Weird fears


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I'm afraid to walk in my house when it is dark, mainly because we are getting our floors redone and I'm afraid Im gonna trip over the boxes of boards. It's not that weird. I'm afraid of automatic toilets, when they go off I seriously spaz out. If you saw me you'd think i was having a stroke or something.

People o_O;


When I'm home alone, I have to walk through the house about three times to make sure nobody's there. Then i shut all of the doors in the house. Then I shut any windows I'm going to be near. Then I turn on the TV with the volume around seven, even if I'm not going to watch it. Kinda OCDish. I'm still jumpy even after I do that.


And any time someone's standing behind me or reading over my shoulder or anything like that, I hate it so, so much. I'm pretty paranoid o.o


And small rooms where there's someone other than me in there. I don't mind being in tight spaces, but if there's someone else there, I freak out.



I don't think I have any "normal" fears.

My fears:


Someone named Komal

My house burning down when im sleeping

I forgot what its called



When I play hide and go seek with my brother and he takes a few hours to find me


Something too scary to type (for me)

Non-Personeal Change rooms



Small dogs

Big dogs




Anyobody discusting


Young Doratchi


Young Mametchi

When I fell out of bed

My house burning down when I was sleeping

When my school was on fire

The creaky floorboard

Anyone who doesnt wash their hands 10 times a day

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the dark

geting up at night

bening the only one awake at night

atomatic tolits


being alone in a crowded room


my desk chair has to be pushed in or it bothers me

Your scared of girls? Hehe how cute... :D

Needles ( shivers )

Getting up in the night ( because I don't know if I'm dreaming or not lol )

Being in small places also known as claustrophobia

Being alone ( because I'm used to having alot of people around me )

Silence ( that's why I always have music or the T.V on )

And going to the bathroom at school alone ( lord knows who might be in there with me. ) o-o;;

Dentists ( bad experience! ) >.<;;

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girls im scared of them :chohimetchi:

Your scared of...girls? o_O What is there to be scared of? Hehe...all the boys at my school accept me as their own kind ^.^

...Random xD



Automatic Toylets


Roller coasters

ANY ride that goes upside down

Going to the bathroom when the certain is NOT pulled back

And many more. :mellow:

Edit:Also I HATE going to the bathroom at night.I'm afraid a ghost will pop out.

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I had a fear of the dark... yet when my brother was gone for one week (I sleep on the couch) I would not be able to fall asleep unless the door was closed and the light was off.

Big things like Jets, Jet simulations, Bass

Tensatchi(It's swirly eyes)





also I have




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girls im scared of them :D

Really? The guys at my school treat me like a boy xD Im a Tomboy and, as you probably know, a skater. Who knew :mellow:

My fears? Oh boy ;)

- Cockroaches (Scary story about a guy licking an envilope and....umm....I don't feel like continuing :p )

- Clowns and spiders (Scary experience from watching the movie IT. It all comes in one pack xP)

- Being in small places (Who knows what might be in there witih me???)

- TSS -twitches- (Scary movie in health class...)

- Passenger planes (From watching the TV show, Mayday. It is a GREAT show, but it makes me worried if I go on a passenger plane...)

- Being alone in the PITCH dark in silence...

Urm....more that I can't remember for unknown reasons. I can't remember my fears. Interesting... :p

I have plenty of regular fears, but I think my weirdest would be giraffes.

I hate them.

They freak me out.

And I can't see one at the Zoo without distancing myself farrrrrrr away from them.

They're just. . . . . . . D:

I am like, freakishly afraid of giraffes.

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