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"Ok." The girls walk out. "It looks like our classes are in room 644..." Eliza said wandering to find the room. "Here it is Emmie! Come here ! Come on!" Eliza turns the knob and pushes. A few other kids were already seated. Eliza took one desk in the second row and saved the one in front of her for Emmie.

"This isn't anything like my old high school. I mean, we all get laptops?" Eliza said motioning to the computer on her desk. The seats were those padded swivel desk chairs. "Awesome chairs, right?" Eliza pulled out on aqua spiraled notebook and black pen and placed them on her desk too, just in case. "I'm not even sure we need notebooks anymore. This is one fancy school."

"Sheesh, I know! I brought my gold notebook. I hope we need it, it took forever to find. All the stores were still like SOLD OUT after the beginning of school. Though the laptops are cool. I wonder if we get to keep them..." Emmie looked at the perfect purple gel pen she had brought. "I wonder when class is going to start."

"I know! And by the way, that notebook is really cool!" Eliza commented. "Yeah, it would be cool if we could keep the-" Eliza was cut off by a teacher saying, "everyone take your seats!"

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Emmie hurried back into a normal sitting position. She tried to listen as she explained about the class. The teacher told everyone to find the online history textbook using the school website. Ugh. She hated history. It bored her so much. She found it and waited for the teacher to say something else.

Eliza immediately saw Emmie turn around. She rolled her chair back in front of her desk. History. Yuck. Eliza DESPISED history. I mean, who cares about the Athens and the ancient Romans? Really? Eliza made a pffft... type of noise. She leaned back in her chair. She her the teacher say find the online history textbook. It took her a few minutes, then found it. "Okay everyone, go to chapter one on how to use this textbook. I will help you along with the text." The teacher, apparently named Ms. Simians. Eliza clicked chapter one on the side bar. The pages animated flipping. Who-ho, just like a real book Eliza thought sarcastically. This is an online version of a text book, Blah Blah Blah, table of contents, Blah Blah, Eliza skimmed the page, picking up few words.

Athea walked into the dorms armed with only a small suitcase stuffed to the brim with clothes. She looked on her schedule quickly and walked down the hallway to the second to last room. She checked her schedule one last time and hesitantly knocked on the door. When no reply came back immediately, she cracked the door open a peek and looked inside. Both of the beds were bare and made neatly, and Athea sighed in relief. So far, no roommate, and she was perfectly fine with that. Humming to herself, she lugged her suitcase up onto her bed and unzipped it.

Name: Peter Krampen

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Personality: Peter is a very outgoing boy who adores communicating with others. He tries to fix others problems, which often gets him in unnecessary trouble, but he gets a huge sense of pride when he sees someone happy again. Peter has a way of getting people to like him quickly, and for all of the right reasons. He has a very charming person and is a true gentleman at heart. He is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, family, and/or lover. He forgives and forgets and sometimes gives one too many second and third chances, which often leads to a backstabbing on his behalf.

Appearance: Peter has messy brown hair that he purposely styles into a borderline bedhead-head fashion. He has green eyes and light freckles on his cheeks. He has fair skin that tans very easily, but he doesn't go outside much. He is tall, about 5'9" and relatively thin and lanky. He wears jeans and a hoodie almost all of the time, but he is capable of dresing up spontaneously to throw people off sometimes.

Grade: Sophomore

Flaw: Peter keeps things to himself too much. When he is not around friends, he changes into a totally different person. He pretty much pulls all of his feelings and secrets inside and locks them away and refuses to tell anyone if something is wrong. He doesn't want people to be bothered by his problems.

Other: Peter keeps empty notebooks strewn around his dorm in reachable places for when he has spontaneous bursts of inspiration to write. He plays piano and as a hidden talent of writing.

Ciaran was lounging in a chair at the back of his class room, resting his back on the wall and drumming his pen on the table. He sighed, looking up and around at his classmates his eyes resting on the teachers standing at the front. She appeared to be talking, and she was motioning to the board quite a lot, but none of her words were reaching Ciaran. He swung his legs down from his chair and sat up properly, but this wasn't him suddenly paying attention. Whatever the lesson was, he was sure that he already knew about it, so instead he pulled his notebook towards him and started scrawling, not doodling anything in particular.

Once Athea's things were tucked away into various drawers and closets, she took a look at her schedule again. She had already missed a few classes, but the administration knew she would be coming late and simply urged her to make it to as many as she possibly could when she arrived. She grabbed her bag and slipped it on her shoulders and headed out of her dorm. Since her history class was already more than halfway over, she decided it would be best to just head towards her math class instead and start her day in a full class.

^ start rping with your new character!

The rest of history went by in a blur to Eliza. Once Math started, though, she gave it her full attention. Online textbook. Again. Gee, we know how to use it! As everyone else found their textbook, Eliza started writing a new Journal entry:

September 9th, 2011 she headed it.

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Ciaran sighed, pushing his notebook away and finally lifting his eyes back up to the blackboard. He had no idea how he would manage to pull himself through this double-period, as he could already feel his brain slowing down. He stared at the blackboard, not taking any of the complicated diagrams in, and instead starting to drum his pen on the table. Oh, oops. The teacher had stopped talking. He looked around quickly. His classmates seemed to be writing. He bit his lip, looking over at the notebook of the person next to him, but he couldn't quite see what she was writing. Well, now he was screwed.

Peter glanced up at the teacher as he took a break from writing. His hand was cramped from doing too much writing, and he wasn't even done yet. He looked around him and saw a few confused faces, and one boy who looked like he didn't care about the class. Shrugging, he went back to writing quietly.

Athea stared at her notebook blankly, unable to process the amount of information the teacher just dispensed. She groaned almost inaudibly and began to write slowly. She made a mental note to herself to talk to someone after class to understand it better.

Eliza scribbled down all the info. She paused for a moment and chewed on the eraser of her pencil. She wasn't sure she got it.

Quickly, she started writing again. Eliza let her hand limp because she was done. Her pencil clattered to the floor. In the dead silence, people turned to her. She turned red and bent down to get her pencil. She saw a boy next to him, it looked like he had messed up some how, just by the look on his face. After a few more minutes of kids writing, a bell rang. The teacher explained that they had an hour break. Slowly, kids started getting up.

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Ciaran stared around helplessly as the others started to write, putting a pen to paper only when the teacher looked in his direction. He wasn't even writing, just trying to give the impression that he was. He scanned the room a couple more times, lost, then jumped when the bell rang, already stuffing his notebook into his bag. He stood up with the others, getting lost in the babbling crowd that surged towards the door. Wel, it looked like he'd gotten away with doing no work. This time at least.

When the bell rang, he jumped visibly. He guessed be was really getting into his notes for him to be that startled, which was a good sign for him at least. Peter was never really good at math, but he wis confidence level towards the subject was steadily increasing. Peter hurriedly shoved his books in his bag and left he classroom as quixklu as he could. He wasn't really sure why he was so embarrassed, but he soon got over it as be walked back to his dorm.

Athea giggled at the boy who nearly fell out of his seat when the bell rang. She put her books in her bag at a leisurely pace but was sure to leave out the notebook containing her notes. She slipped her bag over her shoulder and walked up to the teacher. Afte clarifying the lesson with him, she turned to leave. She walked down the nearly empty hallway in search of something to do to kill time besides sitting in her dorm.

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