What about the Ura e-tamago


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Jan 26, 2007
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How do you get onto the Uratama town? I've tried a zillion times but it keeps going back to the same screen! :D :) :D :D

If you're asking how to get your UraTama to go online, then the answer is...

(1) In you web browser, go to the UraTama site: https://e-tamago.com/urapc/flash/uratama.html

(2) Activate the Heart icon on your UraTama.

(3) Select the entry that starts with PC. (You may have to scroll down to the second page of options as that menu is long.)

(4) You should now see a two-option destination menu. The upper option is for the UraTama Town. The lower option is for Tama Tour locations. You can not select the lower option if you don't have any travel tickets. After selecting one of these two destination options, your tama character should jump off the top of the screen and you should now see a login password on your UraTama screen.

(5) Enter that password into e-tamago. Don't touch any buttons on your UraTama yet.

(6) When you get a logout password from e-tamago, press the middle button on your UraTama. You will now see the logout password entry screen on your UraTama.

(7) Enter the password from e-tamago into your UraTama. (The left button increments the digit at the current cursor location. The middle button advances the cursor to the next location, and the right button steps the cursor back to the previous location.) You should then see the prize or item from e-tamago appear on your UraTama screen.

Why the Japanese web site doesn't appear sometimes, or what those Japanese error messages mean:

You may see three different problems, if you have a slow connection to the e-tamago server in Japan. When I am in North America I often see #1 and #2, and rarely #3. When I am in Japan, I rarely see #1, and almost never see #2 or #3.

#1. While you are navigating between pages, you may see a blinking picture of Mametchi driving a blue race car. This screen means "please wait a moment". Usually, after a moment, either the new page will finish loading, or one of the below two problems will occur.

#2. If your tamagotchi character gets "stuck" between locations within e-tamago, hit your browser's Refresh button (or the F5 key if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer). This will take you back to the login password entry page. Re-enter the same login password, then immediately go to whichever location you got stuck going to before.

#3. When you are navigating between pages, your progress may halt at a picture of Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi stuck in space between Earth and the Tamagotchi home planet. This screen occurs when there is a load error. There are two buttons above the Earth. The red button means "retry". The blue button means "stop". If you press stop, you will be taken back to the first page (before the login screen).

P.S. if you don't have an UraTama, but want to try out the web site anyway, go to TamaTalk >> Tamagotchi Help >> TamaTown and e-Tamago Then go to the pinned topic, near the top "Passwords for e-tamago". Read through the posts in that section. A direct link is here: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=502256

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