Weird heart


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
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I connected once and got a weird heart as a present, and it didnt show up in items or anything.

ive had that before aswell but i dont know what it is


a heart just means they are good friends and are not enemys trust me and its not really love coz my friend and i connected and i got a love heart and they were both boys!!!

Oh, thanks, and thats bad because like everyone in my scool has a tama and i go around tricking people into giving me pressies, but all i get is these weird hearts.

When you get given the heart as a present, if your tama has lost a heart in its happyness bit then it gets filled again.

My tama was 2 hearts down in the happyness bit the other day and when it was given a heart as a present one of them got filled by it. =)

Aww, man, i always get them, even if my meters are full. I only ONCE got a a ball.

A heart is a normal Present for a V.2~ I get them all the time!~ I guess it's a new thing or something...

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