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Sep 15, 2011
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So I bought two opened, second-hand tamagotchis from ebay. I was sooo excited!! one was a V3 and one was a V4, and they were a bargin!!! £7:50 for BOTH!!!. They arrived in the post and as I hurried to tried and opened them and started them all up, I tryed to connect them. So, when I tryed to connect them, the V4 as soon as I clicked "other" it just went ...


The whole tamagotchi shut down and the screen went completely blank. I didnt know what to do, my brand new, beautiful tamagotchi was broken! As I tryed desperatly to located the source of this horrific bug, I heard it was clicking, very quietly, like clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick. I took it to my big brother, whos ebay account I had used to buy the tamagotchis, and he reset it. It was fine then. But now EVERY time I try and connect, it does that and takes away my training points! Other than that, my tamas work fine! So I can't breed them, so I'm stuck with an old timer forever!

BTW a few questions 1) how long does a old-timer live for? Does it die naturaly?

2) Is there a MathMaker on the V4? because I never seen her and then my character turned into a old timer... and I've had the same actual tamagotchi pet since August and hasn't died. is there any other way to breed them?


You can catch the matchmaker when they turn five, at 10:30, 3, and 7.

Yes, old-timers die naturally, if you start to not take good care of them.

thanks so if i keep good care of it, it wont die? and any help on my glitch? xx

Not sure about the glitch, but yes, as long as you continue to take good care your Tama won't die.

The one that shuts down when you try to connect has a low battery. Put in a fresh battery.

thanks for your replys, ill try the battery thing and let you know how it goes xx :D

it must just be the battery , you need to buy s new one and it should be fine :)

it has happened to me before on my V5 :rolleyes:

i got a new Duracell battery and it doesnt shut down, but the low battery sign comes up???!! i got two in a pack and both do the same thing!!! :angry: is it my tama or have i just got 3 faulty batteries? xxx :huh:

i got a new Duracell battery and it doesnt shut down, but the low battery sign comes up???!! i got two in a pack and both do the same thing!!! :angry: is it my tama or have i just got 3 faulty batteries? xxx :huh:
The new battery is a CR2032, correct?

With a clean, dry Q-Tip, clean the battery contacts in the Tamagotchi. Then with a clean dry cloth, wipe off the battery (both sides and edges.) Then re-install the battery. Perhaps there's a bit of dust on the battery or some slight corrosion on the contacts.

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The new battery is a CR2032, correct?

With a clean, dry Q-Tip, clean the battery contacts in the Tamagotchi. Then with a clean dry cloth, wipe off the battery (both sides and edges.) Then re-install the battery. Perhaps there's a bit of dust on the battery or some slight corrosion on the contacts.
ive tried all of the batteries I own with it, and it all happens the same, even batteries from my other tamagotchis! :huh:

If the new batteries work properly in the old Tamagotchis, but don't work properly in this Tamagotchi, there's something wrong with this Tamagotchi. If you've cleaned the battery contacts already, and they look clean, there's nothing else I can think of that you can do to resolve this issue.

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Well sometimes people find a tama that just needs added pressure on the battery/door area itself. I would get a piece of art foam... trace the battery, cut it slightly larger then what is traced... place the battery inside the tama, then the cut out piece... Hope it is just a simple issue...

Other people, get duds on purchase... maybe clearance batteries or such. Batteries can loose charge in package if they are not in use for a longtime.... Always look at the date on the battery container... They have a "Use by" date like food does. I bought a package myself with the date nearing in less then a month once.... Luckly, I needed to use both.

Indeed. The old timers die, at some point. It depends how well you take care of them. And they don't have to go without mating. You just have to catch the MatchMaker. :) Hope I helped!

it STILL hasnt died!! since early AUGUST!! and its now OCTOBER!!! :angry: i think im just gona reset...

never mind, my mother lost it down the beach anyway a week ago................ heres a link for more details :'( i consider it a tribute page, and i lost ALL OF MY TAMAS!! EVEN A ONE I DIDNT GET FROM MY V4!! my V3,V4 and V5 are gone, poof, bye-bye, all for nothing. im soooo UPSET!!!! I WAS CRYING!!!!

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