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Sep 14, 2005
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I dont get it, technacly all the boys at my school hate tamagotchis :wacko: (whats no to like!) for example when tamagotchis got banned from my school, they were soooo happy. I know, its weird :lol: :unsure: :unsure:

I KNOW!!!!!!!the boys in my school hate them to.I dont get it :wacko: :lol:

All the "boyish boys" ran around singing:

tamagotchis are baaaaannnnnnnnneeeeeeeeedddddddd!!! tamagotchis are baaaaannnnnnnnneeeeeeeeedddddddd!!!

but some "girlish boys" actually like them.

A couple boys in my school called them "gay", but I think the majority of Tama-users were boys for a while :lol: ... Until me and my friends got a hold of them.

- :wacko:


I know. The boys at my school call them "Tama-gootchis". It's weird, like, because there's this ninja dude that are supposed to attract boys.

yeah 1 time they were talking about how bad they are and about being a v-pet! :blink:

At my school, my best friend is a boy, and he has a Tama, and last year, a boy had a Tama, and I don't know any boys who "hate" Tamagotchi's, and to mimitchi94, the princepal called them tama-goot-tchi's, but only because she didn't know. Run-on sentence. Hehehehe.

when i got ahold of a tamagotchi, the other girls got them and the boys that had them then got rid of them because they thought they where getting to girly. :huh: :eek: :angry:

its not like that for my school......last year most of the boys didnt have tamagotchis and sometimes asked if they could play with them. now alot of boys have them in my school, but its less popurlar :angry:

Every boy at my school calles them 'gay' or tamagootchis and a werid boy clles then tamagotchogotchi it's so werid!!!

practically everyone at my school has tamas. most people are overprotective for the time being in my school i have the most friends. 41 is a lot, especially when you can only hold 50.

I know 18 boys including me who love tamagotchis, :angry: :huh:

We all keep them in our pocket with the sound off. :eek:

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