whaaa, an Angel!


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Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I've got an Angel! A silvercoloured one, with white buttons :eek:

I have no idea how to take care of it, but i'll just try anything on the screen...

does anyone know what the

-star means in the top of the screen?

-and the bell, bow and arrow??

ive now got a white one, black, pink, blue, lightblue, green, orange etc, real fun!


wha, why is it puking?? And why is there a skull, ???

o god, I killed it in about 15 minutes......god I am such a bad parent ;-)

how does this thing work?


If you had an angel it was already dead..

wh yare u talking about angelgotchi on tamatalk? I dont think it appropiate for tamatalk

ya it is appropriate. It is a tamagotchi. duh!! Also I have to wonder something. Why do you have a 109 posts and you joined on the 17th. I hope your not one of those needless posters who post just for the sake of posting and getting up to a hundred or whatever.

wha, why is it puking?? And why is there a skull, ???o god, I killed it in about 15 minutes......god I am such a bad parent ;-)

how does this thing work?

Puking? You mean pucking? Go to the bag with the + sing on it. click it twice. :blink:

I would help u but i don't have an angelochti but i want one sorry but good luck

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i cant help eather but hope you dont kill (wishes i had one) :(

Quick little tip:

Never turn off the lights when not needed or it will become sick right away.

Now... with Angelgotch... the bell is the praise icon. Not so sure what you mean by "bow and arrow". Hmm...

A skull means it's sick. And I don't think they puke...

Are you sure it's not a fake?

Also I have to wonder something. Why do you have a 109 posts and you joined on the 17th. I hope your not one of those needless posters who post just for the sake of posting and getting up to a hundred or whatever.
No, i am very helpful to some ppl. maybe u are oen of those ppl.

lol no cuz i have a life outside of tamatalk. I only come on here like once a week. Just to let you know i wasnt accusing u just asking/comment.

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