Weird you do to your parents?


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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What do you do?

While my mom is on the phone mindlessly talking, I slap on her legs like I'm playing drums.

When mum's on the phone and I want things I yell "NO MUM! I DON'T WANT TO GO IN THE CUPBOARD AGAIN" and more like "Mum, please don't make me suck on those moth balls" or "Mum can I have real food? I'm getting sick of eating dog food" or whatever else comes to mind.

When i was little, when my mom would get distracted while watching me in the bathtub, i stood up and peed. She thought it was cute.

When people give my mom these weight loss brochures, I told mom; "They'll give brochures to the fat people. No wonder why auntie didn't get it." And mom slapped me o: xD. [My aunt was with me that time xD.]

Sometimes I tell mom to tattoo color. xD.

Tattoo in Thai = Sak

Color in Thai = See.

Sak see = Act mature and stuff.

Sometime mom acts like a child so I just say that.

Other weird stuff.. maybe to dad. I just tell him OMG I'M RICH I HAVE A PEN. And he laughs xD. It's our inside joke.

Oh boy. Where to start.


Biting him

Slapping him (until he gives me his chair)

scream until he lets me on the computer

giving him Indian burns

saying "Fine. I guess I'll just starve" when he won't get me food.

saying "that's hypocritical!" when he makes me get him candy when the dogs are sleeping on him, but makes me get my own candy when the dogs are sleeping on me.


yelling her name when she's on the phone

turning off the phone when she's talking.

Me and my mom sing songs about the mundane tasks we're doing. o_o

We also talk to each other in southern accents, sometimes...

I make fun of my mom's southern accent quite a bit. It's fun. :3

We also tend to sing opera around the house, at random. o_o

As for my dad, I usually just bother him while he's playing Zuma by saying, "Ooo, hit the blue balls to your left!!" Right as he fires. xD

Hmn. It's kind of hard to explain.

A lot of people in my family on both sides have mild split personality disorders, so Sometimes we just roll with it or pretend or whatever, it's kind of something you would just have to see.

And sometimes we do kind of what JD and his father did in Heathers. Switch places at random times... I'll be home froms school and say to my mother "So, Alex, how was school today?" and she'll tell me about everything that happened, and then she'll say "so, mom, how was work?" And I'll tell her how I got fired for the sixth tme or something.

And a lot of people in my family just kind of bridge into reinacting movie scenes, just out of the blue.

Like sometimes I'll walk into my sister's room and she'll have a noose made of sheets around her neck, her head slumped on her shoulder and her eeys shut, and I'll strt talking with an obvious lump in my throat, saying "Veronica... No... I loved you. I was coming up to kill you," A meloncholic laugh here, "But I was going to at least try to chane your mind..." And I'll read aloud the invisible death petition in my hand, and I'll hear a nonexistand noise in the background, and I'll climb out the window, with one last charming parting word, and then 'Veronica's mother' will come in through and see her hanging, and say "I would have let you get that job at the mall, I was just afraid of you coming home late..." And Sam, Veronica, will put her head up, ask mother why she looks so sad, untie the sheet that was actually around her waist and fall to her bed.

That one''s always a favourite.

And someitmes I'll wake up to my sister, praying over my dead body "...I love my dead gay son!"

And sometimes my mother is that horrible Marguerite woman from that one episode of Wife Swap, and my brother is assorted video game and television show characters, and someitmes at the table at dinner we all carry on conversations exactly how they appeared in a movie.

It's probably kind of strange for people who haven't been to my house before and aren't sure what's going on, but they usually adjust.

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