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weird things have happened about my dad's van. Once the engine wouldn't stop, and once, after sleeping in the van on a cold night there was Ice on the inside of the windows.

I live in a manson, so there are very unspeakable things happening, one time, when I was in bed, I couldn't sleep so I hummed the mission impossible tune while darting my eyes around the room (lol), I came to my drawer and found something sitting on it. I was so scared, it was that creepy glass doll that I threw away a month ago, I stopped humming and went over to take a closer look, it was dark so I turned on the light, when I did, the doll immediately turned into one of my moms old dolls from way back. I was looking at the lamp so I didn't witness the doll turning into my mom's old doll. Freaky...

What was I doing with my moms doll? She gave it to me a long time ago.

weird things have happened about my dad's van. Once the engine wouldn't stop, and once, after sleeping in the van on a cold night there was Ice on the inside of the windows.
That ice in the windows is normal, but the engine not stopping isn't. You should probably check it out in a mechanic...

Nothing wierd has ever happened to me. But I like that feeling when your half asleep and it's like your falling and you kind of jump in your bed ;) [Gejitchi made me think of that as he was on about lieing in bed lol].

This morning my fever I woke up and believe me I was crazy! I thought there was a railroad full of indians on my couch and crazy me thought they all died. Crazy huh? ;)

Nothing wierd has ever happened to me. But I like that feeling when your half asleep and it's like your falling and you kind of jump in your bed ;) [Gejitchi made me think of that as he was on about lieing in bed lol].
That happenes to me ALL the time! :blink: It's like your just lying in bed and then you feel like your falling and then you jump. I kind of enjoy when that happenes because it gets my heart pumping! XDXDXD

The weirdest thing that ever happened to me was when I experienced I was drifting off to sleep when all the sudden, WHAM-O. I my muscles lock up. I'm lying in bed in kind of a half daze, and I start hallucinating, and I cannot move. It lasted like, 30 seconds but it was rather terrifying. It happened to me due to sleep deprevation - I haven't experienced it but once. It was intense, though. I was afraid to fall asleep the following evening.
It's a chronic disorder for a lot of people, though. They experience it constantly and it terrifies them throughout their lives as long as they deal with it. It's a popular belief amongst sufferers that the Sleep Paralysis is demons/ghouls at work, because there is a feeling of evil present as Sleep Paralysis takes over.
now ur url will work

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