Weird Heart-Shaped Thingy In My Mail


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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yeehaw country, USA
So today me and my tama were just playing around and minding our own business, when I got mail in my tama's normal mail mailbox. (the envelope icon, not the important mail [!] icon, or the star point icon) It was a gift, i think. It was a small icon that looked like a tiny white heart. I have no idea what it is! It was not an Item, or food. All i know about it is that it was a tiny white heart, and It was a good gift, because my tama smiled when she saw it. Does anyone know what this confusing thingy that i got in the mail is? :huh: :hitodetchi:

P.S. I don't know if i put this in the right place or not. Hopefully I did, because it sounds like something I should know, but I don't know, if you know what I mean.

P.S.S. I have a v4.5 tamagotchi

P.S.S.S. I am still sorta new to tamagotchis.

I think it's a candy or something... I always get those and I'm still not sure what it is... I just know it makes your tama happy.

She didn't eat it or anything, she just smiled. All of her happy and hungry hearts were filled at the time, so i still don't know what it did. I checked in my food, and nothing new was in my food menu, so that rules out the possibility of a food item. Im still confused. :huh: Does anyone else know anything about it? I don't think it came in a gift package or anything. Thanks for your help anyway. Does anyone have any other suggestions on what it could be?

I think it's just an item that a tama receives every so often, just like how you receive money bags, and/or snakes.

Yes, snakes. They can sometimes come in the mail and lower your tamagotchi's happy hearts.

Like poop? Sometimes i get poop in the mail (eww gross!!!) and my tama gets really mad and it lowers two hunger hearts and 3 happy hearts. I hate poop. :angry:

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