Webster04's logs


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It's time for another log, though it might be a bit shorter than normal since it's only a little after 10am.

Hold on, have to care for a newly hatched haku, and yes i will say why i had to rehatch him yet again. I started the day at the usual 9am with caring for both ryusei and kitsune then set off to turn on my pc and make coffee, i started surfing the net while waiting for haku to change since he got sick yesterday and pooped about 2 hours before going to sleep last night. I kept an eye on them all till 10am hit and i heard haku changing.... i look down to see i finally got kutchitamatchi then everything goes wrong with him, his screen went blank. After all this neglect to get kutchitamatchi the freaking batteries die on me so i had no choice but to put new ones in and try again, the only method i have found to get the bad teen is to let him not only beep at me mutiple times before giving him very little care but to also let him sleep in poo every night (this is what i did last time at least).

Right now he's back to being babitchi and just scooting around the screen but a little after 11am is when he will change into marutchi and the neglect will start all over again... i hate giving this kind of care to him but since i want kutchipatchi i have no choice. Now onto nate, ryusei and kitsune cause some things have happened with them and all of it is good for once^-^

I spent all day yesterday giving ryusei the best care possible and not even 30 minutes before going to bed he finally got sick meaning he's in his last life stage now, he's been dropping a heart every 15 to 20 minutes and i have yet to let him beep at me for attention so i know he will live past the age of 20 this time around^-^ Kitsune on the other hand is very needy today at the age of 13.... yes you read right, he is indeed 13 today and is now my oldest living angelgotchi to date! He goes on a walk, gets praised and drops all his hearts every 30 mins or so and this makes it hard to do much of anything unless i pause him (which i have no plans of doing).

Finally i'll talk about nate... after letting his stress get up over 90 and thinking all hopes of getting kuromametchi were lost i just kept on caring for him. He woke up yesterday morning and his stress had dropped down to the 40's which was good, so i kept caring for him until 2pm hit and i heard him changing. I watched for what seemed like forever until the screen cleared and who appeared on the screen? none other than uromametchi himself^-^ I sent him to school and his band mates changed into shimashimatchi and chantochi and they passed their auditions and right now are in 4th place but later on tonight should get into first.

ok, i said it would be short but like normal it was longer than i thought it would be^-^ and since it's so early i'll update again later on with what has happened to them.

Update: Well some more stuff has happened since i posted this log earlier today, some good and 1 bad so i'll start with the bad part first. This afternoon i had to get some cleaning done so i kept ryusei with me but paused kitsune.... or so i thought. After a hour or so of cleaning i head back to my pc to check some stuff and find kitsune crying, he lived 1 day longer than my sabotenshi and even though i don't care much for futagotenshi i will miss them.

I instantly restarted kitsune and this time i'm gonna get ginjirotenshi again since i miss my little ginji angel^-^ Since this morning haku has been doing well too, i've been letting him beep for attention 2 times before filling his hearts to 2 each and have let his poops pile up on the screen and i feel bad for him, but it takes a lot of really bad care it seems to get the bad teen kutchitamatchi so i must keep up with this till he changes.

Tonight nate got 1st in asian music on my music star but thats all thats happened to him today it seems... one of the reasons the v6 just isn't my favorite. As for ryusei he's been pretty demanding all day today but i haven't let him beep at me once^-^ He goes to bed here in 9 minutes and tomorrow will be 18 years old and i figure he has probably anywhere from 6 to 8 days left in his life, and though i know he will be even more demanding i just can't let him beep at me and with his cute little face and self i don't mind giving him the constant attention.

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Just a quick update on what happened yesterday, since quite a bit happened or at least i like to think this way^-^

I've spent the past 2 days giving haku the worst care ever and i feel so bad for him right now, i'm letting him beep for attention 3 times before i feed and play with him for one and the other is i let his poops pile up on the screen... but normally once there are three on the screen i clean it up but i have let him cleep in his own filth 2 nights in a row so here's hoping that later on i manage to get kutchitamatchi finally^-^

I waited till over 5 hours after getting up yesterday for kitsune to change into his teen form and a little after 2pm he finally changed into kodoten like i wanted and now i've been giving him bad care so i can have my sweet ginji angel back again^-^ The last update i have is on the very cute but very needy ryusei, yesterday as soon as he woke up he started dropping a heart every 10 minutes o_O This was a bit nerve racking but i managed to catch him in time except for 2 times where he did beep.

So i kept caring for him like this till i was heading over to a friends for the evening, well i get there and pause ryusei but keep him in my pocket to be safe...... WRONG After haku and kitsune went to bed i pulled ryusei out to see his clock jumped to 3am and ryusei was fast asleep, so i set his clock right and woke him up so now cause of this he was aged a day.

I'll add more to this later on tonight since it's only 10am right now here.

Update #1:At 12:10pm Haku changed into the character i have failed at getting 2 times in a row Kutchitamatchi^-^ I quickly feed him 4 meals and played a ton of games to make him happy and all i need to do is get his last 2 disciplines and ichi have kutchipatchi for sure^-^

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Might be another short log today but i normally am wrong when i say that so will see.

Yesterday after posting in the morning i headed off to hang out with a few friends and since ryusei is soo needy at his old age i just paused him not only so he wouldn't die while out and about but also so he'd get the day i aged him back, he basicly stayed paused for almost 10 hours along with kitsune and haku since i needed to catch haku's disciplines to geet kutchipatchi after all.

Nate's batteries are dead so right now i don't have the music star going and don't know if i'll get any new cr2032's or not since towards the end he was getting on my nerves (his stress would not go down even with playing plus he didn't like any of his toys so i couldn't make the stress go down either way). This afternoon haku got sick yet again so he'll probably change sometime tomorrow so hopefully i can get his last discipline and then get kutchipatchi.... though if i fail at him i'll still get nyorotchi which wouldn't be bad.

Update: After 21 days of none stop care for ryusei i can proudly say he went to bed tonight at the age of 21 and tomorrow he will be 22^-^ Haku got his last discipline this evening and should be changing sometime tomorrow into either kutchipatchi, nyorotchi or tarakotchi which none of them would be bad either since i haven't had any of them in a long time.

Kitsune continues to live happily along being as sweet as he is, i almost had him beeping at me early this morning cause of ryusei but i managed to catch him befor he would beep. Speaking of which 4 of my tama's... thats right all 4 of my tama's have woken me up befor my alarm has gone off, no sooner did 9am hit he beeped cause his hunger hearts were empty and he had 1 left in happiness. I really wonder if he'll make it through tomorrow or not and if this will be my last night with him for 6 to 7 days untill he returns again.

Ryusei is definitly no Webster but I have bonded with this japanese series 1 gen2 and if i manage to get lucky and if anyone who reads this has this exact shell designed american gen2/p2 tamagotchi please let me know cause i would love to have my little webster back as well^-^


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I'm back and time for a new log.

The past 3 days some stuff has happened, some good anf others bad but i'll get to them as i type^-^ First off i woke up or should i say was woken up by ryusei at 9am saturday morning (forgot to set my alarm) with his hunger and happy hearts all emptied, so i cared for him, got up and checked on haku and kitsune and did my usual morning routine (coffee, turning on my pc and breakfast). Of course with ryusei being 22 he was emptying all his hearts in 10 mins or less so i spent a majority of the day just caring for him but i was fine with this since this is the oldest i've even got him to live, i continue to care for them all till 2pm hits and i hear haku changing into his adult form... i watched the screen checker to black and hoped i cared for him right and as it cleared i was greeted by non other than kutchipatchi^-^

I continue my day like normal with caring for a very needy mimitchi, my new kutchipatchi and a not so needy kitsune (who if i haven't said turned into my ginji angel^-^) till 8pm hits and i head off to a friends house for a night of playing magi the gathering. Somehow though as i got home and got ready for bed that i knew it would be me and ryusei's last night together and i was right when i thought this...

Yesterday morning comes around and of course i'm caring for all three of them with more care going to ryusei than haku or kitsune, less than 1 hour after ryusei woke up he decided to leave me. I was in the middle of a game with him when i saw that skull appear and in the middle of a game he started the dreaded death beeps, he was by far my oldest living mimitchi at the ripe old age of 23 and this time around we bonded a lot more than any of the other times. I instantly rehatched him and headed out for the afternoon durring which ryusei hatched and i started caring for my newly hatched shirobabitchi.

After a hour of care he changed into tonmarutchi and became much easier to care for at this point, around 2pm he got his first discipline and another around 6pm before going to bed at 8pm. Today so far he's asked for 1 discipline but should be getting the other anytime this afternoon or evening and he should be getting sick either tonight or tomorrow morning followed by changing. Haku is doing well today at 7, he got sick this morning but since he's a bad care adult i kinda figure he would since the bad care adults never stay around nearly as long as the others do and as for kitsune well, he's been doing well considering the last few days of ryusei's life he wasn't getting the care he needed but he doesn't show any signs of age yet and shouldn't for another few days at most.

First off i have to say thank you to everyone reading my log, never figured i'd have over 1k views^-^ Not much has happened since my log yesterday though... ryusei got sick yesterday (i think i said that already but i'm too tired and lazy to check right now^-^) and after a hour ro so he got his last discipline and a little after 1pm changed into tongaritchi like i wanted, which means i should have my mimitchi back by friday which will be great.

One thing i didn't plan on is with how long he stayed around last time i might not have my mimitchi around for my birthday this month (29 days and counting) so i might have to restart him so i can have him around by then.... and now onto the other tama's i have going. Haku is doing ok for being a kutchipatchi though he got sick yesterday and today, been so long since i had a bad character that i forgot how sickly they can be. Kitsune is doing well also, taking about 3 walks and getting 3 praises a day right now and though i've been giving ryusei more of my attention right now so i have no idea how long it takes for him to lose any hearts.

It;s been 3 days since my last log so nows a better time than ever to type up a new one.

The past 3 days have been rather dull for me and my three tama's, what with both haku and kitsune being adults and ryusei only being in his teen stage. I've been take the best care possible of ryusei so i can get my sweet long eared mimitchi back and since i need him to leave in time to get him back again by my birthday i figure i'll just keep him up later at night, so for the last few nights he's been up with me till i've gone to bed (around midnight or 1am sometimes).

He got his first discipline on tuesday at 12:19pm while i was waiting for a friend to show up so we could hang for a bit and right before he got this discipline i was going to check on his stats and accidentally disciplined him... at first i thought this would screw up my chances of getting mimitchi back and thoughts popped in about reseting him but i didn't do that, instead i let him keep on going with the thought that pochitchi was who i would get this time around. I kept caring for him and by wensday afternoon he got his last discipline and shortly afterwards got sick, that night i kept him up with me till almost 3am since for some reason i just couldn't get any sleep.

So yesterday i kept him close to me and waited for him to change which by his first poop let me know that it would happen sometime before midnight even hit, so around 9pm i head over to a friends house to play card games and listen to music when it happens. Were in the middle of a game of magic the gathering when i hear the familiar changing tune... i grab ryusei and watch the screen black out, then clear and let tongaritchi do 1 full animation before it blacked out again and to my surprise there was my sweet little mimitchi^-^

Haku and Kitsune are doing ok at this moment both at the age of 11 today (kitsune's normal leaving age), there both rather needy and have been for the past few days. If i leave them alone for more than 20 minutes they both beep letting me know either their hunger hearts are empty or they need to be played with, and since kitsune has no other option than playing the game ihave no choice but to play the game with him but haku has been getting snacks as of late and then i'll play the game with him alot to make him lose those gained pounds (he's on a yo-yo diet!).

Right now (for my own sanity) i only have ryusei up while both haku and kitsune are paused till i can finish my morning coffee (but also to prolong their lives a bit) then i'll unpause them and let them keep on doing what they do.

This log will be shorter than the last few logs i've typed out and you will all find out why in a bit.

Since my last log both kitsune and haku died 1 day apart from each other, kitsune at the age of 11 and haku at the age of 12... I still have no clue when kitsune died (he had been in my pocket and since his attention beeps are softer i didn't hear him) but since his death i restarted him and i am trying my hand at getting the lucky unchi-kun again. So far he's been ignored for 2 days and will hopefully change this time around.

Haku had been very needy the last 2 days of his life and had a tendency of getting sick everyday but was very lovable and he will be very missed, but with his death i tabbed little haku till the 24th. I'm only caring for ryusei right now and for good reasons, see my b-day is on the 31st (halloween baby here) and i want not only my sweet little mimitchi around for my birthday but i also want ginjirotchi around as well so thats why i don't have haku going right now and instead only ryusei.

With how long ryusei stayed around last time i fear he might not die on the 24th so as i'm typing this (current time is 10:01pm) he is still awake^-^ I'm purposely keeping him up past his bedtime so he will use up his living hours in a shorter time thus keeping me up past my usual bedtime ( i normally go to bed around midnight).

One last thing to talk about, With having my tumblr blog (webster04.tumblr.com) i decided to make one for my tama's. This will be more for the photo's i take of my tamagotchi's so i'll have a place to put them all, my new blog can be found at https://ryuseimimitchi.tumblr.com

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It's been almost a week since my last update so now is a better time than ever to post another one of these logs.

Since my last log quite a bit has happened, both good things and bad things but i'll get to those as i get to them...Nothing really happened on monday with any of my tama's but thats to be expected with only caring for one tama instead of the usual three i normally run. Tuesday was a bit more eventful with my pal mike coming out here on the south shore train to get me and head back to his house in south bend and after almost 2 hours we finally arrived, during this time ryusei got sick signaling the third stage of his life.

We cleaned up a room in his house to make room to fix a hole in his ceiling and after this didn't do much for the rest of the day, wensday was a bit uneventful as was thursday while out in south bend but around noon we headed off to a burger place called Five Guys for burgers and fries (which were the best burgers and fries i've EVER had). The next day (thursday) mike had to work a 12 hours shift so i helped his gf watch his daughter cassy till he got home after 5pm, ryusei kept me from going insane durring this time to (along with something mike gave me).

Friday finally comes around and i got up at an early 5am my time (6am south bend time) so i could get ready to catch the train and head back home so i woke ryusei up early so i would have someone to keep me company while i waited. I finally got back home a little after 9am and of course durring the time i reset kitsune (failed again at getting Unchi-kun again) so while i was on the train i cared for him and he changed as i got back into michigan city, we spent the rest of the day catching up on logs here and tv shows that recorded while i was gone.

Later on durring the evening i headed off to get some food before going to a friends house to hang and while i was there something bad happened... I was standing in line to order and pay for my food when i heard a long single beep (like the one you hear when hitting the reset button) and i pulled both kitsune and ryusei out to find somehow someway ryusei had reset himself at the age of 13, this was devastating to me since i knew he had a while to go before he would of left but i figured he must of hit something in my coat pocket to reset and just started him again.

Everything was going good again and i figured since i didn't want to get a mimitchi only to reset him on the 24th i'd just go for kusatchi since it's been sometime since i purposly went for the worst character and since he would dye on or before the 24th, so everything was going good and ryusei was well onto his way of becoming the bad teen (name eludes me at the moment) when it happened again...

Yesterday afternoon while over at my friends house ryusei reset himself again and this time it was while sitting on his table. Now there was nothing that could of made him reset like this and i'm still a bit confused why it happened, i waited to reset him till i got home and after taking him apart i still had no idea why this happened again but just to be safe i put a new pair of batteries in him just in case they were the cause, since then he hasn't reset (crosses fingers) and should be changing either today or tomorrow into the bad teen so i can get kusatchi.

Thats whats been happening since my last log but before i head off for the day (only a little before 2pm here) I figure i can post a image of what kusatchi looks like for those who haven't had him before.


It's only been 2 days since my last log but ryusei is already an adult., but before i get to what adult i got i'll catch you all up on yesterday first. The night i posted my last log i ended up staying up till almost 2 am (just couldn't sleep) so i kept little ryusei awake with me and put kitsune on pause so he wouldn't wake up at 9am while i was still fast asleep. I didn't end up getting up till after 11am yesterday and less than an hour after getting up ryusei changed into Hashitamatchi^-^ Now Tongaritchi is cute but Hashitamatchi in a way is cuter for some reason, so i kept up the bad care and letting him sleep with 2 to 3 poops on the screen seemed to be helping with the bad care.

Shortly before he went to bed last night he got sick... now i didn't know if this was cause he's a bad teen or cause it was a signal he would be changing anywhere in the next 12 hours but i kept caring for him. Today started at the usual 9am with ryusei beeping almost right as he woke up and kitsune needing to be praised, speaking of kitsune he's 5 today and doing well^-^ Only needing care every hour or so and taking a few walks a day. I kept both of them close by just in case ryusei decided to change while outside cutting plants down for my mom and listening to music.

Well around 5pm while on my pc ryusei changed into his adult form and i can say i didn't give him bad enough care cause i got Takotchi instead of Kusatchi like i was going for, now in a way this is both and and good. It's been years since i last got Takotchi and this means he will also live a bit longer than Kusatchi would of (kusatchi normally lives to the age of 9 or so where takotchi might live to 10 or older). So thats whats happened the last 2 days, once ryusei leaves things wil go back to being more normal with having all three vintage tama's going since my b-day wouldn't be the same without my sweet little mimitchi and ginjirotchi^-^

It's time for another one of these logs, and with only 3 days since my last one that could only mean one thing.

Wensday started off kinda slow and lazily what with me running low on coffee and what not but eventually i made my way over to my friend steve's house waaaaaaaaaaay on the other side of town (good 20 minute walk for me) so i grabbed kitsune and ryusei and headed off, Kitsune was at the age where he was dropping tenshi power and hearts faster than before and i wanted to make sure he wouldn't die on me where ryusei had got sick earlier in the day but only cause of how sickly he was.

They both made it through wensday but not without me spacing and forgot to check on them before they went to bed so both went to sleep that night with poop on the screen... Thursday went a little bit better (i got more coffee!!!!!!!!) and by 11am i was out the door and off to hang with a good firend, well he talked me into going with him and another one of his friends out to south bend to a place called octapharma to donate plasma (got something in return for donating too^-^). Well while getting the plasma drawn out of my blood i totally spaced and forgot about both kitsune and ryusei (i feel so ashamed), it was a little after 7pm when i was done and as soon as i got in my friends car and pulled them out i saw ryusei fast asleep (got him up and hour ealier that morning) with poop by him again and kitsune waving goodbye to me.

I can't believe i forgot about them like this **smacks own forehead** but since i can't change any of that i just tabbed kitsune when i got home (and i'll explain that in a bit), I didn't get home till late after the fact and promptly went to bed. This morning started off like normal but with only ryusei going things tended to be a bit dull, well i headed off yet again to the same guy i hung out with 2 days in a row then headed off to the library from there before going home. Some where in this time frame ryusei gave in and left... his attention light was on so he left sick probably and alone cause i didn't hear his beeping in my pocket.

Even though it's still 5 days away till i wanted to do this after ryusei's death (R.I.P Takotchi) i decided to start the hatching of ryusei and haku today instead of on wensday... so they will be either 12 or 13 on my birthday and i can handle them at the age easily^-^ Of course ryusei will be a mimitchi cause my birthday would not be complete without a long eared mimitchi^-^ Haku will be a ginjirotchi and kitsune, well i'll be trying for a third time at getting the lucky unchi-kun on the 24th and if i fail again i'll still have time to get ginjirotenshi or taraten for my b-day.

Time for another log!

This can be considered a continuation from my last log since i completely forgot to write some things in it, After ryusei died while i was out on friday I waited till i got home a little after 2:30pm to start both him and haku up. Well it has been a while since i started up 2 tama's at the exact same time and boy was that first hour and 5 minutes challenging! I managed to keep both of them happy and full and after taking a nap and getting sick ryusei changed into tonmarutchi and haku into marutchi^-^

The rest of friday went by slower and a bit easier after there changes and before they went to bed that night they both got 2 disciplines bringing their bars to 50%, yesterday was a bit dull but having haku and ryusei with me made it that much better. We spent the day online playing games, listening to music and even watched a little tv till 8pm when they both fell alseep. Durring this time though both of them got a third discipline and around 3pm or so got sick^-^

Today started off at the usual 9am (how many times have i said this line? probably too many time) and after making coffee and turning on my pc i checked on ryusei and haku, around 10am they both got their last disciplines and only shortly after what i was waiting for finally happened. I was outside enjoying the nice cool day with ryusei and haku when right at 12:29pm and 13:30pm they changed, haku changed first followed by ryusei and though i thought i set them at the exact same time they still changed a minute behind each other.

Like i wanted too though haku changed into tamatchi and ryusei into tongaritchi, they spent the rest of the day with me here on tt along with watching a worlds wildest police videos marathon on spike tv and even got a walk in with me before heading off to bed at 9pm.

Wow, guess the last 8 days have flown by or I like to think it has^-^ Either way it's time for another log and i have a good amount to talk about this time around!

Since my last log both Haku and Ryusei have changed into their adult forms and I'm happy to say I got both adults I wanted^-^ Haku changed into Ginjirotchi and Ryusei into Mimitchi so I'm quite happy with that (this all happened around 1:30pm on wensday last week). The very next day started over 4 hours before either of them woke up since me and a friend were catching the 6:30am train from michigan city to south bend to donate more plasma at octapharma, we didn't end up getting into south bend till after 8am and walked for over 2 hours to get to the place (never again) which was over 6 miles away. We didn't get back into town till after 6pm and haku and ryusei were with me through it all and I made sure they were full and happy the entire time (didn't want a repeat incident like the following thursday with kitsune) and shortly after getting home I put them to sleep and crashed.

Since then not much has been going on, I kept an eye on both of my tama's to make sure they didn't beep at me for attention and they got to go out and enjoy the cool breezy weather were having. Yesterday though started off on a slightly bad note with haku getting sick almost right as he woke up at the age of 10 and even worst ended on a bad note too (forgot to check on them before 10pm hit so they went to sleep with poo on their screens) but other than that there doing just fine. Ryusei got sick earlier today too but since my b-days only 2 days away I know they will be around then and well after^-^

It's been 9 days since my last log and things haven't been happening lately. I haven't been typing up logs as much the last month or so and I guess it's only cause i've been enjoying caring for my tama's (speaking of which, kitsune is 13 today haku and ryusei are both 22) and I doubt i'll be making many logs for the rest of the year. Not that i'm getting bored with my little friends or anything but untill i get some more tama's things would just get a bit boring with only talking about the same three tama's over and over again.

So with that i bid all my readers a short good-bye till next year when i can (hopefully) get some more tamagotchi's to talk about.
