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Jun 29, 2019
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Hello everyone !

I am new there... Well not exactly considering I used to check this forum before, but never made an account.

I'm young so I didn't discover Tamagotchi with the original ones, but rather with the reedition for the 20th anniversary. I really had fun with this toy, but then I discovered the franchise was much more than this ! I ordered my first "real" Tamagotchi after some time, which was a V4 I still currently use. I only own this one and the mini for now, but hope to get more in the future.

Welcome aboard!

It's great to see that the virtual pets toy category continues to prove to be interesting to multiple generations, long after its introduction and dismissal by some as "just a fad". Here's hoping that, now that it's back in the public eye, it keeps on growing from here!

Do you have a favourite Tamagotchi character/evolution at this point? When I was new to it all, back when the Gen 1 Tamagotchi was first released in the West in the late 1990s, my favourite was Mametchi (the best-care character on the original units), but nowadays it's Tarakotchi (the worst-care character on the originals) instead. :tarakotchi:

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Welcome aboard!

It's great to see that the virtual pets toy category continues to prove to be interesting to multiple generations, long after its introduction and dismissal by some as "just a fad". Here's hoping that, now that it's back in the public eye, it keeps on growing from here!

Do you have a favourite Tamagotchi character/evolution at this point? When I was new to it all, back when the Gen 1 Tamagotchi was first released in the West in the late 1990s, my favourite was Mametchi (the best-care character on the original units), but nowadays it's Tarakotchi (the worst-care character on the originals) instead. :tarakotchi:
Thank you !

I really hope it can keeps growing as well and perhaps interest a wider public than nostalgic adults and little girls... It seems to gradually get there, though ! The Tamagotchi mini was a success and they will very soon release the Tamagotchi On in United States.

And I do ! I still haven't discovered all the Tamagotchi characters so it might change in the future... But for now, my favorite is definitively Mimitchi. It's just so adorable !

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