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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
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My 'Meet Miley Cyrus' CD dissappeard last week, I looked through my CD case 4 times, taking out EVERY SINGLE CD out of teh case, not there. I asked everyone in teh house, even my collie. (-.-) no one had it, last night I had a dream about a ghost returning my CD, when I woke up to go into my shower soemhing in teh CD case caught my eye, it was sticking out liek someone hadn't put it back in all othe way, and it was teh first CD, my CD! I was so confused! It scared me, being that I had that dream that night!

I am so confused! >.<! What shoudl I do?I have my CD back, but that bothers me! *.*

Maybe your parents found it and put it back? Or maybe it was a ghost.

My 'Meet Miley Cyrus' CD dissappeard last week, I looked through my CD case 4 times, taking out EVERY SINGLE CD out of teh case, not there. I asked everyone in teh house, even my collie. (-.-) no one had it, last night I had a dream about a ghost returning my CD, when I woke up to go into my shower soemhing in teh CD case caught my eye, it was sticking out liek someone hadn't put it back in all othe way, and it was teh first CD, my CD! I was so confused! It scared me, being that I had that dream that night!
I am so confused! >.<! What shoudl I do?I have my CD back, but that bothers me! *.*
wow scary,i couldnt find the water ballon filling up thing and i look under my sink cabinet the other day,looked everywhere in there left right staight,so i took every single thing out and then the next day i look again an then right in my face i see it.(i asked everyone,nope nothin)

Nope, No one gos in my room but me, and my dog 0.0

I do belive in ghosts I do belive in ghsots I do belive in ghsosts

*Hides in a ball on my floor*

Hmm... Well, I believe in ghosts too, and the dream was weird. It probably was a ghost.

I dunno, if it is it needs to learn hwo to put things back nicely! But it was like it was sending me a message! It was scary, it had to be a girl ghost, the house that was here before mine looked exactly teh same and was really old, maybe it was a girl fronm that house? Maybe sh elikes Miely Cyrus! I will leave out my other Hannah Montana CD's tonight, I will tell you if anything happens!

My 'Meet Miley Cyrus' CD dissappeard last week, I looked through my CD case 4 times, taking out EVERY SINGLE CD out of teh case, not there. I asked everyone in teh house, even my collie. (-.-) no one had it, last night I had a dream about a ghost returning my CD, when I woke up to go into my shower soemhing in teh CD case caught my eye, it was sticking out liek someone hadn't put it back in all othe way, and it was teh first CD, my CD! I was so confused! It scared me, being that I had that dream that night!
I am so confused! >.<! What shoudl I do?I have my CD back, but that bothers me! *.*
That stinks. Ill lend ya mine XD

Ok, Adding on. In my dream teh white ghost thing gave me a card with BAloons on it, I was sitting on my bed, when I turned around I saw teh card. I have seen the card before but It was never in my room, I am getting a litle bit freaked out 0.0 MEEP

Ok, Adding on. In my dream teh white ghost thing gave me a card with BAloons on it, I was sitting on my bed, when I turned around I saw teh card. I have seen the card before but It was never in my room, I am getting a litle bit freaked out 0.0 MEEP
It's inviting you to it's birthday party! GOD HELP US!!! RUN!!!

On a side note: Interesting story...Very cool.

Its scary! But it must be around my age, she likes Hannah montana obliviously, I alays did feel liek here was someone in my room, and I always heard strange nioses. I felt as if I ws bing watched, Heck I do now! I can feel someone watching me, from behind.

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