weird beeping noise?


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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
Fremont, california, usa
Do any of you hear a beeping noise a quiet one? i mean, if you put your ear up to the back of the tamagotchi connection or whichever kind, do you hear a tiny beep beep beep noise? Both mine have that noise, and i just accidently hit mine on the cabinet by accident, the purple one i have but the orange one is totally dropless and has been cared for lemme know! im concerned! lol , or does that mean the battery will go bye bye soon? its not LOUD but, its kind of a distant beep beep beep noise....thanks!

Hmm.. I just put my ear up to both of my Tamagotchis to see if I could hear something (can't hear something otherwise) and instead of a beep beep beep type of noise...I just hear one long beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep just keeps going. Eh, I dont know ;)

All of the American ones (I have) make a constant tone.

I think it might have some thing to do with the lousy battery life.

All of my non-American ones are quiet.

my V1 Connexions did not make any noise. But both the V2 and V3 Conexions make that beeping noise. So the European versions also have that glitch.

Yes, I hear it...I knew it did that a long time ago! Its perfectly fine, dont worry about it! :lol: -ZTF :D

awww, that's really sweet! this is my first tamagotchi and it's on its third generation.. i only heard the sound this evening, so too wondered about battery life. thought i'd read that somewhere. but anyway. if i think of it as its heart ... "beeping"... i'm sure i'll be waking in the middle of the night to check it hasn't died in its sleep...!!!!

trying to lay really still in bed to see if i can still hear it...

oh dear.. B) :rolleyes: :)


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