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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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The location is a lie
To you, the RP character interested in being able to live in this RP:

Welcome to Seattle. Yes, it rains here a lot. Yes, it can be real gloomy. But hey, at least it keeps the air breathable, and it's just as big and busy as any other city out there. In fact, we're better than any other city out there. Relax and have a cup of coffee, while we hit you up with some good ol info.


You will be living in a good apartment complex downtown, known as the Emerald Apartments (For obvious reasons, considering Seattle's rep as the Emerald City). The Emerald Apartments have fairly good sized apartments, which include two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a closet, a living room, and another spare room for whatever you desire to turn it into. Your apartment complex also includes a balcony for you to go out onto, to enjoy sunny days in Seattle, or if you just want to get some fresh air.


By the way, you may want to get used to your neighbors, because you have a lot of them. There are 9 people a floor, four floors total. Most of them are like you, teens here to chill like bosses. But you will have some adult neighbors, who are awesome. Just don’t insult them by calling them old. They’re awesome in their own special ways.

Information for you, the awesome RPer:

So, in this RP, to shake things up, you do not have to just play teenagers like in every other RP on the forum. You can also play adults, who actually have jobs and stuff. They can be total awesome peoplez who are totally boss.

Second, it’s currently summertime, so you can forget school. But remember, just because it is summer, doesn't mean there won't be rainy days.

EDIT: You can choose whether your character is a newbie to the apartment, or someone who's been living there already. Fill in this info in your other section of your form.


This is a literate RP, but not over literate to the point you have to write a uber long post. I say minimum of 8 sentences a post, but they must be good sized, and your post must look bulkier than the posts of the RPS out in the regular section.

As this is a real life setting, please make sure your character is very realistic. No anime pics, and try to imagine your character as a real life person.

No sues, stus, kawaiis, or any form of mary sue.

If we get to any overly mature scenes, then please use timeskips. They were created for a reason.

Drama would be loved, feel free to cause it. But do not go overboard by doing anything like having your character fall through the ceiling or something overly ridiculous. To make things more interesting, please try to refrain from playing two characters who are dating each other. It makes things boring if one person is RPing on their own.

Please follow all rules of Seriously RP posted in the topic at the top of the section. If you feel you cannot follow those rules, do not apply for this RP.

I must accept all forms before we begin.








Room(100- first floor, 200- second floor, 300- third floor, basically anything from 1-9):




Age(21-28, although if you want to play someone older, I guess that's okay. I doubt anyone will though):





Room(100- first floor, 200- second floor, 300- third floor, basically anything from 1-9):



Will come up with my form in a bit, as I need to plan like a boss.

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***EDIT: I just wanted to add that my posts as long as Johnathan's History/Personality... Please don't be scared off. I would be sad. :C

Skailyr Isabel Duncan

Name: Skailyr (pronounced: Sky-ler) Isabel Duncan

Age(16-19): Seventeen.

Gender: Female

New to the Apartments? Or been living here a while?: She's been here a while!

Personality: YoU'lL fInD OuT!!1!!1 Skailyr tends to keep to herself, and when you first meet her, she doesn't seem anything more than a nice girl who pays attention in school and prefers not to talk. However, once you break her outer layer, Skailyr is a burst of energy. She's sarcastic, witty, egotistical, and she's a hypocrite. Skailyr also has a slightly twisted sense of humor, she giggles at the pain of others, some creepy fanfictions (let's say Cupcakes, the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic one) entertain her. She also has a dirty mind, so expect some double-meaning comments from her.

Appearance: Skailyr has light, dirty blonde hair and she usually will end up wearing it in a messy side braid. Skailyr proudly walks about with her pale murky green eyes and her slightly tanned skin. Freckles run along the bridge of her nose, and fade away when they begin reaching her cheeks. Skailyr is about 5'0, so she's not as tall as most girls her age. She also weighs only a mere 98 lbs, so she is very petite. She prefers to keep her nails painted with the french nail style, because anything else is just too fancy for her. Skailyr usually wears skinny jeans and converse, or she'll sometimes wear a pair of moccasins. Her shirts usually consist of one-shoulder shirts, a few Disney shirts, slim-fitting long sleeves, sweaters, etc. Skailyr's also been known for constantly wearing mismatched socks, rarely will she ever wear matching ones. She tries to keep in style, even though she doesn't really need to, who's there to impress?

History: I hate writing these. Skailyr was born and raised as a home school student until seventh grade, where her parents shoved her into middle school. Skailyr wasn't abused, she didn't rebel, and basically - she lived the nice life. The "normal" life. However, Skailyr was orphaned at three, so she lived with her foster parents. However, they're so close with her, to Skailyr - they are her parents. No one actually knows that Skailyr's an orphan, because, who wants to hear that? So she keeps it to herself. Anyways, after finishing another year of high school, Skailyr is living in this apartment. Her foster parents live with her, but every summer they go to some fancy location and live Skailyr home alone. Great. So, right now, Skailyr is basically just looking to spend her days inside reading, because, well, we all know, she has no friends.

Room(100- first floor, 200- second floor, 300- third floor, basically anything from 1-9): I totally don't know how to do the number thing, so I'm going to guess and be like 100-5? So.. room five... floor one! Tell me if I did that wrong!

Other: She's also gorgeous lol I'm self centered N / A

Johnathan Liam Aubrey

Name: Johnathan Liam Aubrey


Age(21-28, although if you want to play someone older, I guess that's okay. I doubt anyone will though): Twenty Three

Gender: Male

New to the Apartments? Or been living here a while?: NEWB.

Personality and History (alright, so Johnathan is my baby. I absolutely love this character and I worked crazy hard on him. He was created on a site that used 'free-form' applications. Where personality and history are mixed together. So, I put these together. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE note that this is really, really long. Like I said, he's my baby. I love him<3 Oh and I made the font smaller because I thought it would make this post shorter. I don't know. Ignore me. If you read it all, I hope you enjoy! ;) ):

She was scared, confused. Unsure of how exactly to react to what was happening. Was she really ready to go through with this? What would her mother think? More so, what would her father think? Arabelle waited, sitting patiently on the edge of the bed. Her hazel hair fell in open, light curls against her bare shoulders. Her brown eyes wore a look of worry, confusion, anxiousness. Arabelle bore an off white camisole and some short grey cotton shorts. Her french painted fingernails dug into the skin on her thighs as she distracted herself by thinking about everything besides what was about to come. But the thought kept coming back. What if she wouldn't go through with it? What if she said no and ran out? Tears started to form in her dark brown eyes and she could feel her throat getting dry.


The room obviously belonged to a girl. The walls were painted an off white with a pastel pink stripe running through the top. There was a large window that could instantly be seen when one entered the room, against the window was a queen sized simple bed. With a white duvet accented with pale pink sheets, her bed gave off a refreshing look. A plant sat next to the door, thriving healthily off of the sunlight that overflowed the room on a daily basis. A simple light wood desk was pushed against the left wall, upon it sat a simple black bendable lamp, a sleek white laptop, a stack of papers, a pencil, a small ivy plant, and a purple teddy bear. On the right side of the room, a simple wooden three drawer dresser was pressed against the wall. On it sat many different types of flowers, all blooming and blossoming happily. In the middle of the plants sat a picture of her grandfather, who had passed away only four years ago. Above the dresser was mirror, which was surrounded by pictures of her and a boy, her family, and her cat. The floor of the entire room was a simple off white carpet, that boasted a swirl design pastel pink rug.


A knock at the door. Three knocks in fact, followed by a slight twist of the door knob. It was him. He was here. Finally. Arabelle took in a breath, wiping her eyes as she walked over to the mirror. Flashing herself a smile, she left the mirror's view and opened the door. There he was. He instantly pulled her into an embrace. Arabelle's heart fluttered and she knew she was ready. She was ready to be with him, only him, forever. They laid silently in the bed, her head resting on his bare chest. Arabelle was happy, she knew she was ready. Suddenly, an overwhelming thought occurred to her. She asked him, did he use protection, and almost instantaneously he looked afraid. He told her no and she began to cry. What if she got pregnant? What would she do then?

Nine months later and Johnathan Liam Aubrey was born to Arabelle May Jayle and Kyle Isiah Aubrey.


Tears. They were the only thing that occurred that night. Tears, screaming, fighting, begging, pleading, crying. Six year old Johnathan hid in a small corner, his chest heaving heavily as he cried. Eyes red, tears flowing down his face at a rapid pace. Arabelle, his mother, fell to the floor. Her own eyes red, puffy, her hair was a mess, the eyeliner she wore fell in tracks down her face as she watched him open the door and leave. After the sound of the car engine pulled out of hearing distance, Johnathan slowly stood and walked over to his mother. Who was sobbing as she stayed rolled up in a small ball on the floor. Johnathan sat next to his mother, tears beginning to well up in eyes again. He hugged her. Telling her not to worry, Mommy. He would be the man in the house. Don't worry about Daddy, he would be back later. Arabelle looked up at her son, his blonde hair and green eyes that were staring innocently at her. As if she were his whole world. She certainly knew that he was her whole world. But did he see it the other way? Arabelle hugged him, thanking him for everything he's ever done.


Julia. She was Johnathan's world, his one and only. His true love. Pulling her close to him, he leaned down, pulling her into a kiss. He kissed her delicately, but with a passion that could be felt from a mile away. He pulled her into a tight embrace and buried his head into her neck. She giggled, wrapping her arms underneath his. She kissed him again before pulling back and smiling at him. She talked to him, pulling him to take a seat. They did nothing past that, except talking. She made his life complete. Without her what would he do? Play football with his friends? Sure, but would he still be happy? Would he even want to be friends with his friends? Two hours later and she stood to leave, giving him one last kiss and a hug. He told her bye, to call him tomorrow. She waved and left. Four days later and there was no call, but instead the news talking about how there had been a terrible car crash on the freeway. Julia Arianna Yves has been declared dead. That was the second time that Johnathan had ever cried in his lifetime. Besides the time when he father left him and his mother, this was the only other time that something had so deeply affected him.


A jerk. A royal pain. A snob. These were all terms that people used to describe Johnathan. Ever since Julia had died, they had said, Johnathan had turned into a terrible person. Gaining a pessimistic outlook on the world. Yet he still became the most popular boy in his school, had flings, threw the best parties, passed high school as the third in his class, and went off to college to study as a doctor. People hated him, but they loved him at the same time. He knew how to annoy a person easily, he knew how to use sarcasm effectively, and he knew how to not care about anyone. The only person that actually mattered to him nowadays was his mother. Everyone else was sort of temporary, just there, unimportant and they really didn't have any purpose to him besides listening to what he had to say wherever and whenever.


Johnathan is sort of confused with his feelings. He cares about people, or he used to. After his traumatic experiences, his hope and love has just depleted. The only person that he wants to make sure is okay is his mother. As long as she is happy, he'll pretend to be happy. If she's sad, he's mad. If she's mad, he's mad with her. If she's sick, he's there until she's better. Even though Johnathan talks himself up to sound like a bad guy - or someone who's better than everyone else somewhere on the inside he's like a normal person. But for the past six years he's been living a life of anger, seclusion, hate. All of his friends are fake, unless he's known them longer than the six years. No one truly can comprehend and understand why and how he feels about everything. There have been times when Johnathan has walked into his house, walking swiftly into his bathroom and just started breaking everything. Smashing the glass mirror with his fist, kicking through the sliding glass door on the shower. Leaving him covered in blood, cuts; leaving his eyes red and his face stained with tears. After destroying his bathroom and tears apart him room, breaking the windows and then throwing things out of them. He's received many tickets, endangering the public, littering. Johnathan usually remodels his house every month, due to these fits, these bursts of anger.


After being sent to jail for nearly killing his girlfriend after beating her, Johnathan has just become more quiet, more secluded. People don't like him, his friends have tried to help him, but will it ever work? Are they done trying? Johnathan had gone home one evening, to find a letter from his girlfriend, Kelly, who had often left little surprises for him. He chuckled at this and walked inside. His mood was ruined, nothing in his house was changed and nothing was gone or moved or added. But he was reminded, reminded of when his father beat his own mother and then walked out the door, driving away. He began to destroy his home, smashing all of the glass that could be found, kicking down doors and tearing apart the rooms. Tears flowed rapidly down his face, his hands moving quickly as he pulled chairs out from under the table and hurled them to the other side of the room. A click, a key being inserted into the door. Johnathan stopped moving, his breath heavy, still.


The door opened and Kelly walked in, she gasped and looked around, walking slowly towards Johnathan. She tried to tell him that it would be okay, that he should stop this, but he didn't want to hear it. She had absolutely no idea of what he went through, how he was affected and how he felt every day. She continued to tell him everything was fine, she said she was sorry. He stopped talking, what? She was sorry? He didn't talk, Kelly took this as a reason to continue. She said she didn't mean to, how cheating wasn't right, how she was sorry and she hoped he would forgive her. Johnathan blinked, a tear falling from his face. What? Cheated? Sorry? Stay? The words felt as a jumbled mess in his head. Suddenly, he just snapped when she tried to touch him. He threw her to the ground and hit her. Multiple times, telling her that it wasn't okay. She wasn't sorry. It was fake. Their whole relationship, nothing was okay. She lied, he lied. Nothing was good, they didn't love each other. She laid on the floor, her breathing irregular. Her nose bent, bleeding, her eyes shut, her fingers gripping the carpet heavily. Johnathan stood silently and left. Driving away. As much as he didn't want it, he was just like his father.


Nowadays, Johnathan is still a pretty quiet person. A lot of people try to be his friend, but he doesn't have very many. Johnathan is sort of a rich jerk, and gets away with a lot, excluding the one time when he went to jail. A lot of people still don't like him, and he has an abundance of enemies. The few people that do stand him enjoy being around him and they also want to secretly kill him ... probably. Johnathan was born and raised in Seattle, this is the only place he knows and the only place he ever wishes to know. He's known for his list of girlfriends and his ways with persuasion. But now, will he be able to use his infamous talents now that he's growing up? Or will people all eventually just turn on him because of his terrible attitude?

Appearance: UMM. ALEX PETTYFER. TO THE T, EXACTLY. Alright, let me describe my Johnathan. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes, with his a little-darker-than-fair skin. He stands at about 5'10, meaning... he's pretty tall. His hair is usually styled in the "I just woke up" style. Johnathan usually wears jeans with dress shirts and ties, a chambray every now and then. He wears plaid a bit too, and can be seen in a hoodie on rare occasions. More than likely, however, you will spot him with a leather jacket.

Room(100- first floor, 200- second floor, 300- third floor, basically anything from 1-9): 100-2

Occupation: Medical Student, majoring in Biology. Works part-time as a graphic design specialist for anyone that will pay.

Other: He's... gorgeous N / A

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(Wow... That's like the longest form I've ever seen, not like there's anything wrong with that. It's a very very very (xOver 9000) form :3 You're accepted!)

(Urghhh I'll have to post my form afterschool, >.< I won't have time to do it atm, I'll end up missing the bus)

{{ Cool! Thanks! Yeah, I really got into that character:) He's my favorite<33 Can't wait to start! ^^ }}

{{ Edit: Just noticed. Both my characters have dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I didn't plan this at all. xD Haha! oh well:) }}

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(Lol, that's okay if they both have dirty blonde hair and green eyes, although it'd be creepy if they looked exactly to a t the same. Okey dokey.. Yay finally got my form. BTW you did do the room thing right. Although technically it's supposed to look like 102, 103, 104.. Yeah, but what you put works too. Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but you can decide whether your character is a newbie to the apartments, or someone already living there. Ack, sorry I forgot that part, I meant to add it but forgot >.< Editing the post up at the top after this gets posted)

Name: Kyle Miller

Age(21-28, although if you want to play someone older, I guess that's okay. I doubt anyone will though): 25.

Gender: Male

Personality: Clumsy, shy, and very sweet, also outgoing, lolno At first glance, Kyle appears to be a quiet guy. However, that is not the case, as the only reason he isn't blabbing sometimes (Don't expect him to be the person who welcomes any newcomers to the apartment, ha) is because he doesn't want to. He's the type of guy who isn't afraid to let out what he wants to say, which can make him come off as a blunt, grumpy (Which he actually is, but obviously not all the time) jerk. His grumpiness isn't really the direct outcome of anything in his past; he's always been that way. He's a little more grumpy these days, though, mainly because he has to teach high school english (But he secretly enjoys his job a lot, and loves his students, tending to go soft on them at times, that's also how he is towards people he likes, lolhe'satsuntsun), and because he just went through a breakup with his girlfriend. Underneath his grumpy demeanor, he's actually a nice guy, with a good sense of humor. If you can get him to open up, he's an awesome buddy. As you can tell from his job, he is pretty sharp, otherwise he wouldn't be a teacher. He's also very talented at art, but not that many people know about that since he doesn't seem like the type, and plus he doesn't really openly show it. But he did take art classes from middle school to college, but eventually quit because he wanted to teach because he couldn't think of any other jobs.

Appearance: Kyle has short, dark brown hair, with bangs that go to his eyebrows, and green eyes. He has a medium build, which is muscular due to his days of playing sports back in high school, and he’s about 5’9. When it comes to dress, it depends on the day. If Kyle has to go teach, he either wears a polo, or a shirt with a tie, along with slacks or jeans; but if he's just staying home, then he wears casual stuff like t-shirts, jeans, hoodies, etc. Sometimes he may wear hoodies and casual stuff to school if he's lazy and/or forgets to do the laundry.

History: Kyle grew up in a suburban town not far from Seattle, where he spent his whole life in, never moving anywhere because his dad always had the same job. He had decent grades in elementary school and middle school, not really beginning to work until high school, which was about the time when he realized grades really mattered. High school was when he played sports (Because his father was a football freak and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and although Kyle initially hated sports, he eventually began to warm up to them), took more advanced art classes than the beginner ones in middle school, met his first girlfriend, and they began to date in sophomore year, but had to break up eventually because he had to move on to go to college. There, he spent a year, unable to decide his major, but finally declared his major and ended up getting a major in English, because it was his favorite subject that wasn't art, and because the girl he liked was in there. He wanted to go into art, but was unable to get into the class he wanted quick enough, and although he managed to make it into one art class, he ended up with some slackers in his class so he dropped out quickly. Anyway, he soon started a relationship with said girl in his English class from earlier, but about half a year after Kyle finished college and got his job, she dumped him due to the fact she was going to head back to her home in the midwest, bringing us to where Kyle is now.

Room(100- first floor, 200- second floor, 300- third floor, basically anything from 1-9): 106

Occupation: He works as a high school english teacher. He kind of wanted to be an art teacher, but there was no opening and he wanted to hurry and get a job. Sometimes, if the school needs more coaches for football, he'll go for it, mainly because he gets a few extra bucks.

Other: He's been living in the apartment for some time now.

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Skailyr threw herself onto her bed, allowing her body to sink into the soft foam mattress. She flipped over onto her back and looked at the ceiling. It was summer, she didn't have any close friends to hang out with, she had no boyfriend, and her parents were gone. What was she going to do? Well, besides watch TV all day. It's not like she could get on the internet or anything, her parents believed that the internet was a waste of time - and yet they have a crazy expensive TV and iPhones each. Hypocrites. Skailyr couldn't blame them, hypocrisy basically ran in her family's genes. Everyone in her family was a hypocrite, and then you met some who were the procrastinating hypocrites - like Skailyr. She sat up and walked over to her window, glancing out, gazing down at the city beneath her. She turned and decided to go down to the lobby, might as well grab a snack from the vending machine downstairs.

Johnathan shoved his phone back into his pocket, walking into the lobby of his new apartment building. He had probably only moved in about a month ago, so he was still new. Right now, the apartment was white with purple and black accents. He had been hoping he wouldn't have to remodel anytime soon. Approaching the lobby's front desk, Johnathan grabbed one of the apples that sat on the counter and looked at the receptionist.

"Hello," he took a bite of the apple, swallowing before continuing on, "how are you today?"

The receptionist looked up, her face showing confusion and amusement. "I'm good, thank you."

Johnathan stood there, taking another bit of his apple. He looked at her.

She groaned before continuing. "How are you?"

"I'm good too, thank you." He finished the apple, throwing the core into a small waste bin next to the counter.

The receptionist looked up at him, "Can I help you with anything?"

Johnathan nodded, "Would you be willing to give me a free tour?"

She blinked. "No."

"Why not?"

"I'm guessing this tour has multiple reasons for why you're asking for it. So, no because I'm doing work and you can ask one of the other residents - though I would prefer it if you didn't, and two, I'm married."

Johnathan sighed. "Worth a try, right?"

She shook her head, "Please, go bother someone else. If you have any actual questions, feel free to ask."

Johnathan turned and left, heading towards his room. Approaching the elevator, his phone buzzed. DING DING DING! A new text. He pushed the button on the elevator and grabbed his phone, replying to the message while waiting for the doors to open.

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Kyle sat on his sofa, watching some boring cooking program on the television that he was only watching because he no longer had anything work related such as papers to grade and assignments to make to preoccupy him. Eventually, he got sick of watching a chef prepare garlic herb olive something something linguine and he ended up standing up and switching the TV off, boredom getting to the best of him. Sighing, he slumped back onto the couch, and laid back against the cushion, trying to figure out what to do. He thought about texting some of his buddies and asking what they were up to, but soon remembered most of them still had work during the summer too, unlike him. Finally, he just decided to head downstairs to the lobby, and from there, figure out what to do for the rest of the day. Pulling on a black hoodie, he opened the door to his apartment, and exited, locking the door behind him. He then headed for the stairs, not wanting to wait for the stupid elevator which took forever anyway. He went down one flight of stairs, and then entered the lobby.

Boarding the elevator, Johnathan went up to the first floor. Which to some, they thought it should be the second floor, but you don't live on the lobby floor do you? No; well, you can... but, never mind. He walked past all the other doors and went to his, opening up to his living room. Throwing his keys on the small table that sat beside the door, he made his way over to his kitchenette. Johnathan poured himself a glass of water, and then went to sit on the couch. He clicked the remote on, switching to a random channel. He drank his water slowly, watching some team play some team in yet again another basketball match.
Skailyr had approached the vending machine quietly, her hoodie keep her warm. She wore her skinny jeans underneath, along with some beat up Converse. Putting a dollar into the machine, she picked out a bag of regular potato chips. Snatching the bag from the machine, she turned to go up the stairs. While walking, she noticed a her old English teacher coming down the stairs. The moment Skailyr had realized they lived in the same building, and let alone on the same floor, she had envied the day when she could get out of his class. Not like she was a bad student or anything, she just found it awkward to have to see her teacher at school, and when he came home. It was... creepy. She had him last year, but the memories of his class were still imprinted on her mind, like she couldn't forget. No, Skailyr wasn't one of those teacher fan-girls with the giant, bulging crush. She just had enjoyed his class, that was until, she found out where he lived. She walked up the stairs, giving him a curt, silent wave; her side braid laying gingerly on her hoodie.
Name: Emery Aynne(pronounced like Anne but with a y added in for no apparent reason other than her mother was attempting to be unique in her own special little way) Jamesone

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality:Emery's personality has many sides to it. She spends most of her life faking her way through it, pretending to enjoy spending time with the friends she was told to hang out with, forcing a smile through endless events and times when she would have wanted nothing more than to be tucked away in her room. Emery spent so much of her life faking these emotions and faking her so called perfection that now not only does it come naturally to it but she has become quite good at it, and most of the time even has herself convinced. I saying this, Emery is actually a quite easily made happy girl, she is content with simple things, sentimental solitute and caring gestures rather than the extravagent things and wildly public events she has been doing all her life. Inside she is very lonely, alone in her own little world, never being able to let anyone in entirely. She has never had any real friends in her life and is very private about her personal life and tends to push people away in order to keep them from getting to close. All though she puts on a brave face and always seems to look like a happy girl living a perfect life, inside she is an afraid and truly broken girl. Now that she is out on her own, doing her undergrad

Appearance:Emery's body is naturally small, but not exactly able to be considered petite. She is definitely short, only standing around 5'4 at the age of nineteen. She, due to her short hight and the way in which she was brought up, is accustomed to wearing high heels and wears them frequently. This adds 2-3 inches to her hight, which makes her feel slightly better. She isn't entirely skin and bones though either, she is what would be considered an average and healthy weight; all though, if you asked her I'm sure she'd be able to find at least a few spots that she doesn't like. She has, for someone her height any ways, somewhat long legs due to her much shorter torso and arms. She is most certainly not considered busty, and this is something she dislikes about herself and wishes she could change. Emery's blue eyes contrast nicely with her light skin and fair blonde hair. Those same eyes are always framed in a thing ring of black or grey eyeliner and long black lashes. Emery is somewhat of a perfectionist, always wanting others to see her at her best, this is why she is never seen with out at least her eye-makeup on and usually a coat of lip gloss. (https://i51.tinypic.com/23upvk7.jpg)

History:Emery grew up in a large white house, everything was white and clean and perfect. As a child she was raised by a nanny because her parents were always to busy to spend anytime with her, even when they were home they were locked away in their offices. The only times she really ever saw her family was if she did something wrong and they wanted to scold her for it or during events or parties where they went back to playing the perfect little family again. Emery had never had many real friends all though she technically fit into the popular crowd; mainly she just spent time with the other children from wealthier families, those her parents told her to in order to advance their own statuses and careers. She had always felt a yearning to escape from the perfect life she had always lived and go out on her own and be able to feely explore the world, finally live the way SHE wanted to. After graduation she still had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.She thought that taking a year or two off to figure it out would work but for her parents, no university was not an option. Her parents were pressuring a business program on her but she wasn't so sure. To buy herself sometime, she managed to convince them to allow her to do her undergrad at WSU, not that far from home. Now that her year is up, she only has this Summer left to decide what she wants to do next year. She is currently enrolled in classes, majoring in business but she is still confused. All the stress of her her parents and school has made her a bit more rebellious, she is determined that since she is staying in Seattle this summer she would rent an apartment all by herself for a few months and just have fun. She wants to be free and this is her chance. She is planning to try things she had never thought of before and finally just do what she wants at that moment. She wants to be able to have a few months of goofing off and chosing the fun option over the responsible one for once.

Room: 203

Occupation: Lol, no. She has all that she needs on her debit card, seeing as her father puts a fairly large allowance into her account regularly and has added extra money in recently for her to live on her own so she doesn't end up living in something subpar.

Other: She is just moving into the apartment.

Imma post this now so I don't lose it in computerland, I can make any necessary changes after :) -- Alicia


Obviously, Alicia, you are accepted. If you weren't it would be a signal of the apocalypse.)

Kyle was just about to continue on his way out to do something when he saw one of his old students- Skailyr, was it? wave to him. Ugh. That was one thing that made life in this apartment not quite so brilliant. It wasn't like he hated old students or anything, it was just, well, awkward. Especially during the school year. He waved back and gave a friendly smile before continuing on his way. Pushing the door open, Kyle headed out to the city, frowning when he saw the dark clouds in the sky. Darn. Well, at least he'd remembered to put on a hoodie before heading out the doors. Sighing, he began to head down the street towards the local Walgreens.

Screamed and nearly through my phone. Omfggggg your back!!<3

I thought I was going to have to make a deviantart to come yell at you

And thank you. I'll try to post tommorrow when I get the chance :)

All of the major furniture had already been moved in a few days earlier in the week. So, Emery only had a few boxes left to bring up, mostly the last of her clothes and what she had needed throughout the rest of her final exams. She was quite glad to be free of school for a while. Her undergrad completed she knew she still had many decisions to make but she would leave those ‘til a later day.

Emery picked up one of the boxes from the trunk of the taxi cab and the driver was nice enough to carry in the last two for her. She looked up at the letters painted above the door Emerald Apartments. It had a nice ring to it. She set her box on top of the two the cabbie had set down and thanked him as she went to push the little up arrow, summoning the elevator.When it reached the bottom she placed the box she had picked up again inside the elevator doors, keeping them from closing. She then retrieved the last two boxes one by one until she had all three in the elevator. She pushed button 2 and waited until the elevator had reached her floor. She pushed one box in between the doors once again as she set the other two in the hallway once all the boxes were in the hallway she unlocked her apartment door. She then went back to retrieve each box one by one.

Once in her apartment she shut the door and carried each box into the living room. Now all she had to do was unpack and put everything in its proper place. All the main furniture was set up but the room was still covered with boxes of everything else. She figured the people below her would probably want to kill her by the end of the day. Carrying boxes back and forth for across her apartment would probably drive them crazy. She did realize that a short summery dress and stilettos probably wasn’t the best moving attire. But she had to get this done and she had nothing to change into until she could find the boxed that contained her other clothes and shoes

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- Just wanted to let you guys know that I leave for the cruise this weekend, so I only have two more days of internet.

After that I'm gone for a week. I'll try to get on when I get back, if there's any activity, though there hasn't been much lately.

(Revival~ :33 Timeskipping Kyle a bit.)

Kyle walked out of Walgreens, now armed with a nice fat grocery bag filled with amenities. Unfortunately for him, the rain had just begun to fall five minutes ago, and he found himself stuck in a downpour. Muttering some curses under his breath, Kyle quickly began to run, even though it was difficult since he definitely didn't have the right shoes or clothes for running. Eventually, he just gave up, and ended up just walking while trying his best to stay under roofs while walking alongside the many buildings in Seattle. Stupid weather. Why did the weather in Washington have to be so dang bipolar? Kyle swore it was worse than some of his students, who he really had to wonder sometimes whether they were bipolar or not. Especially his female students. The sheer power of the mood swings of a teenage girl were quite frightening. He shuddered a little at the memory of a particular student, who had been acting completely upbeat and joyful until she suddenly crashed and screamed at her boyfriend, disturbing the otherwise quite (not really) tranquil passing time between 1st lunch and 4th period.

Finally, Kyle arrived back at the apartment, hair and clothing soaked. He wiped his feet on the front mat before walking off across the lobby towards the elevator. First thing he was doing when he was back in his apartment was getting the hair dryer and changing his clothes.




Personality:Clumsy, loves cats, shy

Appearance:Long brown hair, blue eyes, taller then most girls

History:Myah moved from Arizona because of her family not having much money.


Myah:looks like I'm here.*Walks into apartment for first time and looks around*

Wow.*walks to bed and starts to unoack and put clothes away.*Hm, I'm kind of hungry mabey i should ask if my neighbors know of a good place to eat at.Yea I'm gonna ask.

I should really brush my hair fist.*brushes hair fast then walks over to your apartment and knocks on the door*

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