's since they all woke up while out there. Of course ryusei was very easy to care for durring this time since he was only 11 years old and the same went for kitsune who was the same age as ryusei, haku on the other hand woke up and almost instantly started beeping at me, See since he didn't change into the secret character it seems to me that he was getting more and more demanding compared to any other character i've had on him yet (all ginjirotchi's btw).

So we finally get the camper hooked up to my dads truck and off we went back home to get it packed for our short weekend of camping, it took us a good 5 hours to get eberything packed up into the camper and durring the time i didn't hear haku's cries for attention and sadly he passed on me around 3pm at the age of 13... i instantly rehatched him and decided to try for mametchi on him this time around since i haven't had him in years on a vintage tama. So i carefully looked after him while we were stil packing up and after an hour he changed into marutchi again and became easier to care for again, around 5pm we finally had everything packed up and after grabbing some mcdonalds to diner headed off to salamonie reservoir near andrews indiana (somewhere out in bfe... everyone knows what bfe stands for but if you don't pm me and i'll tell you^-^).

After 4 hours of driving or so we finally arrived at our camp site and set up the camper but durring the ride haku asked for his first discipline before falling asleep on the ride out (it was after 9pm when we arrived). Ryusei promptly followed haku and went to bed at 10pm.... or 11pm their time since we were an hour ahead and shortly after that kitsune fell asleep as well. The next morning i decided to wake kitsune up early to keep me company till haku and ryusei got up and shortly after 8am when i woke up he let out a few beeps like you hear when he needs praising, so i look down at him to see sabotenshi's usual animation. I pressed the a button, nothing... pressed the c button, nothing... finally i pressed the b button and watch him ascend to his celestial home, he was my oldest living angel at the age of 12 yrs old.

I started him back up right away and since i have got every character so far except the lucky unchi-kun and also since i miss my little ginji angel i figured i'd go for him again, while we were eating breakfast (scrambled eggs, bacon and hashbrowns) he changed from obaketchi 2 into maruten and i gave him the usual care to get ginjirotenshi of perfect care while keeping his tp at 20. Shortly after ryusei woke up he was sick so i gave him a shot and all was well while haku got another discipline bringing his bar to 50%, around noon it started raingin and didn't stop till about 5pm so durring this time we listened to cd's and played board games to keep from getting bored and as soon as it stopped raining we went outside and i got a fire going so we could cook our diner.

The rest of the day was cloudy and a bit humid but the rain seemed to stop and a nice breeze picked up so we stayed outside and enjoyed the rest of the evening around the fire before heading off to bed at 10:30pm. Yesterday morning started at the usual 8am for me, so i grabbed my tama's and stepped outside to care for kitsune while i waited for haku and ryusei to wake up and shortly after waking up he changed into kodoten so i ignored him for a few hours to let him drop all of his hearts to beep at me the usual 3 times before filling them to 1 each.

After eating breakfast we started packing up stuff to get ready to head home and durring the time haku got his last disciplines and shortly after got sick, it wasn't till after 4pm that we had everything ready and set off on the road to go back home. After a few hours on the road we finally arrived home after 6:30pm but with unloading items we didn't eat till after 8pm and shortly after went to bed. I got up at my usual 9am this morning only to hear haku changing into tamatchi^-^ and to hear kitsune changing into my beloved ginjirotenshi^-^

Since then not much has been going on except trying to relax so i don't know if i'll type anything else in here later.

Time for another log^-^

The past 2 days have been rather busy for me, and a majority of it was from my current tama's. The past 2 days ryusei has been getting more and more demanding and though i hoped it wouldn't happen around 3pm he got sick while i was out, my hope is he'll at least live past the age of 20 this time since he always seems to die at that age and normal in the afternoon or evening.

Kitsune is getting a bit needier at the age of 6 today but is still cute as ever, like ryusei i hope i can get him to live past the age of 10 this time around also. Haku on the other hand is a total joy to care for and who i have the most to talk about tonight. Yesterday i awaited him to get sick and to catch his final discipline so i could get mametchi, well around 6pm or so he got sick and i worried that i missed his last discipline all together. So i just kept caring for him and around noon today he got his final discipline and i figured i'd get ginjirotchi and would be completly happy with that, so while i was out i kept an eye out for his pooping schedule and a little after 5pm right after i got home i heard the familiar changing tune signaling haku was changing.

So i picked him up and looked into his screen to see a slightly chubby jogging mametchi^-^ I would have a image of him but i didn't think to grab my dads camera and snap a photo so i'll post that tomorrow.

Time for a short log, but this time pictures will be included^-^

The last 2 days have been even more busy that the 2 days before... and all of it has to do with ryusei right now, see he's 19yrs old today and is dropping hearts rather quickly. In the time it takes me to check on both haku and kitsune he'll drop 2 hunger and happiness hearts which is not good at all and my only hope is he lives to see sunday since he'll be 21 that day.

Ok, enough of that kind of logging since thinking about ryusei leaving is kinda bumming me out for not so obvious reasons. See in the last few months of having and caring for ryusei i've grown rather atached to him. He's my little buddy and even when my other tama's are all sleeping i'll still keep him near me to talk to when i just need to talk... which is most of the time when i'm really bored, plus i can tell him things i would never tell anyone else and i know he won't tell another soul^-^

And now on to the Pictures!!!!!!!


This first pic of from last weekends camping trip, haku was still a marutchi and had yet to change and kitsune had only turned into kodoten that morning.


This one's of the current group and two of my usual characters are there, ryusei the mimitchi... kitsune the ginjirotenshi and haku the mametchi.



These two are of ryusei and his current age and how much weight he's gained.



These two are of kitsune and his age.... and yes, i know he needs a chocolate but i didn't think to give it to him before taking the photo.



The last two are of haku with his age and weight... to say i've been neglecting him a bit would be an exageration. With ryusei's almost constant care i almost completly ignored him yesterday and thus his current weight.

Well that be it for now, hopefully i won't be adding anything to this later on with one of them dieing.

Well, the moment i wanted so badly has happened.

I spent most of the day steadily caring for both Ryusei and Kitsune since they are both never never needy at their rip old ages right now, after a few hours i realize i haven't cared for Haku yet so i pull him out to find none of his buttons are working... he was 10 today and probably had a nice long life ahead of him but instead i hit his reset button since his buttons won't responde at all.

If anyone that reads this log has a pair of buttons for vintage gen1 and gen2 tama's they'd be willing to part with please pm me, i really just want to get him in working condition again.

Der! I posted this before telling you all that the moment i was waiting for that happened is....................

Don't you just love suspense?............

ok, enough of that. ryusei and kitsune went to bed tonight^-^ Tomorrow ryusei will be 21 and kitsune will be 11 and though most of my time has to be used caring for them i don't mind it one bit. My hope now with kitsune is that he can reach and pass his last life span as a sabotenshi which will mean i'll have to keep him alive till monday to do so o_O wish me luck people.

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Today has been both good and bad for me, guess i'll start with the bad parts first off before i get to the good.

I spent all day caring for my two very needy tama's and trying to give them the best care so they would stay a few more days but nothing seems to go the way i want it to. At 2:30pm i heard a few beeps comming from kitsune and though he needed some attention but instead i saw him crying, i said my good-byes to him before sending him home and restarted him again. This time i'm doing things different with him and only cause i have yet to get one of the secret characters.... The Lucky Unchi-Kun^-^ The only way i know of tog et him is to start him up and leave him alone for 5 or more days with no care at all, so little kistune was started and has since been left on mute by my pc so i can check on his progress.

Only a few minutes ago ryusei also gave in and left me at the age of 21, he is by far the oldest living mimitchi to date since getting him and he will be missed. I hit reset on him and after setting him time to 7:50am (this way he will stay up till i go to bed tonight) i waited for him to hatch, right now he's a little shirobabitchi so i'll finish typing this after he changes into tonmarutchi here in a bit.


Ok, it's now after 9pm and ryusei changed over a hour ago, heh sorry i'm enjoying tonmarutchi's cute self right now. I should have my sweet long eared mimitchi back by i see friday or saturday with how late it was when he left, and if i set him to the normal time he would of already gone to sleep. Now about the good news, this morning after breakfast my dad helped me with getting haku's button problem fixed and after using some contact cleaner on both the circuit board and buttons i'm glad to say haku is now all better^-^

So i set him to 10:26am and waited 5 minutes for him to hatch, after another hour and 5 minutes he changed into marutchi and thats how he's been all day. He got 2 disciplines today but for the life of me i can't remember the times of either... heh crs strikes again^-^ Well with that it will be another 2 or 3 days before wither haku or ryusei change into their teen forms but i think with haku i'm going to try for Oyajitchi the japanese gen1 secret character, i got some helpful advice on getting him from binary so i'm giving that a shot and if it works then i'll let everyone know exactly how i got him^-^

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Today has been a bit bland with only caring for 2 tama's (3 running but as i stated last night kitsune is being ignored so i can get the lucky unchi kun) so this morning i decided to put together and restart my music star to keep things a bit more interesting with this log. I still have fv (if you go back to page 1 of these logs you can read more on himi) on it and have a few days before he gets married and has a son or daughter but as of right now he's content and just practicing his instrument.

Haku got another discipline this afternoon bringing his bar to 75% and thats where i plan on keeping it for now, ryusei after last night got a discipline before i headed off to bed and around 11am got his second discipline. Kitsune though is still a maruten but should be changing sometime soon into takoten since he's almost been ignored for 24 hours so far.

Not alot to talk about so far today but i plan on posting again later on tonight with some photo's i'll be taking here in a bit.

ok, i know i could of just edited my last post but i figured that since i've been taking alot of pictures this afternoon that i'd post them in a new post^-^


First we have my current running group. Fv the Mametchi on my music star (which is in a v4's shell), kitsune the maruten who's attention icon is on, haku the marutchi and ryusei the tonmarutchi.


Here's a close up on ryusei being cute as always.


Now a close up on haku^-^


Theres Fv just chilling in his room.


And a close up of him, and even though i would rather start any tama but my music star it does have some cute animations. Finally i have a few pictures of kitsune.


There he is as maruten


only shortly after he got sick


Then shortly after that he changed into takoten, tomorrow he should change into his adult form sometime after 6pm but seriously i have no clue how long i'll have to keep ignoring him like this to get the lucky unchi-kun but guaranteed if i get him i'll post all about it^-^

Edit: Right as i posted this haku got sick^-^ so tomorrow sometime i'll have tamatchi on him and probably the next day ryusei should change into tongaritchi.

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Today has been interesting with a few unexpected surprises to boot!

This morning i woke up and after getting dressed and caring for both ryusei and haku i turned my pc on only to see the fv had glitched sometime durring the night and his screen seemed frozen in place, i tried a few thing but nothing seemed to fix it until i hit reset then things were well but the download option didn't work. So ithought if i'm gonna restart my music star then i'm also gonna change his case and after a hour or so fo searching i found his original music star case (which is in much better condition than my black headphone version) and put him back together.

After an hour of care my little babitchi (never remember the babies names) he promptly changed into kutchitamatchi and has been rather easy to care for since then, i'm making sure his stress is higher than in the past so i can try for some different characters this time around, and before any of my readers wonder i did take more photo's today^-^


There's little Alex (i never said his name before so..... eh), i flipped his background around so it would look different but it also made it hard to see him while taking the picture.

Next off as i expected was haku's change into his teen form, i spent all morning caring for them all (well, except kitsune) and almost right after he got up he pooped meaning he would be changing anywhere in the next 6 hours. So i read a few logs here, played some games online and popped into chat a few times and then it happened. It was just after 1pm when i heard the familiar changing tune and looked down just in time to see haku change from marutchi into tamatchi^-^


One of the other things i was expecting to happen was ryusei getting sick, which happened shortly after haku changed, what i wasn't expecting was this...


Yep, right as i was heading upstairs to eat diner i heard the shimmery tune comming from ryusei to see he had changed into tongaritchi. I really thought he wouldn't be changing till tomorrow but it was a nice surprise indeed^-^ The last thing i knew would happen sooner or later today was kitsune changing into his adult form, i kept an eye on him till i had to go upstairs to eat and by the time i got back downstairs he had allready changed into his adult form of oyajitenshi.


He's now had the skull on the screen for 24 hours and has been ignored for over 48, really makes me feel bad that he's so sick but i can't do anything about it cause i'm trying for a character i've never and i do mean NEVER had. Well thats whats been going on with my tama's today, they went with me to the local library to drop off the cd's i checked out and to check out 10 more cause hey, i need more music on my pc and mp3 player^-^ Finally before i go i have yet another group shot of my tama's for all to see.


Sorry this one was so dark compaired to the others but the lighting in my basement really sucks so not much i can do about that for now.

Just a quick update tonight since i'm tired and don't plan on being up much longer.

Ryusei and Haku have been rather relaxed today and have barely needed any care at all, around 1pm haku asked for a discipline and i ignored it to keep his discipline bar at 50% so i can get maskutchi again and try for oyajitchi for my second time. A few hours later ryusei asked for his discipline and i gladly gave it to him bringing his bar to 75%, right now i'm keeping him up a bit longer than haku since i really miss my mimitchi and want him back badly... it's a long story of how i bonded with mimitchi and maybe i'll tell that story here sometime, and if anyone want to hear it just drop me a pm letting me know^-^

Kitsune is still the same character he was when i posted yesterday and has yet to change but he should either tomorrow or friday i'm hoping, i really want the lucky poo. As for Alex my V6, well he was doing fine this morning until he changed into his teen form... as he was changing i hear a few cracking sounds and before i knew what happened his screen went blank and a few cracks appeared on the face of the lcd, this saddened me a bit but not too much since i never really cared for my music star but now i'm back to only caring for 2 tama's till kitsune either changes or i just give up and restart him and go for ginjirotenshi again.






Ok, i've decided that i'm just gonna tell you all why i've bonded with the tamagotchi known as Mimitchi since for some strange reason i just feel like it^-^

It all started on June 15th 1997, i just got my allowance for the chores i do around the house and decided to hop on my bike and head to Toys R Us to see if there was anything i would want to buy. After a good 20 minutes of riding i arrived and after getting inside the first thing i noticed was a huge rack of tamagotchi's, being that i had no idea what they were at the time i just went with it and after looking through the selection i grabbed a yellow/ blue bordered and button egg, payed for it and headed home.

Once i got home i read through the instruction a bit to figure out everything then pulled the plastic strip and set the time, after waiting 5 minutes it hatched and a little shirobabitchi emerged (at the time i had no clue to the characters names like i do now) and after a hour of demanding care in changed into tonmarutchi. It's at this time i was trying to figure out a good name for the little guy and by the time he changed i came up with the perfect name.... Webster!

After that the rest of the day was rather quiet, he asked for 2 disciplines durring the day then promptly at 8pm fell asleep. The next 2 days were spent caring for little webster and though i didn't know much about him i was enjoying his presence in my (at the time) rather dull life, durring these days we did run into other kids and teens who also had tamagotchi's so we hung out and let out tama's intermingle with each other, on his 4th day i was watching tv when i heard webster changing and watched as he turned into tongaritchi. This was by far the best thing that happened that day too and now instead of floating around he marched in place, i kept a close eye on him and since at the time i had no clue who the best character was (or any of the characters for that matter).

On his 7th day i was on our families new computer when i heard the changing tune and watched as websters screen blacked out and when it cleared there he was, my very first mimitchi. I quickly bonded with him and made sure he was with me everywhere and saw everything i saw and did durring his first lifespan on earth, in fact my first mimitchi on webster is still by far my longest living mimitchi since i started caring for tama's!

His life started on 6/15/97 and lasted all the way till 7/20/97... over a month, when he left me i can actually say i was heart broken. I missed his little cute self and to this day i still miss little webster, and it shows cause i carried this same tama with me everywhere for over 10 years.

So thats my story of webster and how i got into tamagotchi's, and though i have a gen2 tamagotchi again there is no way that Ryusei will ever mean to me what webster ment to me... at least not right now, though he is my only gen2 i do plan on trying to get webster back in working order i doubt that will happen anytime this month or maybe not even till next year.

Another quick update on my tamagotchi's, ok maybe not... since last night i said that and said alot more than i planned on^-^

This morning as soon as i got up haku asked for another discipline and after a few mins of thinking whether i wanted maskutchi or ginji i gave in a gave him a discipline figuring that i miss ginji and want him back in my life. Ryusei has yet to get his last discipline or even get sick for that matter but they both should sometime today and hopefully change sometime tomorrow.

As for kitsune, well..... he's still oyajitenshi and if he doesn't change either today or tomorrow then i'll just restart him since i have no clue if or when he will be changing, oh i did manage to fix my music star. I found another lcd screen and after a few minutes everything was back in working order except i had to reset so now i have little jenny. On another note though i took a few more pics of someone i have yet to let anyone who reads this see....




It's my plush Ginjirotchi holder^-^ This is currently Haku's home while he sleeps and i've had it since i think 98 or 99, i couldn't help but buy it when i saw it back then and am still surprised that it's in as good of condition as it is.

Update: It's a little before 5pm and my quest to get the lucky unchi-kun was a failed attempt... i looked at kitsune to see oyajitenshi opening and closing his mouth like he was screaming or something and when i pressed the center button he left, i'll try again in a week or so but for now i'm just gonna restart kitsune and give him actual care this time around.

Update #2: Well just when i figured ryusei wouldn't get sick today or even get his last discipline it happened! At 6:45pm he asked for his final discipline and only 15 minutes later got sick^-^ I also forgot to say this earlier but haku got sick shortly after noon today so tomorrow will be a day of change and i'll be very glad to have my mimitchi back and hopefully ginjirotchi back too.

As for kitsune he's now back to being maruten and has already asked for a praise bringing his bar to 50% and his tp to 31, i'm keeping him up longer tonight so he can change earlier tomorrow as well. Jenny is doing well too, i'd say everything thats happened to her but i'm taking just good enough care to get mimitchi on her as well and oh... she just hoped into the tub^-^ Right now she's content as the little hitodetchi she is and should change sometime before noon tomorrow.

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Time for a new log and boy can i say tons of changes have happened today!

First off i think this is amazing that i've posted everyday for the last (checks real quick) 6 days now! Normally i like to wait a few days but so much has been going on that i've been posting everyday it seems, oh well. A lot has happened today and it all started at 9am this morning as usual, i got up and of course kitsune had already been awake for a hour since i didn't want to change his time so he would get up at 9am, so i quickly checked on everyone before turning on my pc and making coffee.

The morning goes by and haku asks for a discipline so i figure why not... i do miss my ginjirotchi so i gave him it and continued doing my own things, a few hours so by from me playing a mmo rpg called Serenia Fantasy which i've seemed to get addicted to rather quickly and before i know it at 12:30pm little jenny changed^-^ She's now an Ichigotchi and after a few minutes to decide her bands name (which a few friends on here found it funny) i named her band FUN EUE xD I sent her a few times to school so she can pass he audition tomorrow when she becomes an adult.

So i keep on playing the rpg and less than 2 hours later kitsune changed into Kodoten and i was thinking to myself if i should go for kuriten or ginjirotenshi... so i figured since my only time getting futagotenshi led to him reseting i'd go for them again even though they were never my favorite character. I brought his tp up to 50 and filled all his hearts to make sure this happens too, after that i kept doing my usual.

Less than 50 minutes go by when yet another tama changed, this time it was haku... and even though at first i wanted maskutchi then changed my mind and tried going for ginjirotchi i still got maskutchi, so now i'm gonna try harder at getting oyajitchi and hopefully i'll get him this time around (and that i won't forget to check on him like i did last time). Now there was only 1 other tama left to change and that was ryusei, so i spent some more time on serenia fantasy (i've been on that game since 9am and haven't logged off yet)... 3pm passes and no change, then 4pm hits and i just tried keeping myself busy so time would fly by faster. Finally at 4:47pm ryusei changed into my sweet long eared mimitchi again^-^

I worried i might not get him since as a tonmarutchi i let him beep once and thought that screwed my chances but i'm glad it didn't, now in my status update i said there would be pictures and i wasn't kidding! So now here are the pictures i took all day but waited till now to post.


There's jenny, this was taken right after her change this afternoon.


There she is playing on her harp


and there she is playing with her panda toy^-^ so cute Finally here's the proof i named her band FUN EUE


The next set of pictures are of kitsune, haku and ryusei after their respective changes.




Finally i have yet another group photo of them all.


Tomorrow both kitsune and jenny will be changing but at what times i have no clue, i'm hoping jenny changes into either mimitchi or memetchi but i've been letting her do her own thing since i've spent more time caring for the other three so who knows what she will turn into.

It's been 3 days now since my last log, so now it's time for a new one^-^

After friday's post i awaited 3 more changes with my tama's and of course everyone will probably know who i'm waiting to change, saturday we were heading to a family get together for my uncles birthday so i brought all 4 of my tama's cause to be frank my family drives me crazy and having them with me made it a bit better. The day started with my mom making apple squares (basically it's an apple pie in a square baking pan) so i went off for a walk, while out on the walk kitsune changed into kuriten and haku got his second discipline after his change the day before (he got his first right before going to sleep friday night).

Well i get back after almost a hour of walking to find we were ready to head to my grandma's so i cared for each of them and we headed out, after 20 or so minutes of driving we arrived at my grandma's house and upon getting there haku asked for his third discipline bringing his bar to 75%. We ate diner and had apple squares and durring this time jenny changed into her adult form... a mimitchi^-^ Now mimitchi is my fav character and watching jenny play on her harp is just so cute i couldn't help but smile as she did this.

Yesterday i waited for haku to ask for his final discipline but he never did and i made sure to keep him near me at all times but he never beeped so i'm hoping he asks for it sometime today followed by getting sick and hopefully changing either tonight or tomorrow. I still have about 30 minutes till he wakes up yet so i'll update this later after he gets his final discipline.

Update: Ok, while out on a walk this afternoon haku got his last discipline^-^ Now i'm just waiting for him to get sick and then hopefully he'll change into oyajitchi sometime tomorrow. I'll update again once he gets sick so if it's not tonight it'll be tomorrow sometime, now for the others. Ryusei is doing well at the age of 9... he hasn't been hard to care for and makes me happy just looking at his cute face^-^

Kitsune has yet to change but with how little care i've been giving him recently i'm doubting he will change into futagotenshi this time around, jenny on the other hand is doing well also. Her band is 1st in the leader board in both asian and pop right now and she should be ready to mate in the next few days.

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Just a quick update on my four tama's.

Right now both kitsune and ryusei are sleeping while jenny and haku are still wide awake, and wouldn't you know it! Haku just got sick as i started posting this update^-^ Hopefully he changes tomorrow and if not i'm happy to care for him the way he is, next time i'm planning on going for kutchipatchi cause next to ginjirotchi he is my second fav gen1 character (plus i never had much luck getting him on the newer tama's).

This is going to be a dayrt log today fellow readers... and only cause ryusei and jenny haven't had anything happen lately, no this one will be about kitsune and haku (and before you go guessing just don't... you might guess wrong).

I got woken up by kitsune this morning, he was hungry so i fed him and got up. The day was going normal with me getting online and drinking my morning coffee^-^ YAY COFFEE!!!!.... sorry got off track^-^ Eventually ryusei got up at 9am... oh i never mentioned that jenny was up when kitsune was, make me wonder. While waiting for haku to wake up kitsune changed into futagotenshi^-^ I really thought i wasn't taking good enough care of poor kitsune but he still changed and i'm happy... even more so cause if you remember the last time i got futagotenshi i dropped kitsune and he reset, so i'm treating this one a lot more carefully so he doesn't reset on me again.

Now onto haku... he's been up since 11am and it is now 8:15pm and he has yet to change, i really hope he changes though but have no clue when he will change...... if he even does that is. Now i have a image of kitsune... not a new one but one i took a while ago.


Time for another one of my logs^-^

Today has been both a good and bad day, but in order to keep this log organized i'll start with the good. This morning a little after 10am jenny got married^-^ She fell in love with a kurmametchi and had a little boy, i've enjoyed caring for all three of them now and will untill sunday morning when jenny will be leaving. That be it for the good news... i know, kinda sucks but that was the only good thing that happened to any of them.

Yesterday while out and about ryusei got sick meaning he's in the third stage of his life now but is showing no visible signs of age yet where kitsune is showing some signs of age at the age of 8 while ryusei is 12. The other bad news is just a little after 5pm haku died, i have no clue why he died so young but he's gone and will be missed, i instantly rehatched him and this time around i'm going for kutchipatchi so when he changes into marutchi i'm ignoring all disciplines so i can get kutchitamatchi. And wouldn't you know it... kitsune asked for a praise while i was talking about that^-^

Since my last log was sooo short (shortest one i've done so far) i'm making up for it by adding tons and tons of pictures to todays log^-^

Jenny, haku, kitsune and ryusei have been doing good in the past few days which is surprising since i've been kinda busy. To start todays log i'll be talking about jenny since i haven't talked about her much, she and her family have been doing well the past couple of days. I've been giving her tons of care since i knew she would be leaving her son (who i have named but that will have to wait) in my care at anytime, and i was WAY off about when she would be leaving... see i figured she wouldn't leave till tonight since it had only been about 24 hours since she mated, i was woken up early this morning to the sound of a tama beeping and being as the other three don't wake up till 9am.

So i grab my music star and see a crying baby... she left in the middle of the night and i didn't even get to say my good-byes to her, oh well i'm now caring for her son who (and i know a few from chat will get a kick out of this) i've named Nate and now for the first batch of pictures!


There's jenny, her son and Kuromametchi^-^


Here she is playing the harp for her family... sorry for the blurry image on this one. Now onto her son...


There he is in his baby form^-^


After a hour of care he changed into Kuribotchi and since he's been easier to care for, i'm hoping i can get kuromametchi on him this time around but who knows what i'll get. As for haku, kitsune and ryusei they are doing good... kitsune is showing some signs of age at the age of 10 but is still easy to care for and i see him living a while longer, haku is still a marutchi and since having to rehatch him i've ignored a total of 6 discipline calls to make sure i get kutchitamatchi but i'm also giving him perfect care at the same time and finally ryusei... he's 14 today and is showing signs of age as well, i'm doing better this time around with him unlike the last few times. I've yet to let his hearts drop below 2 and he hasn't beeped at me once which is a good thing^-^

Now for a few more pictures




Sorry these came out so dark, the lighting down here just plain sucks unless i have my lamp right over them for some reason.

OK, i have an update for you all and instead of just editing my last post i figured it wouldn't hurt to make a new one^-^

First off i thought i was doing ok with little haku what with ignoring all disciplines and such but taking perfect care of him. Well just a few moments ago he changed into... tamatchi... guess i do have to give him bad care. So since i really don't want another maskutchi (i know i'll end up with him) i just reset haku and am trying again for kutchitamatchi.

Kitsune is a bit needier this evening too... if i leave them alone while i do stuff down here he will empty all his hearts in about 30 mins and durring this time will take a stroll and ask for a praise so i have no clue if he will live longer than my only sabotenshi lived too but eh... i'm just happy he's still around^-^ Nate is doing well also, he should be going to bed soon but for most of the day he has been quiet ( i have him in my hoodie pocket so i don't hear the constant beeping).

Ryusei is doing well also with only losing 1 heart every 20 or 30 mins (i check on him every 30 and only ever find 1 missing) and though i've been keeping them in the same pocket of my hoodie i'll normally keep him out in my hand to check on him. I have 1 new picture for everyone to see of something i've never seen my angelgotchi do. He was on a stroll earlier this afternoon and i figured i would just let him come bak on his own, well he came back and this popped on the screen for a few seconds (i'm surprised i managed to get a picture of it).


I shocked me for a bit till my futagotenshi were back on the screen... i'm going to have to check with other characters to see if this happens with any others.

A new day and time for another new log^-^ o_O omg i said fun.... FUN EUE xD

Anyways, since now zach will probably kill me for saying FUN instead of F** (had to be in chat earlier today to understand why)... what was i saying? OH YEAH! log time, nate, haku, kitsune and ryusei are doing well today. We all got up at 9am and after having the good ol morning coffee nate decided to change into hinotamatchi^-^ but i don't think i'm treating him too well, his weight is up there and so is his stress so i have no clue if i'll get kuromametchi or not but i'm sure i'll be happy with who ever i get.

After last nights failure at getting kutchitamatchi on haku things are going much better today... and after checking tamagotchi planet my new plan is to discipline him to either 50 or 75% while taking bad care, right now he's at 50% and he's beeped a few times today so far. I'm only filling his hearts to 2 each then letting him beep at me for attention before feeding and playing with him.

Ryusei is no needier than he was yesterday, losing 1 heart every 25 mins or so and since he's still so loveable i don't mind caring for him^-^ Kitsune on the other hand is getting a tad bit annoying at the age of 11, so far today he has asked for 5 praises, gone on 4 walks and has emptied all his hearts 5 times as well. I really want to get him to live past 12 this time around but i don't see him living much longer than that, maybe he will but i really see myself caring for him every 10 minutes since it can get to be a pain in my butt after a while.

Since the days still young i'll update this log a bit later.

Update: Ok, it's now past 11pm and all my tama's are sleeping. For the first time since getting ryusei he went to sleep at the age of 15 without getting sick^-^ i'm very happy about this and it might have to do with me not letting him beep for attention like i have in the past (losing track of time while playing a game can do that to anyone).

As for nate i really doubt i will get any good character this time around, i kinda just let him keep practicing and when he went to sleep his stress was at 94O_O i really feel bad about this but hope i can get a character i haven't had before.

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