Weird encounter with a boy.


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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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Okay So just recently at school, this boy Matt was staring at me. He is about a few years older than me. So One day I went up to him and asked him what his problem was he told me I was hot and he pictured me naked all of the time... then he told me i had nice breasts. and I said Okkkkkkaayyyyyy.

And I ran. Out of the School.Home.went in my room. Wrote his name in a book took a pic from the yearbook stuck it in a book then wrote his name...and wrote under it [HE SCARES ME, NEVER TALK TO HIM AGAIN.]

I know it was mean but I'm over dramatic, then over the next few days.. he started TOUCHING ME. like moving his hand on my arm, I sit next to him at lunch because if I don't he'll tell everyone my secret, which he knows and I don't know why, He said he wanted me to marry him and have kids, wherever i walk... he follows! and then if i get mad he's all "why are you mad baby?" and then he'll hug me and one time he made me kiss him, and i told my parents but they ignored, i told the teacher and principal but then the principal talked to me, and said he'll talk to him.... he did... and he kept right at it!

So i finally cracked and i slapped matt for being a Jerk, then he hugged me... and before I KNEW it


I don't know how or why his parents let him drink! I'm only 15 and I don't know what happened. Then, he SOMEHOW GOT ME INTO BED AND DUH YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID.

So now I'm really scared, and He won't stay away he says he's gonna follow me forever.

I need help from someone over 14 or 15.. 4got 2 add..

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I don't have a phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to get rid of him!


The way you wrote that makes you think you have made it up, but, if not, I'll help:

That is absolutely NOT okay. It is horrible sexual harrassment. He RAPED your friend. Do you know how SERIOUS that is??? She should tell everyone. Call the police, even. He is sexually harassing her very, very extremely. Even just telling her he liked her breasts would have been very inappropriate. But raping her?? That's unbelievable. This kid should be put in jail. She should tell her parents, the police, and the principal at her school. This guy needs more than "a talk." Seriouly. Make sure your friend actually tells her parents and everyone that he raped her. That should get their attention. This situation is so serious, none of us TamaTalkers can help you. Not one bit. We can encourage you to tell everyone you can, but only an adult can protect you. This boy has no right to do that. I still think you made it up to get attention, but if it is happening, don't shrug it off. Do something.

The way you wrote that makes you think you have made it up, but, if not, I'll help:
That is absolutely NOT okay. It is horrible sexual harrassment. He RAPED your friend. Do you know how SERIOUS that is??? She should tell everyone. Call the police, even. He is sexually harassing her very, very extremely. Even just telling her he liked her breasts would have been very inappropriate. But raping her?? That's unbelievable. This kid should be put in jail. She should tell her parents, the police, and the principal at her school. This guy needs more than "a talk." Seriouly. Make sure your friend actually tells her parents and everyone that he raped her. That should get their attention. This situation is so serious, none of us TamaTalkers can help you. Not one bit. We can encourage you to tell everyone you can, but only an adult can protect you. This boy has no right to do that. I still think you made it up to get attention, but if it is happening, don't shrug it off. Do something.
Exactly. If you don't have a phone, use a friends.

Okay I was just too chicken to do anything, I did not make it up and i'll be sure to tell the POLICE!

I agree with Kiwitchi's advice and I'm a tad skeptical myself about this story since you won't seek help and you are posting this on an online community that's target audience you know can not really help you.

I personally don't like jokes like this because a friend of the family got sexually assaulted by a person years ago, came clean about it when she was 18ish, and after telling someone she got the help she needed...mind you the person who did that to her got off scott free but mainly it was due to a timeline long after the incident...however least she spoke up and faced the fear.

Only you can really help you if that makes any sense. It doesn't matter how you contact said police but your "friend" needs to do it. The sooner the better with these problems. If this is infact real, it will only get worse before it gets better, hence why legal action needs to be taken. You also need to see a doctor and get a rape kit done on you.

I don't see reason to have this topic continue on as we don't know all facts and all creditibility of any of the parties, so to save on drama and time and energy, I'm closing this topic. If it happened, seek help and stop making excuses to help yourself. If your friend is giving you a bunch of crock, find better people to interact with. Noone needs such garbage.

*topic closed*

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