Weird X Thing--Help?!?


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New member
Aug 7, 2006
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All of a sudden I looked at my baby and there are these X's flashing. A big black X and a smaller white one inside it with a black rectangle and what looks like a handle.

Does anyone have any clue what might have happened? I've been playing with it all morning and everything so I don't think it should hate me. It was perfect five minutes before.

Please help! Thank you. >>;


If you can see it, that is what keeps flashing.

Well incase you still needed help, the battery is dead and you need to change it. :( :p


Or you can do what I did, put it in a fridge or freezer, wait 10 minutes then Reset-Download.

Thank you everyonee!

Yeah I've only had mine for a month and it says the battery lasts for three months about.

I just went to reset-download and it was fine.

Thank you though.

...we don't have a walmart here. It's quite weird. Felt the need to add that.


Or you can do what I did, put it in a fridge or freezer, wait 10 minutes then Reset-Download.
DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!! Who knows what would happen?!? Reset-Download, or take the battery out. Don't just leave it in a drawer because occasionally the sign stops flashing and then it might die. Good Luck with your Tamagotchi!

StarTama :furawatchi:

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