Weird Stuff you Thought When You Were A Kid


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I used to think if you bled you would die from loss of blood.

I thought people speaking in a forien language were witches putting a curse on me.

If you touched the TV, evil little people would suck you in.

There was a little person in th 20Q game cube that read minds!

There were little people that sat in the streetlights and turned them to green, red, and yellow.

That I could get pregnant at age 5. So I was always afraid of boys xD

I believed all the classics too.

Monster under the bed [i confronted him once xD]

Tooth fairy [i was devastated when I realised she was my parents. I was actually a little mad that they'd lied to me all those years xD]

I believed that one day I could be a princess. That one didn't work out so well for me.

When I found out Santa wasn't real, I was in hysterics. I was literally bawling my eyes out. And the one who told me that he didn't exist was my own best friend back then. I felt like punching her in the face and proving her wrong! My reaction when mum told me about a week later was, ''SO YA MEAN I'VE BEEN SITTING ON A RANDOM MAN'S LAP ALL THESE YEARS?!''.

I loved Santa. And I still do :)

And like Esther, I believed in all the classics too.

Tooth fairy, Easter bunny, everyone..

There were little people that sat in the streetlights and turned them to green, red, and yellow.

I used to think little midgets would sit in streetlights and they would get a cookie every time they changed the light. I told my mom," I wanna be a midget in a streetlight when I grow up so I can get cookies!"

I thought if you kissed someone, you got pregnant. xD

I was afraid of Chucke e. Cheeses cause I thought the mouse was actually a bunch of pink poodles standing on each others shoulders xD I have absolutely NO idea where that came from, but that's what I thought. xD yeah I kno I was an odd child.

I thought if you kissed a boy while holding flowers you were, from that point on, married.

That also made me believe I was married to many people.

I used to think that I was once a dinosaur D= (I would watch the land before time 24/7 and one of the caracters name is sarah XD)

I also thought that if you open this box (it said on it "do not open or you will let the love out" my mom read it for me because I couldn't read at the time, so I don't know if that's what it really said D= ) so I thought if you opened it there would be two freaky boy and girl come out of the box and they would be all like "!" o_O WTF!?!?


I believed that if I stayed in the bathtub too long, I would rust - thanks to my sister.

My mom also convinced me that she could make 'Magic Water' that could cure any sickness. I believed her until I walked in on her putting food coloring in ice water.

I thought that if I started the bath water, because it was so loud, it would wake the sharks down the drain and they would come up and eat me.

Oh, and, when we lived in the apartments, all the kids were absolutely sure that the apple-things in the park were poisonous and would kill you if you even licked it. Which I did. And I'm still alive, as far as I know..

I thought that everything on television stopped once you turned it off, like it was on pause, and would just continue when you turned it back on. It didn't. D:

I was dead sure that my mom was magic because she used to tell me that she could see the future when we got to stoplights. She would watch the stoplights on either side of us and when they turned red and ours was about to turn green, she would snap and it would turn green. I eventually figured out how she did it on my own and she started laughing. xD

Every time one of my parents left for work, I thought they were never going to come back and bawled for at least an hour. But when my sister left for school, I didn't care if she was coming back. xD

And, of course, I believed in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Well, sort of. I think I always knew that the Easter Bunny didn't exist. Or I was just too scared to even consider a huge rabbit hopping around and laying colorful eggs in my backyard at night.

I thought I was the only one who could think, everyone else were just like robots.

I thought gators lived in the sewer. I was disappointed when I climbed down there and was not ripped to pieces.

I thought I could be a princess. That did not work out.

Once I realized I could not be a princess, I decided I would become a dictator and conquer the masses. xDD

Some things I never believed in were Santa, the Easter bunny, or the Tooth fairy. I was a logical child. I believed in fairies though, they seemed likely enough, and I felt like they had been proved, because my mom used to write notes and put them in the garden, and I thought they were from the fairies.

I thought god was just like Santa and all that. I was throughly shocked to realize everyone actually believed in it. xD

I though everywhere had the same weather as we did except the north pole, which was an incredible fifty degrees. xD

I though I was the only one that breathed.

I though That everyone was a robot (just like Phoebe)

I only found out 7 moths ago Santa was a no-no.

I STILL think that I'm magical because I can go without breathing longer than anyone I know.

Last year I used to think I was a wizard and I had magical powers.

I used to think that everyone was a robot and I was the only one with thoughts (Just like the two above me). I actually asked some of my friends if they were robots.

I used to think that once it's adult swim, they let great white sharks into the pool, and if you stay inside the pool during adult swim, you would get eaten. I was always first out of the pool.

Lol, I still kind of think everyone is a robot xD

I thought cartoon characters were real people, and I felt sort of sorry for them when a rerun of a cartoon came on, I was like, "Wow, poor Barney, he has to do this again! D8"

I thought you got pregnant just by being around a guy. xD

I thought "heck" was a swear word. xD

I thought if you broke a TV screen you could get sucked into the TV world inside and meet all the characters. I seriously considered trying this more than once.

I thought stuffed animals became alive when I wasn't looking.

I saw so many cartoons and movies with talking animals, that I thought REAL animals could talk and I thought they just didn't want to talk to ME. That made me sad. D8

Since grownups made up so may things (Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc.) I kind of thought dinosaurs were made up. xD

I used to think that there was a snake hiding in the toilet.

I also thought that if I crapped, my intestines would come out too.

Yes, I avoided the toilet alltogether. But the last one lasted only a few days.

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